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1 hour ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

I think for consistent loud noise in home games you need a large section which is known for being ultra (the whole Gallowgate would do) along with individuals (and maybe drums etc) to direct the crowd.


That's pretty common in Europe and the Americas, it's an interesting phenomenon that we've never had it in the UK. Maybe we're too British to be open to such a display. Also clubs don't facilitate it or bow to what the fans really want. 


Went to Palmerias in Brazil last week and one end was bouncing throughout, flags and drums going even during the game. Rest of the stadium was quite average except when slagging the referee :lol:


Even MLS teams have this kind of thing. 




Isn’t that what Crystal Palace have a small pocket of?


I think in general Brits find that kind of thing too try hard and a bit cringey. But we probably need to get over that. 

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7 minutes ago, Superior Acuña said:

I think in general Brits find that kind of thing too try hard and a bit cringey. But we probably need to get over that. 


Yeah agree, but we're also too cringey to stand up on our own and start a song (generally).


I just don't think consistent singing will arise naturally. 


Maybe a section becoming known would be a start, but it would have to be large enough to make an impact. That's why I was thinking the whole gallowgate. 




Edited by AyeDubbleYoo

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53 minutes ago, NE27 said:


I mean, the ones who sing all game are no exception to this either, and as evidenced by myself on Sunday, worse.


Meaning more so fans who complain at idea of safe standing as means they will need to relocate some fans rather than thinking of benifit to team etc.

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40 minutes ago, NUFC91 said:


Meaning more so fans who complain at idea of safe standing as means they will need to relocate some fans rather than thinking of benifit to team etc.


Got you :thup: wholeheartedly agree also.

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2 hours ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Even someone just managing the tempo would make a massive difference in SJP, everyone just gives up because the songs are too fast to keep up with.

Didn’t someone used to turn up in the Gallowgate with a drum? Might have been early WF/Gallowgate Flags era. Might have even been someone on here, as I’m sure I remember a story about them being threatened by some of our cretinous fans who didn’t like it.


Think that would do immeasurable good in helping people keep tempo.

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8 minutes ago, Heron said:

What was the craic with you like? Someone having a go?


Nah I had no grief and atmosphere was generally sound where I was. Probably helped by the fact we had the mid tier metal ceiling and metal clad walls behind us[emoji38]


I wouldn't consider myself a sing for 90 mins fan but the group of lads right next to me were definitely in that bracket so gave me encouragement, if that makes sense.


But what I did notice is that in-between singing they complained about every single fucking thing, it was like sitting with me dad watching on the box!


They also fucked off a good 10 mins before half time and left 15/20 mins before end, was completely perplexed!


Some of my mates were top tier and they said there were people coming to blows over standing by people behind, once again completely perplexed.


I'm not sure how anyone who has supported Newcastle, or followed football in any capacity can do either of the above?

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20 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

Brilliant display on a par with Arsenal at home last year as the best to date.


Whilst not an atmosphere thread would be interested to know what @Heron and these lads made of the vocal support from our end during the game ?






My (personal) take on the atmosphere was that it was flat as a fart for the most part. It seemed absolutely deafening when their team was read out and when the national anthem was sung I was like ? 


Then it only lasted for 5 or 10 minutes and it was like our bubble just burst. Felt like our fans lost faith and when they scored the tie was as good as over for most.


Part of it may have been the night before, but I think thats just an excuse personally. I think our recent lack of goal scoring prowess and Man Uniteds increasingly good form had us like rabbits in the headlights when the big moment of the match finally came to take place. Our attitude (which I love and which is why we are loved) is to be there, take part, have a belter time, and leave popular, plucky underdogs. Man United turned up to win, on and off the pitch. If we scored on the 30th minute we'd have won that tie undoubtedly, but that first goal was crucial.


I was lower tier, behind the goal, and myself and this guy got proper emotional at the start, just oozing with pride. We hugged and then that was it. Both his mates and mine stuck it out together for the duration. Stamping on the metal and when the knees and feet became too sore reverted to banging it with a clenched fist. It's what I love about football. That sense of shared pride, overwhelming passion and a love of where one's from. In how many scenarios in life does this happen?


