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FIFA World Cup


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1 hour ago, midds said:

Got a horrible feeling this World Cup is going to be an utter shitfest. The scandals that have surrounded the whole thing from the second they won the bidding war is going to overshadow the actual football itself. The whole thing just feels way off to me, I'll still watch the games but it doesn't feel genuine at all, I just hope the games themselves aren't really dull and cagey but I think the temperatures, water breaks and extra subs will mean the games are slow and a bit turgid. It hasn't kicked off yet but I can't wait for it all to finish :lol:

I agree but the feeling I get isn’t horrible. I truly didn’t know how it would feel when it started, but I’ve barely been engaged at all. More factors than just FIFA + Qatar. Personal stuff like my Dad not being around and so much going on in my life, other stuff like England being desperately uninspiring and being in the US, but I cannot escape the feeling that a November World Cup just doesn’t do it. As a sometime Australian, I actually quite like the idea of a “winter” World Cup in principle, but there’s been much nonsense and bullshit around from day one. 

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2 hours ago, Skeletor said:

It just feels like a fake World Cup.


Agreed, that was the best way of describing that match. Pundits uncomfortable being there, fake fans, fake atmosphere, just a bit shite.

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2 hours ago, Skeletor said:

It just feels like a fake World Cup.


Yeah. The whole thing has a bit of the uncanny valley about it. It looks and sounds like a World Cup but everything just feels a bit off. 

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3 hours ago, Nobody said:

Never mind this WC, but how the fuck have we got ourselves into a situation where Gianni "today I'm gay" Infantino is literally the only choice for president of FIFA come the next election in March? 

Total and utter corruption with a weak Press that won't inform the public because it will effect their own personal prosperity.

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11 hours ago, Slim said:


Fuck that’s grim, from start to finish.  Partly what I pointed out on here the other day - that the ruling classes in the Arabian peninsula are all on it like a car bonnet; the conservative restrictions are for plebs only.  And the easily impressed morons who think having the orphaned cub of a vulnerable species as a fucking pet is massive bantz


Bunch of twats. 

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A joint statement from the Football Associations of England, Wales, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland about the One Love armband: "Fifa has been very clear that it will impose sporting sanctions if our captains wear the armbands on the field of play. As national federations, we can’t put our players in a position where they could face sporting sanctions including bookings, so we have asked the captains not to attempt to wear the armbands in Fifa World Cup games.

"We were prepared to pay fines that would normally apply to breaches of kit regulations and had a strong commitment to wearing the armband. However, we cannot put our players in the situation where they might be booked or even forced to leave the field of play.

"We are very frustrated by the Fifa decision which we believe is unprecedented – we wrote to Fifa in September informing them of our wish to wear the One Love armband to actively support inclusion in football, and had no response. Our players and coaches are disappointed – they are strong supporters of inclusion and will show support in other ways."

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