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By full kit are they saying shorts and socks with the black and white top?


I have never seen anyone, except maybe youngsters, dressed in full kits at the match.  (definition of youngsters is like under 10 and accompanied by a normally dressed parent or guardian)



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Weird that forum like  :lol:  totally unrepresentative of most of Sunderlands support i reckon.  Well dressed man, FFS.


You think so?


Not these days. Their fanbase changed around about the time they left Roker Park.  You used to be able to get a bit of sense out of most of them, we had a lot in common in the old days.

Don't know whether it's the rise of social media or what,  but even lads I've known for years have started spouting the sort of  nonsense you'll see every day on RTG.



The free tickets started then, someone with no Sunderland connection whatsoever told me they had been given 12 to distribute for the Man U game - and this will have contributed to the change in their fan demographic.

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Aye marra wasnt scared walkin throogh soothampton city centre with it on. Waz jst lyk the time i wore it in poocastle, nowt happened nur scrappin or owt, shit scared they were marra #rattled #ftm #9-1

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"DM is right about the mags though. Matchday in Newcastle is horrendous. Blokes in full kit, or with horrendous printing on the back of a 12 year old tatty home top. Our match going support is quite tidy and well dressed if you look around. You'd never see a bigger set of scruffy b******s anywhere than you would in Newcastle on a matchday. A good chunk of them are repulsive tbh."


Just looking through a 10 odd page thread about us, one of the many, which is full of blatantly made up lies as usual, and came acoss that gem above.


Ive been going to games for a long long time and dont think ive ever seen a grown bloke in a full kit like, these have seen about 10 in one day, why make this s*** up man?


Oh and now to add to the classiness they are now better dressed than us apparently. So funny man, cant help but look on their forum to see which lie is next




Ive seen two guys at the match when I had season ticket, up in level 7, two youngish lads, I think it was polic and his brother.


I also seen a guy the other day with a Newcastle top on and black shorts, while the shorts weren't nufc, it did look like a full kit.



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Inevitable once the lynch mob got going. Such a narrow minded backward place, hopefully it's just in Sunderland that it could happen - or will every football journalist now be scrutinised?


Openly supported and celebrated a paedophile player but won't tolerate a mag reporting on their matches  ;D

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To be fair, I'd imagine the reaction from Newcastle fans would be the same if the Chronicle took on a journalist solely to cover NUFC who had made similar comments on social media about us.


Obviously some of their posts on RTG are cringeworthy, but I don't necessarily think they are out of order or losers for not being happy with it.

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To be fair, I'd imagine the reaction from Newcastle fans would be the same if the Chronicle took on a journalist solely to cover NUFC who had made similar comments on social media about us.


Obviously some of their posts on RTG are cringeworthy, but I don't necessarily think they are out of order or losers for not being happy with it.

The chronicle do hire Sunderland fans don't they? James Hunter?

I bet if I go through his facebook/twitter/previous articles from his previous jobs I would find sly digs at Newcastle


Difference is I couldn't give a fuck, I'm a grown up who understands rivarly

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In fairness, I've seen a few comments (on here and elsewhere) over the years about Louise Taylor reporting/commenting on us for whichever rag she writes for. She loves a sly dig at us with her red and white tinted specs on.


However, I think we've all stopped short of either threatening to boycott her paper because of it, or campaigned to have her sacked/removed from writing about us, as these idiots have, with this reporter.


They are a special (in)breed down there.  :idiot2:

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