For me, I'm maybe a tad old school and that has its pro's and cons. I'm not old enough to have experienced the days of hooliganism and the genuine danger of any given away day. That has to be a pro. Likewise, I grew up in an era where those older than me educated and policed me into understanding how to behave at the pub and the match, generally speaking. Of course there are moments when you lose your head or you say or do something stupid but hey ho, that's life. Now, for the betterment of society, women and kids are in abundance at the match. As they should be. However, I do feel that there's a sanitisation of the game whereby the tribalism is almost entirely removed and it's becoming a very generic thing to attend any match, anywhere in the country. You hear the same drab songs coming from away ends and the home fans sit in silence unless they take the lead. Home advantage no longer exists. This whole thing about putting away fans pitch side is absolute nonsense to me. There should be home standing/singing sections and the away fans should be in the worst seats on the stadium. Of course, that's not great as an away fan, but it's all about giving your team an advantage. That way the away 'hardcore' have to be on their game to balance the playing field.


The answer, as others have mentioned is to reshuffle. Nowt wrong with family enclosures, nowt wrong with sitting, but there's also nowt wrong with standing, singing and actually,  swearing.


I feel like many probably do at the match: It's where my troubles leave me, for 90minutes. Same when I play. Nothing matters but football for that time. Sure, people swear, lose their heads,etc. Sure people sometimes need to dial it in and be respectful of others, but for how many is football a form of therapy?


I feel like many think it's embarrassing to sing alone or to get passionate, maybe it's a British trait, I don't know, the whole stiff upper lip kinda crack, but for me I enjoy people showing raw passion and hence I tend to show mine.


At the match on Sunday I had a lass during the match turn to me from 2 rows down and shout up "You used to sit in the corner and cancelled your season ticket" in front of everyone. I said "...and, what's your point?" She said "I didn't I stuck by the team."


I then replied "Yeah l, well I stood up for my club, my beliefs and tried to protect it." Then numerous folk intervened and said for me to ignore her. I've never known nowt like it. I finally said "Glad you're more bothered about my beliefs than the cup final I'm trying to support my team in."


I couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed but also angry that this would matter at such a time.


Which brings me to my final point. In another thread someone has mentioned when I protested vs Arsenal and wrote something passionate on here (will also pick that up in that thread) but for me, that day, something as a football fan died inside me. I love the match and getting behind my team, but the way I felt that day made me feel entirely alienated from the club and city I love. Random people calling you a cunt for standing up for the same thing they also love, whilst they themselves do fuck all about it except complain in a pub.


I'll be honest, I don't give that much of a shit that people wouldn't protest, but don't also spend hours complaining of a situation you're unwilling to do anything about if that's the case. Most of my best mates carried on with their tickets and I'd see them every match day still as I made my stand and sat in the pub whilst they went. For the most part it was fine, I accepted my choice but some days it upset me, I no longer had my 'therapy' and I felt an outcast (despite it being of my own doing).


I remember these planned protests, several of them, when well renowned toon fans pushed them and then dropped them last minute and lead with a 'voice' but no actual presence. Doing public U Turns at the last gasp as those that followed them ultimately sacked protesting off, but I didn't. I said my piece and followed it through. It's that feeling of relief I feel at almost every game now, self vindication and pride in staying true to myself that tip me over the edge. Whereas some others have probably become spectators, there in body but not as much spirit and hence the silence until the team give them something to shout about.


Mike Ashley fucking ruined this club and its gonna take more than 15months to repair those 15(?) Years. The bastard.


(Apologies for the war and peace...)




Edited by Heron

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11 minutes ago, Heron said:

At the match on Sunday I had a lass during the match turn to me from 2 rows down and shout up "You used to sit in the corner and cancelled your season ticket" in front of everyone. I said "...and, what's your point?" She said "I didn't I stuck by the team."


I then replied "Yeah l, well I stood up for my club, my beliefs and tried to protect it." Then numerous folk intervened and said for me to ignore her. I've never known nowt like it. I finally said "Glad you're more bothered about my beliefs than the cup final I'm trying to support my team in."


I couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed but also angry that this would matter at such a time.

That’s fucking lame man, I’m sorry that happened to you. Really bad by her.


