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Fuck all wrong with True Geordie vids. Guys done well for himself off the back of an anger video rant at one Nile Ranger.

Think hes gone too media and pushing perhaps for even bigger things with the likes of dreamteam fc, the sun, and that Hammers fan who's kinda youtube fame.


But the Geordie does say things that are spot on albeit in a loud OTT aggressive tad scripted manner. I watch his alleged drunk rant vids sometimes but often wonder if hes faking it a tad like when you have your first beers as a youth down the park.

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I know people on here don't like true geordie but this is a good video that says pretty much everything I think about Pardew



Watched 1.38 of that and apparently he's the one that called it. Him. True Geordie. He didn't back down you know, did he fuck, he stuck to his guns cause he was right.


Pardew levels of narcissism. Is he inceptioning it up?

Yeah that's my problem with him in a nutshell.

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Guest firetotheworks

What's gan on everyone? It's me, Kid Icarus, back once again, to tell you that True Geordie is still not worth watching. At least if you're a N-O member anyway.


I don't dislike him tbh, he's just basically like one of those N-O posters that you get now and again who'll say stuff like 'I called it and got shot down' when actually it was something incredibly obvious to everyone. Fair play to him, he's making a living out of giving his opinion on football. Something I'd probably attempt if I valued my opinion enough to make it the centre of attention to that level. I'd want to have at least Wullie/Tooj levels of background knowledge on stuff before attempting anything like that though, basically like a football version of Game Makers Toolkit is what I'd watch.


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Didn't like him when he first came on the scene, especially with that whole cringeworthy 'DOES MY DRINKING OFFEND YOU?' bullshit. Not exactly an advert for great health either. He seems a bit calmer in that vid above though, but like others have said he's acting like he has exclusive rights to 'I told you so' when it comes to cuntlips and his failure.



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Didn't like him when he first came on the scene, especially with that whole cringeworthy 'DOES MY DRINKING OFFEND YOU?' bullshit. Not exactly an advert for great health either. He seems a bit calmer in that vid above though, but like others have said he's acting like he has exclusive rights to 'I told you so' when it comes to cuntlips and his failure.

:thup: same video with him talking as a member of the collective NUFC support who all suffered Pardew together and all know the same shit he's spouting is no bother at all.  As it is he sounds like a self-involved cunt.

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If you are a member on here, I don't see why you would need to watch his stuff? 


Some really knowledgeable posters on here who's opinions I really respect, even if I don't always agree with them.  You can just read them, and all.  You don't have an angry, large bearded bloke pointing and shouting FACTS at you.

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He's alright like. You have to be a certain type to do those talking head things in the first place. The faux machismo is tiring but he doesn't say anything particularly outrageous or insightful enough to get p*ssed off with.

Completely agree ! Stopped watching him cus I just got really embarrassed ! Just stick to watcing arsenal fan tv and that nob jocky  dt they always give you a laugh 

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Why do people sign him up to such ridiculous contract, hes like one of those fraudsters that befriends old ladies and then secretly robs them of all their worth.


An absolute parasite.



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Guest firetotheworks

I have unending sympathy for Parish. The man is an unwitting saint, and I'm eternally grateful to the stupid little idiot.

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My biggest beef with him is that he reminds me of the cock sucking blagger who`s noshed his way into a position of authority without the skillset or temperament to justify it. Whist this, in itself can be quite amusing depending on your perspective, it cause serious damage to those directly affected by his mismanagement. Sadly there are Pardews in every walk of life.


The only modicum of respect I have for him is the acknowledgment that he`s maneuvered himself into a no-lose situation, regardless of the collateral damage he causes Palace, through his buddies in the media, he`ll be back on the blag within no time with a massive wedge to boot.





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From the BBC:


"Alan Pardew is a man under pressure.


The Crystal Palace boss says: "I'm a realist, I understand the situation. I've got to ensure our next result is a positive one. That's a pressure I put on myself. I am used to this situation, I've been in it before. It's unusual to have this kind of run. I know we have to be strong."


...No Alan, its extremely usual to have this kind of run


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