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Chancel Mbemba


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Really hope Rafa completely f***s off Colo and Taylor and sticks with these two til the summer.

I dont think he needs to worry about either. Collos already sacked us and this relegation battle off whilst Taylor is on a magical bus tour whilst deciding what window tastes the best.

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The lad himself thinks he's pushing 26... he could be as old as 28.


No way in hell is he 21 man. He's clearly a good few years older than Lascelles.


Anyway - he looks so much better alongside  Lascelles.


Supposedly they ran tests that proved his age. When I was in my early twenties people wouldn't believe I wasn't in my thirties so I have sympathy for him. :)

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The lad himself thinks he's pushing 26... he could be as old as 28.


No way in hell is he 21 man. He's clearly a good few years older than Lascelles.


Anyway - he looks so much better alongside  Lascelles.


Got any proof of this?

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The lad himself thinks he's pushing 26... he could be as old as 28.


No way in hell is he 21 man. He's clearly a good few years older than Lascelles.


Anyway - he looks so much better alongside  Lascelles.


Got any proof of this?


There is an article that has some quotes from him saying he was born in 1990. More recent quotes from him have him saying he was born in 1994. From what I understand Anderlecht had to put him through a bone scan to prove his age before they can play him.

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The lad himself thinks he's pushing 26... he could be as old as 28.


No way in hell is he 21 man. He's clearly a good few years older than Lascelles.


Anyway - he looks so much better alongside  Lascelles.


Got any proof of this?


There is an article that has some quotes from him saying he was born in 1990. More recent quotes from him have him saying he was born in 1994. From what I understand Anderlecht had to put him through a bone scan to prove his age before they can play him.

People then ignore the science and still say he's old  :lol:

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If Rafa stays can see him making them a great partnership. Get two decent fullbacks and they could work. That said can see rafa bringing in an experienced cb as well.


Dont think we will see colo or taylor again unless we are desperate. 

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Anyway - he looks so much better alongside  Lascelles.



It shouldn't be that much of a surprise since there was a fair few of us who thought that he would look a lot better alongside a big dominant defender. Some decent organisation at the back won't have done any harm either.

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It's helped that we've had two defensively-competent fullbacks playing as well tbh. The centre backs were getting pulled all over the backline covering for Janmaat in particular

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Mbemba doesn't look any older than early twenties to me


Yeah he actually doesn't really look old at all in most pictures. Some are damning though :lol:


He's got a hell of a last ditch slide clearance.

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Chancel Mbemba puts the recent rise in Newcastle’s performances and confidence down to one thing.


The influence of Rafa Benitez.


Chancel Mbemba says that Rafa is ‘the number one – the leader’ and that everything ‘trickles down from the very top’ and ‘every single one of us has confidence’.


I think there was something ‘trickling down’ from the top when Steve McClaren was in charge but I don’t think it was confidence…


Except in exceptional and poisonous circumstances inside a football club, you are never going to get a player slagging off the current manager.


However, with Rafa Benitez you do get the feeling that the players genuinely do respect him and have reacted to the best of their abilities in this relegation fight under the new boss.


Even the first team players who have been dramatically dropped, such as Wijnaldum, Shelvey and Mitrovic, appear to have reacted in the right way.


It does really confirm what we all knew, the most important person inside any club isn’t any player, it is the person you rely on to pick, train and motivate your players.


We knew that Pardew, Carver and McClaren weren’t up to the job and now we just hope against hope that Rafa Benitez is here for the long haul.


Chancel Mbemba talking to the official club website:


“Every single one of us has confidence in ourselves and in each other.


“It’s thanks to the coach, who is the number one – the leader. He instills that in every single one of us, players and staff.


“It trickles down from the very top and the whole squad have that confidence now.


“With Karl Darlow, I watched his performance (win over Palace) from the very beginning to the final whistle, I had absolute faith in him.


“When they got the penalty, I looked at him and said to myself ‘he’s going to save it, and we’re going to win this game’.”


“We were really happy, every single person in the dressing room was delighted.


“We deserved the win. Not just us, the players, but everyone involved, the staff and fans as well.


“We worked hard to take the three points. We identified it as a must win game and we needed it. We knew that it could mean we leave the relegation zone.


“We just need to continue to work hard to make sure we stay out of the relegation zone and stay in the Premier League.”



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