And a glaring example of why people just need to shut the fuck up more often than not (which is exactly what I would’ve said to her had she come at me with that kind of bullshit). She has no clue how much you do for this club yet felt the need to say some stupid crap like that. Ridiculous. 


Absolutely spot on post by the way, other than that. And thanks for all you do for the club man. Y’all are an incredible asset to all of us. 




Edited by cubaricho

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20 minutes ago, Heron said:

At the match on Sunday I had a lass during the match turn to me from 2 rows down and shout up "You used to sit in the corner and cancelled your season ticket" in front of everyone. I said "...and, what's your point?" She said "I didn't I stuck by the team."


I then replied "Yeah l, well I stood up for my club, my beliefs and tried to protect it." Then numerous folk intervened and said for me to ignore her. I've never known nowt like it. I finally said "Glad you're more bothered about my beliefs than the cup final I'm trying to support my team in."

Unreal. Don't know how you contained yourself.



Edited by 80

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23 minutes ago, Heron said:

My (personal) take on the atmosphere was that it was flat as a fart for the most part. It seemed absolutely deafening when their team was read out and when the national anthem was sung I was like ? 


Then it only lasted for 5 or 10 minutes and it was like our bubble just burst. Felt like our fans lost faith and when they scored the tie was as good as over for most.


Part of it may have been the night before, but I think thats just an excuse personally. I think our recent lack of goal scoring prowess and Man Uniteds increasingly good form had us like rabbits in the headlights when the big moment of the match finally came to take place. Our attitude (which I love and which is why we are loved) is to be there, take part, have a belter time, and leave popular, plucky underdogs. Man United turned up to win, on and off the pitch. If we scored on the 30th minute we'd have won that tie undoubtedly, but that first goal was crucial.


I was lower tier, behind the goal, and myself and this guy got proper emotional at the start, just oozing with pride. We hugged and then that was it. Both his mates and mine stuck it out together for the duration. Stamping on the metal and when the knees and feet became too sore reverted to banging it with a clenched fist. It's what I love about football. That sense of shared pride, overwhelming passion and a love of where one's from. In how many scenarios in life does this happen?


For me, I'm maybe a tad old school and that has its pro's and cons. I'm not old enough to have experienced the days of hooliganism and the genuine danger of any given away day. That has to be a pro. Likewise, I grew up in an era where those older than me educated and policed me into understanding how to behave at the pub and the match, generally speaking. Of course there are moments when you lose your head or you say or do something stupid but hey ho, that's life. Now, for the betterment of society, women and kids are in abundance at the match. As they should be. However, I do feel that there's a sanitisation of the game whereby the tribalism is almost entirely removed and it's becoming a very generic thing to attend any match, anywhere in the country. You hear the same drab songs coming from away ends and the home fans sit in silence unless they take the lead. Home advantage no longer exists. This whole thing about putting away fans pitch side is absolute nonsense to me. There should be home standing/singing sections and the away fans should be in the worst seats on the stadium. Of course, that's not great as an away fan, but it's all about giving your team an advantage. That way the away 'hardcore' have to be on their game to balance the playing field.


The answer, as others have mentioned is to reshuffle. Nowt wrong with family enclosures, nowt wrong with sitting, but there's also nowt wrong with standing, singing and actually,  swearing.


I feel like many probably do at the match: It's where my troubles leave me, for 90minutes. Same when I play. Nothing matters but football for that time. Sure, people swear, lose their heads,etc. Sure people sometimes need to dial it in and be respectful of others, but for how many is football a form of therapy?


I feel like many think it's embarrassing to sing alone or to get passionate, maybe it's a British trait, I don't know, the whole stiff upper lip kinda crack, but for me I enjoy people showing raw passion and hence I tend to show mine.


At the match on Sunday I had a lass during the match turn to me from 2 rows down and shout up "You used to sit in the corner and cancelled your season ticket" in front of everyone. I said "...and, what's your point?" She said "I didn't I stuck by the team."


I then replied "Yeah l, well I stood up for my club, my beliefs and tried to protect it." Then numerous folk intervened and said for me to ignore her. I've never known nowt like it. I finally said "Glad you're more bothered about my beliefs than the cup final I'm trying to support my team in."


I couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed but also angry that this would matter at such a time.


