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sunderland 1-0 newcastle - 05/04/2015 - Post Match reaction from p. 33


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Guest TruToon94

We didn't play the worst (the Liverpool drubbing has that honour) yet that was still the worst match for me. Why? Because nobody gave a shite and we were barely in it. Perez looked like the only guy who thought that attempting to win a match might be a good idea (he had a bad match but he was the only player I remember actually doing anything). The rest clearly didn't care.


I hate to always bang on about him but Ben Arfa would have got the ball and tried to do something himself, he always had that passion on the pitch (at least for us). But no we have  12 million pound winger and a striker turned glorified full back both of whom aren't fit to lace his shoes embaressing us in the derby.


Seriously out of the squad today only Perez looked like he could be good for us. Obviously I know Janmaat has quality so I'd keep him too but the other nine? Useless.


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Every north east writer needs shooting it they don't go absolutely IN on the club and anyone associated after yesterday. Sadly won't happen and another damning piece of apathetic bull shit being displayed.

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I'm annoyed about this still which is annoying me as I'm generally so apathetic about NUFC these days that I wouldn't normally care. You can just sum it up as a 'joke'. Joke board, joke management, joke tactics, plenty of joke players, fucking joke club.


Saddest thing is, I've seen lots of comments on the likes of FB about 'too many French' and all that shite being bandied about again. When are people going to fucking wake up to this shit? Getting a few more local lads in won't make the slightest difference when they're playing under this utter shite. One of the Geordies we had in the team yesterday was fucking laughing after he smacked the ball out of touch when under no pressure.


Players will play when there's something to believe in: a goal set by the club's hierarchy and/or for a manager that actually has a clue. At the minute, we have neither. The fucking prick in charge of us set us up to play like some League One outfit for most of the game, hoofing a ball up to a tiny lad and having us sit so deep we couldn't even get the second ball. And all of his pre-match bluster about 'working hard' and all that bollocks just misses the point, we used to breeze these games because we'd turn up, know we were the better team and just play our game.


Of course, the players have to also shoulder some blame too. I have faith in some of them and feel they're good enough for NUFC, but that's a very small minority. But when you're told that you've done your job, your boss doesn't want anymore and the moron that's managing you sets you up totally against your strengths week after week, it's no surprise you're not putting in maximum effort.


It's just a shitty mess. I do think the club can get back to where it was, under new ownership, but I'm at the point of wondering if I care about top level English football anymore. It's just soulless crap, the majority of the games are fucking awful and everything has become about 'efficiency'. Teams are rarely fun to watch and the managers generally give more of a fuck about workrate and defensive stuff than attacking. I hate it, it's not the football I grew up with.

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2. Newcastle are a depressing mess


Whoever is in charge of Newcastle next season has a hell of a job on their hands. While this was a team sliced and diced by injury and suspension, they were utterly desperate in the first half and not too much better in the second.


The opening 45 minutes was a rather neat summary of what Newcastle have become in recent times. Cautious to the point of being chronically unadventurous; seemingly happy with keeping things ticking along, rather than displaying any sort of ambition. You might have thought that John Carver, who will surely not manage his boyhood club past the end of this season, and whose team aren't in any serious danger of relegation, might have set his side out a little more positively. Instead we had Yoan Gouffran -- signed as a striker or winger -- playing as a defensive midfielder for a portion of the game.


They had to wait until the 77th minute for their first shot on target, a weak effort from Ayoze Perez. There was a moment in the closing stages when Sammy Ameobi had the ball in a promising position in the left channel, before inexplicably turning and hoofing it into the stands. It wouldn't have been so bad, but there were no Newcastle players within 15 yards of the area he might have been aiming for. Even their attempts to gain a late equaliser were faintly half-hearted and entirely incompetent, stumbling around when they should have been desperately piling towards the Sunderland goal.


It's a depressing sight watching a team that used to be exciting, but now are aspiring to mediocrity. They're a depressing mess, a club without a direction. Even if they were so terrible they were heading towards relegation it would at least be something to get worked up about, but now they're just a shrug of a team. And for what? There's nothing to get worked up over, no players to really identify with, and if any ever emerge, they will be sold soon enough. Newcastle meant something once upon a time -- even when they weren't very good -- but under Mike Ashley they have become nothing, and this performance summed it up.

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Why does hes keep saying first half we where bad.  We played well for last 5min thats it!


Exactly. Clearly just lying his arse off for the sake of the media and fans picking it up and rolling with it in order to save face.

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As a complete aside (and apologies to anyone if they have mentioned it already) - is anyone else amazed the golf ball incident is getting almost no mention at all? Even less that Krul's half time whatever it was. How is it that, if someone in the crowd simply yells something offensive and it's caught on a mic, it becomes a stand alone story for an entire 24 hour news cycle, yet when someone tries to inflict serious damage on a player, it's treated like an afterthought, being almost completely ignored? (that's not to say offensive shouting isn't an issue btw, I'm just surprised at the difference in reactions). I seriously hope the lack of coverage isn't indicative of the fact the person who threw it hasn't been identified, reported, and banned for life. Colback shouldn't need to actually get hit (or react petulantly after noticing the ball had missed), for this to be reported in the correct proportion to its seriousness.

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Guest firetotheworks

As bad as yesterday was, at least we can take comfort in the fact we're not Arsenal. :thup:


:spit: :lol: :clap:

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