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Aleksandar Mitrović


How many goals will Mitro score for Fulham this season?  

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  1. 1. How many goals will Mitro score for Fulham this season?

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    • 6-10
    • 11-15
    • 16-20
    • 20+

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If he wasn't keen on other clubs I'd question his sanity.


Still think he's nailed on to come here. Far more likely that Anderlect are after a few more pennies from us. McClaren sounded positive about another two transfers.

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It's just the usual pre-transfer paranoia. Yes there is a chance he could be snapped up by a club with more to offer, still doesn't change the fact that he is likely to come here.

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We are never going to be the only club in for a player. It makes sense that he'd prefer to wait and see if someone else is interested. No one comes to Newcastle because they love the idea of playing for us, they come because the money will be better than the other options and they know we won't stand in their way when they want to leave.

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Couldn't give a shite about the alleged egotistical cuntiness regarding wanting to come here or not. If he's good then he'll eventually be sold anyway. Get the mad bastard in. He seems interesting.

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If we're going to carryo on signing players of the calibre of both he and Wijnaldum, then we have a good chance of being back in Europe by next year.


I think if he does come he won't regret it. If he knows about the club and was a fan, once he gets in the door he will love it IMO. Get Shearer to welcome him too!


I respect his decision to wait to see if a European club comes through. That's certainly his right.

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Hmm.... perhaps he wants to come here for those sentimental reasons, but those around him - club, agent and pater - are trying to get him to opt for a mutually more lucrative step.


Ben Arfa all over again.

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Hey up Cronky doesn't like him already, if ever there was more reason to hope he moves.


Naa, I'm not saying that. He looks like a talent, but it's a gamble with his temperament.


I'd assumed at first that it was the player that was messing us about, but that might not be the case.

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Hey up Cronky doesn't like him already, if ever there was more reason to hope he moves.


Naa, I'm not saying that. He looks like a talent, but it's a gamble with his temperament.


I'd assumed at first that it was the player that was messing us about, but that might not be the case.


what do you know about his temperament?

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Hey up Cronky doesn't like him already, if ever there was more reason to hope he moves.


Naa, I'm not saying that. He looks like a talent, but it's a gamble with his temperament.


I'd assumed at first that it was the player that was messing us about, but that might not be the case.


what do you know about his temperament?


Well nothing for certain, just impressions. The nickname 'El Loco', problems with overweight, daft goal celebration, queries over workrate, generally seems a bit full of himself based on some clips.


Out of interest, did you question any of the posters earlier in this thread who described him as 'mad'?

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Hey up Cronky doesn't like him already, if ever there was more reason to hope he moves.


Naa, I'm not saying that. He looks like a talent, but it's a gamble with his temperament.


I'd assumed at first that it was the player that was messing us about, but that might not be the case.


what do you know about his temperament?


Well nothing for certain, just impressions. The nickname 'El Loco', problems with overweight, daft goal celebration, queries over workrate, generally seems a bit full of himself based on some clips.


Out of interest, did you question any of the posters earlier in this thread who described him as 'mad'?


should have stopped here tbh


as for the second part no i didn't but i didn't really notice those posts because they weren't against the entire grain of the thread in not wanting him because of his 'temperament' as you seem to be

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I'm not sure if I want him tbh, partly because of what I've read about his personality, but also because I don't think his record is all that impressive and neither are the Dennis Wise scouting vids I've seen. On top of that I can't really think of many Eastern European forwards who have done well in the PL, Dzeko aside. They seem a better fit to Italy in general somehow.

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I'm not sure if I want him tbh, partly because of what I've read about his personality, but also because I don't think his record is all that impressive and neither are the Dennis Wise scouting vids I've seen. On top of that I can't really think of many Eastern European players who have done well in the PL, Dzeko aside. They seem a better fit to Italy in general somehow.


I've no idea myself, gut feeling is that paying the price for Austin would be a better option but since the days of Silvio Maric I've dreamed of a classy Eastern European in our team.

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I'm not sure if I want him tbh, partly because of what I've read about his personality, but also because I don't think his record is all that impressive and neither are the Dennis Wise scouting vids I've seen. On top of that I can't really think of many Eastern European players who have done well in the PL, Dzeko aside. They seem a better fit to Italy in general somehow.


Balkan players have had great recent success in the PL; Dzeko, Vidic, Ivanovic, Modric, Matic, Begovic, Berbatov, Petrovs, Kolarov, Tadic etc just off top of my head. They only seem a better fit for Italy because many of the good ones have traditionally gone there due to closer cultural links and scouting networks.

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Can't say i'm convinced either tbh. A while ago i mentioned that it feels like there aren't THAT many quality strikers out there, while also being realistic options. Of course there's good players out there but somehow it feels like most are either not good enough or unrealistic. I struggle to come up with options of strikers that i'd really really want us to sign (that we can attract) Like the middle bracket that we could get.

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