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FIFA World Cup


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Delaney is such a fucking cunt, the way he's been speaking about Blatter this week without a hint of irony.

Complete fucking prick and he has the Denis O Brien owned media sticking up for him at every turn 

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Delaney is such a fucking cunt, the way he's been speaking about Blatter this week without a hint of irony.

Complete fucking prick and he has the Denis O Brien owned media sticking up for him at every turn

I still can't get over the fact the clown is paid €360k a year while the domestic league has been dying on its feet under his watch while he and the entire fai so sweet fuck all to try and help it or improve native player development just try and nick english players.

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I must be mental but I don't really see the problem with the Ireland thing. If Ireland sued Fifa the best they could have hoped for was monetary compensation. Fifa essentially gave them that money before they had chance to take it to court. This kind of thing happens in all walks of life all the time, especially in business. Think it's a non story.


The rest of the allegations are a different matter however.


Don't get what grounds Ireland would have for compensation even? Do England then ask for compensation for the Maradona handball, etc?

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I imagine the case being that fifa pressured the referees to favor France because they saw the French as a bigger draw. I base that on absolutely zero knowledge of the case, of course.


I remember the game though, boy that was a s*** call

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Guest Geordiesned

I must be mental but I don't really see the problem with the Ireland thing. If Ireland sued Fifa the best they could have hoped for was monetary compensation. Fifa essentially gave them that money before they had chance to take it to court. This kind of thing happens in all walks of life all the time, especially in business. Think it's a non story.


The rest of the allegations are a different matter however.


Don't get what grounds Ireland would have for compensation even? Do England then ask for compensation for the Maradona handball, etc?


Possibly yes if it happened in this day and age.


Maradona would get a six figure payout for spraining his wrist as a result of the ball being pumped up too hard in this day and age.

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Guest chicken little

it shows the depths of venality at fifa that even the bits in that that are supposed to make them look heroic come off greasy as fuck  :lol: :lol:


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I mean look at this shit:



£16m they spent on that, imagine the good that money could have done elsewhere at grassroots level in football but no FIFA administrators need a film to show how great they are.

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I mean look at this s***:



£16m they spent on that, imagine the good that money could have done elsewhere at grassroots level in football but no FIFA administrators need a film to show how great they are.


Probably so deluded that they thought they'd make it back from the masses flocking to see it  :lol:

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I mean look at this s***:



£16m they spent on that, imagine the good that money could have done elsewhere at grassroots level in football but no FIFA administrators need a film to show how great they are.


Probably so deluded that they thought they'd make it back from the masses flocking to see it  :lol:


Nah, the cunts probably made it just so they could pocket part of the budget, too. :lol:

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