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Stoke City 1-0 Newcastle United - post match standing watching from page 24


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Mick Lowes saying McClaren got pelters from the away supporters.


Radio Newcastle blaming the weather. Another ready made excuse for McClaren.


We had to deal with the weather, they didn't.

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Really awful. Devoid of ideas, complacent or accepting of relegation. The only bright sparks came from Perez and that Roma lad and they spent most the time off the pitch. And Swansea winning. I thought we'd have just enough, but we look fucked. Only hope is if it's a different story at home, if we win v Bournemouth maybe that'll be indicative of potential to get enough home points, but if we can't win that, then we're fucked as we certainly aren't getting anything away.

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Mick Lowes saying McClaren got pelters from the away supporters.


Radio Newcastle blaming the weather. Another ready made excuse for McClaren.

The weather?


The 'swirling wind'

I guess it was just a mild breeze for Stoke.
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Sigh. Can abide keeping it tight at this point in the season but his team selection was poor.


It's unabidable (if that's even a word). What happened was entirely predictable and when we finally did give it a go they suddenly looked vulnerable. We could have got a point or even a win if the manager had some cojones.


Tbh, I'm past the point of caring now. I don't think it's objectively bad, we've tried attacking this season and tried defending and been poor at both.

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If we don't replace this idiot, we will go down.


We won't replace this idiot.


So we are going down.


We can't do anything right. Even when we spend money, we spend it on players who either a) aren't worth it, b) the manager won't actually play, or c) both.


This fucker played Gouffran and Riviere before Ayoze and Doumbia. You'd never believe it unless you watched it.

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Looking forward to the championship already, it's a real shame as a couple of the players we bought this summer could have been great for us under an actual decent manager.

It's utterly depressing having to watch that bollocks though.

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Surely they have to pull the trigger now, Ashley must be bricking it.


Most over used sentence on here for at least 5 years now.


We're 19th - 6 points off 16th with 11 games to go. It's never been this severe.

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