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Man City 5-0 NUFC - 21/2/15 "Match" thread - Post match reaction from p. 1


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The Arsenal game we looked a dangerous if leaky football side fro 70 odd minutes. Marveaux offensively looked really impressive. Some of his interplay with Anita was very good that day. We could take some positives from our attacking play that night. Not that we ever bothered with Marveaux in the middle again after that.


The Man U games, S'hampton and this are right up there.


Oh and of course the L'pool. That was so bad I forgot.

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The 0-6 against Liverpool was worse to be fair. The last 20 minutes of the 7-3 against Arsenal was one of the most humiliating performances I've ever seen as well.


The 0-6 was horrendous and worse for being at home.  That Liverpool team is also nowhere near the quality of this City team either.  The 7-3 away at Arsenal though was nowhere near yesterdays humiliation for me.  There was a real difference to that one.  The team were always in the game, giving it their all and basically ran out of legs because of the tough fixtures, while Arsenal were well rested.  It looked bad, but it was understandable and more excusable, at least for me.


Yesterday was an utter disgrace for the sheer lack of effort.  The simple things like not tracking the man that you're just letting run right past you.  That lack of effort is pathetic and unacceptable.  A lot of it comes down to Carver's lack of authority.  He doesn't have any because of his personality and he doesn't have any as a temporary manager to a team already considering where they'll holiday this Summer.


Can you imagine an Alex Ferguson team playing with that little effort.  He'd have gone in after and had such an outburst, involving smashing things up, that the players would fear for their lives if they ever played with such low effort again.  Instead we have Carver saying the players will go away and think about it.  You honestly couldn't make it up.  He makes the wrong call at every turn.  I'm not one for promoting autocratic or angry management, but there's a time for softly softly management and yesterday was not it.  There needs to be a balance of the nice guy approach and the kick up the arse when needed.  Yesterday was a time for some arse kicking.


Eugh mate that 0-6 defeat brings back painful memories. Had been working my arse off down in Sussex for 15 days straight, drove up with the mrs on the Saturday with hotel booked, dinner, Platinum club tickets etc (it cost me a fortune...you get the jist). Had a pleasant drink in Shearer's before the game with the sun out and everything was looking good...the tonic to my hard work in the previous days. Then Pardew and our players entered the pitch. Ended up being a fucking shit weekend, drove back down south the next day hungover, penniless, pissed off, with a broken wing mirror (thanks whoever that was) and I managed to cut my dick ever so slightly in my jeans' zipper. Just to add insult to injury the A1, M25 and M23 were absolutely rammed with traffic which was odd for a Sunday.


Haven't been back to SJP since, last time I watched the lads play was away at Fulham last March in that turgid, horrible 1-0 defeat. Sometimes it's easy to forget how long its been since its been enjoyable to follow the club.

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The 0-6 against Liverpool was worse to be fair. The last 20 minutes of the 7-3 against Arsenal was one of the most humiliating performances I've ever seen as well.


The 0-6 was horrendous and worse for being at home.  That Liverpool team is also nowhere near the quality of this City team either.  The 7-3 away at Arsenal though was nowhere near yesterdays humiliation for me.  There was a real difference to that one.  The team were always in the game, giving it their all and basically ran out of legs because of the tough fixtures, while Arsenal were well rested.  It looked bad, but it was understandable and more excusable, at least for me.


Yesterday was an utter disgrace for the sheer lack of effort.  The simple things like not tracking the man that you're just letting run right past you.  That lack of effort is pathetic and unacceptable.  A lot of it comes down to Carver's lack of authority.  He doesn't have any because of his personality and he doesn't have any as a temporary manager to a team already considering where they'll holiday this Summer.


Can you imagine an Alex Ferguson team playing with that little effort.  He'd have gone in after and had such an outburst, involving smashing things up, that the players would fear for their lives if they ever played with such low effort again.  Instead we have Carver saying the players will go away and think about it.  You honestly couldn't make it up.  He makes the wrong call at every turn.  I'm not one for promoting autocratic or angry management, but there's a time for softly softly management and yesterday was not it.  There needs to be a balance of the nice guy approach and the kick up the arse when needed.  Yesterday was a time for some arse kicking.


Eugh mate that 0-6 defeat brings back painful memories. Had been working my arse off down in Sussex for 15 days straight, drove up with the mrs on the Saturday with hotel booked, dinner, Platinum club tickets etc (it cost me a fortune...you get the jist). Had a pleasant drink in Shearer's before the game with the sun out and everything was looking good...the tonic to my hard work in the previous days. Then Pardew and our players entered the pitch. Ended up being a fucking shit weekend, drove back down south the next day hungover, penniless, pissed off, with a broken wing mirror (thanks whoever that was) and I managed to cut my dick ever so slightly in my jeans' zipper. Just to add insult to injury the A1, M25 and M23 were absolutely rammed with traffic which was odd for a Sunday.


Haven't been back to SJP since, last time I watched the lads play was away at Fulham last March in that turgid, horrible 1-0 defeat. Sometimes it's easy to forget how long its been since its been enjoyable to follow the club.



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