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Latest Fans Forum 'minutes' released


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It's almost as if the club don't give any credence to these meetings and trot out the same old s**** regardless...


Got the distinct impression I'll be chuckling at these f***ing arseholes in May. They deserve to go down and lose stacks of money in the process but I'll still be here long after they've moved on. I'm a Newcastle fan not a Premier League fan, f*** them, don't give a solitary f*** which division the club's playing in when they sling their slimy hooks.




You'd think this lot would have some humility after years and years of utter failure to meet even their own modest targets, but alas. If ever a club hierarchy deserved to go down for mismanagement and utter arrogance this is it.


Oddly enough I have never wanted us to lose even in the darkest times but I really hope Leicester royally hump us. A seemingly well run club with someone who knows what they're doing, a smattering of good players, a couple of great players who are all well coached and trained to do their job and want to play for the team.


It would be great to see them win it, they deserve what they get and so do we.



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Guest The Little Waster

" Lessons from that battle have quite clearly not been learned '

Absolutely ...they have not been learned ...not been learned by the daft fuckers at the fans forum ... Ashley Out ...nothing else will do ....

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Guest The Little Waster


Why dont you just stop going you gormless twats ? Take action , instead of firing off useless emails ...ffs ....

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might not be at sackpardew or ashleyout level, but good on them.


In some ways it has more gravitas coming from fans who have attempted to engage with the club properly. Not a slight on the other guys, just demonstrates how the fans forum has completely failed.

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I think that the criticism of the open letter is unfair as it makes a number of valid points that many have been saying on here for ages, and the media have all run with the letter so it is getting these points out into the mainstream.

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Guest Phillipealbert

I hope the club goes down and out of existence.  I literally couldn't give any less of a fuck about the club anymore.


I have come to accept that the club died in 2008 and will never be back.  The best thing that can happen is that it disappears and a 'Phoenix' club takes over the mantle.


NUFC has been permanently tarred in the most disgusting way.  The only thing left is SJP - hopefully NUFC PLC will die and someone who deserves it will take over the ground, hopefully AFC Newcastle.

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I hope the club goes down and out of existence.  I literally couldn't give any less of a fuck about the club anymore.


I have come to accept that the club died in 2008 and will never be back.  The best thing that can happen is that it disappears and a 'Phoenix' club takes over the mantle.


NUFC has been permanently tarred in the most disgusting way.  The only thing left is SJP - hopefully NUFC PLC will die and someone who deserves it will take over the ground, hopefully AFC Newcastle.


Sadly I think you're right, there's no way back under Ashley. Barring a dramatic change of approach that he shows no sign of taking.


I can't quite bring myself to actively hope for disaster, but if it happened I wouldn't shed a tear.

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  • 4 months later...

Next fans forum is next week. Could actually be positive for a change.


Wonder how the bogs in the Gallowgate have got on over the summer.


They were exactly the same, on Saturday IIRC.

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