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Newcastle United v Sunderland - Sunday 20th March 2016 at 1:30PM (live on Sky)


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I was more confident of winning this game before last night, which I suppose is weird as we operated more as an organised unit yesterday than we have all season. The problem is who do you even play out of those midfielders and in what position? Someone mentioned it in the match thread yesterday but we actually looked more fluid when De Jong came on the pitch but you can't exactly play him and Mitrovic in the same team or it'd be far too slow. Sissoko was absolute garbage but I still don't see him as the type of player that would be dropped. Wijnaldum was another that seemed to hide but again, I can't see him being dropped either.


I know Sunderland's defence and pressing game will unlikely be as impressing as Leicester's but we didn't look like we had a clue how to break them down in the latter half of the game - even when they looked nervy.


This season has been too shit as a fan. We're on the verge of either being able to build something with Rafa or a dice roll into oblivion if we go down. For once it would be nice to follow up a positive with a few good results, this weekend would be the ideal time for that.

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Might be post defeat hangover but bricking it about this match.  Don't think we'll get humped but one thing they have is a proven PL goalscorer in Defoe which will be the difference.  We could still be playing at the King Power and still not have scored.

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Who's likely to be available?


Is it to soon for Mbemba Colo, it's just I see a let down in Steve Taylor occurring. Hes either giving a pen away or getting sent off. Better to have your babies on the bench for this one. I'd also consider starting Mitrovic and if nothing bringing him off, or just dropping him.

We need to score more goals.

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Janmaat  Lascelles  Taylor  Colback


Sissoko    Saivet    Shelvey  Wijnaldum


                Perez    Mitro



Get Taylor/Colback out if any CB/LB becomes available. Mbabu not back ?

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Surely people saw enough last night to be quietly confident?


I did but apparently most of the forum don't seem to share that sentiment.


Do you wonder why? :lol:


We've lost 6 in a row with this useless lot even after a confidence boosting 6-2 win the week before our last game against Sunderland

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Had we been able to get Remy on loan, I reckon we would have got a point at Leicester and would win the derby on Sunday, probably by 2-1.

As we have NOBODY who can score regularly in the forward line, we will probably struggle to get the points. Defoe could be the difference between the sides with his ability to snatch a goal from very little and although I think we will dominate possession and give them very little in terms of chances, the lack of a goal-scorer could be our downfall. Remy was great at playing on the shoulder of the last defender and beating the offside trap but NONE of the current bunch can do this.

I hope I am wrong but I reckon it is likely to be 1-1 at best.

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Surely people saw enough last night to be quietly confident?


I did but apparently most of the forum don't seem to share that sentiment.


Do you wonder why? :lol:


We've lost 6 in a row with this useless lot even after a confidence boosting 6-2 win the week before our last game against Sunderland


Yeah I understand completely but that doesn't mean I can't separate the two.


I went into last night expecting to lose, but we looked we gave a shit, knew what we were doing from a tactical point of view and while devoid of any confidence in front of goal we did create moments where a more confident team would have scored from.


Maybe my expectations were so low that I came out of it looking positively and believing that translate that to the Derby and we'll win.

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The main difference between us at the minute is Defoe. If we'd had him we'd not be bottom 3.


So Defoe is worth 2 whole points ?!


How did you conclude that from what ON said? :lol: He's right like. People on here laughed when the mackems got Defoe for the fee and wages involved, but he's worth his weight in gold for them as his goals are the difference between staying up and going down. Oh how we could do with someone of his ilk right now.


I think Rafa's primary focus for the Leicester game was for us to be more solid in defence, but this week everything needs to be focused on devising a coherent attacking game plan for this game and the Norwich away one. Personally, I would go with Doumbia (or Cisse if fit) from the start and work on attacking movement and off the ball runs, and keep Mitro on the bench as a late sub when we have to go gung ho.




Janmaat  Mbemba Lascelles  :anguish:



        Wijnaldum      Shelvey       


          Perez                Townsend


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