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Lockwood Cup


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Whereabouts are we meeting? I've never been there before, is there an obvious place to wait around & meet up?


I feel like I'm going to have to set off excessively early to get a bus then a metro. :lol:



There is a lounge at reception or we could meet at pitch(?)


Where you coming from?


We meeting at the lounge at reception then?

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I will be there for 10 because I was feeling rebellious and wanted to be fashionably late. Not to worry...team D (delta force) play at 10:20 and win by 10:21.


I'm unfashionably early :) Sitting in reception if anyone else is around? I like your confidence about Team D....hoping it's not misplaced :)

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Team D were the winners in my eyes. Takes a lot to of courage and pride to salvage a win in the wooden spoon match  after back to back matches with no points on the board.


Cracking little tournament played in good spirit, hopefully become an annual event in memory.


Look forward to meeting up with everyone at some point today.



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