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The other games today 2016/17


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Boro losing 2-0 now


It was clear Stoke would have too much for them, even before Karanka chatted shit about them having nothing to play for. Does Hughesy not like that.

I can't see where they are going to get a win from. As it happens I did that predictor the other day I had them getting only 2 draws for the rest of the season, even then I thought I was being generous.
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Guest Howaythetoon

Again I don't see how Mings was deliberate with that stamp, no way. It was bad obviously, because it could have seriously injured Zlatan, but I see no intent. His elbow, however, pure intent. Mind if I thought someone had deliberately stamped on my head I'd have went looking for retribution too. He should ave been booked anyway for that push and of course sent off for the elbow. He's a cunt and ha ha Man Utd...

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