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The other games today - 2014/15


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I just don't get Eden Hazard like, don't understand the hype.  Compared to someone like Robben he's just a really dull player to watch IMO.


I can get that, but most of the people who hype him i reckon are doing so based on what he does rather than how entertaining he is.


Quite frankly from that stand point i agree, he's not really all that great to watch even if he's very effective.

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Ozil has immense quality. But he was genuinely poor for the start of this game. The criticism of him is valid. It reminds me of the Bale criticism. Yes his record is pretty impressive but over the course of 90 minutes, 10-15 games you want him to influence the match more than he does.


No it isn't, at least far as i know the criticism is consistency and work rate and the criticism comes a lot more often for him than it does Silva and Coutinho who are just as " lazy " and inconsistent. There's a double standard surrounding Ozil, everything he does is exaggerated tenfold.


Anyway great goal from Giroud.

No. It's primarily about his influence on the game from what i've read/hear/see. Secondary, it's about work-rate. Once again - same issue with Bale. The big problem is that he doesn't get involved and influence games as much as you would hope of a player of his ability. That's compounded by a poor work rate. With Ozil I don't think it's work rate but many times he's often too weak. Gets muscled off the ball too easily. Gives up. Loses the ball while dribbling too easily.


Ozil cost more than those two players combined. One of which is 22 and the other has been excellent on many occasions. I've seen David Silva dominate top level PL matches for good periods. The ball just sticking to his feet. the defeat to L'pool last season 3-2 I think for 30 minutes Silva was untouchable.


I've yet to see that from Ozil. Ozil's put some shocking performances in for Arsenal in 2 years.





Zamora's goal was better than Rooney's imo.

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FWIW I think Hazard is one of the best players in the league, and he's only gonna steadily get better. You're comparing him to Robben but Robben has taken 10 years to mature into the player he is now. That said, Chelsea fans hype him up to a ridiculous level. Plenty think he's knocking on Messi/Ronaldo levels when he's miles away.


I just think Robben was a more exciting player at that age, I find Hazard a bit functional in comparison to when Robben burst on to the scene.


I'm not saying Hazard's not a very good player but it's just my personal preference in players I suppose.

He doesn't have the raw speed of Robben

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