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Newcastle 1-0 Liverpool - 1/11/14 - Match Thread - Post match reaction from p 27


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Why the fuck does Sissoko play almost as a no10? His starting position is way too high up the pitch! He's at his best when he starts his runs from the deep and has space to run in to. Much more effective in that way! I'd take Colback off and put Cabella on and drop Sissoko in to a more central role. Perhaps Ayoze in instead of Cissé.

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Utter turgid crap.

Where is the quality? Effort, yes but christ anyone with two legs can run and put effort in.


Awful game, with little to comend it at all,

Aaarons is bright, Ameobi does what an Ameobi does:glimpses of competence then trips over his own legs.

Sissoko drives forward but lacks composure and Colback can tackle.



If this is as good as it gets christ almighty.

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