Which brings me to my final point. In another thread someone has mentioned when I protested vs Arsenal and wrote something passionate on here (will also pick that up in that thread) but for me, that day, something as a football fan died inside me. I love the match and getting behind my team, but the way I felt that day made me feel entirely alienated from the club and city I love. Random people calling you a cunt for standing up for the same thing they also love, whilst they themselves do fuck all about it except complain in a pub.


I'll be honest, I don't give that much of a shit that people wouldn't protest, but don't also spend hours complaining of a situation you're unwilling to do anything about if that's the case. Most of my best mates carried on with their tickets and I'd see them every match day still as I made my stand and sat in the pub whilst they went. For the most part it was fine, I accepted my choice but some days it upset me, I no longer had my 'therapy' and I felt an outcast (despite it being of my own doing).


I remember these planned protests, several of them, when well renowned toon fans pushed them and then dropped them last minute and lead with a 'voice' but no actual presence. Doing public U Turns at the last gasp as those that followed them ultimately sacked protesting off, but I didn't. I said my piece and followed it through. It's that feeling of relief I feel at almost every game now, self vindication and pride in staying true to myself that tip me over the edge. Whereas some others have probably become spectators, there in body but not as much spirit and hence the silence until the team give them something to shout about.


Mike Ashley fucking ruined this club and its gonna take more than 15months to repair those 15(?) Years. The bastard.


(Apologies for the war and peace...)






Well wrote mate, thats the bit that really fucks me off, this is a game where the passion is what I love..singing,relief, excitement...its football, the best game on the fucking planet...seeing the passion leave some of our fan base fucking hurts.


But spot on @Heron reshuffle has to happen.



Edited by NUFC91

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17 minutes ago, cubaricho said:

That’s fucking lame man, I’m sorry that happened to you. Really bad by her.


And a glaring example of why people just need to shut the fuck up more often than not (which is exactly what I would’ve said to her had she come at me with that kind of bullshit). She has no clue how much you do for this club yet felt the need to say some stupid crap like that. Ridiculous. 


Absolutely spot on post by the way, other than that. And thanks for all you do for the club man. Y’all are an incredible asset to all of us. 





Cheers mate. I'm a fan the same as the rest of yous though. :thup:


I have to accept that I put my head above the parapet so sometimes I'll get shot at and sometimes people might hit (home).


I also accept that everyone is entitled to their views on those who protested, but I think it spoke more volume that I was more interested in singing for my team.



Edited by Heron

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24 minutes ago, Heron said:

At the match on Sunday I had a lass during the match turn to me from 2 rows down and shout up "You used to sit in the corner and cancelled your season ticket" in front of everyone. I said "...and, what's your point?" She said "I didn't I stuck by the team."


Fucking stupid, deluded dickhead. Offensively fucking braindead.

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If the vast majority of the fanbase were like you @Heron, myself included tbh as I couldn't be arsed with protesting after the dreadful uptake and stick me and my dad got for the late walk-in v West Ham in 2018 (still chucked my ticket after Benitez left), we would've been rid of Mike Ashley years before we finally were. Of that I'm sure.

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Too many egos in our fanbase to do the more performative type of protest unfortunately. The 66/69 minute walk out fiasco was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Made me realise the only meaningful way to show how you felt was to pack it in.

Dreadful that there are people who believe that continuing to pour money into Ashley‘s pockets makes them some sort of superfan.

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9 minutes ago, christ said:

Too many egos in our fanbase to do the more performative type of protest unfortunately. The 66/69 minute walk out fiasco was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Made me realise the only meaningful way to show how you felt was to pack it in.

Dreadful that there are people who believe that continuing to pour money into Ashley‘s pockets makes them some sort of superfan.


Was that Michael Martin, trying to organise his own walk out protest on a different minute after the original idea started to pick up traction?

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1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:


Was that Michael Martin, trying to organise his own walk out protest on a different minute after the original idea started to pick up traction?

Aye. Self important prick couldn’t let the idea pass without trying to claim it as his own and turned the entire event into a mess.

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Just now, HaydnNUFC said:


Was that Michael Martin, trying to organise his own walk out protest on a different minute after the original idea started to pick up traction?

Yep. :thup:


The idea started in here and began to gain traction. If memory serves me right it was the 60th minute for 60 years from our last domestic trophy and 69th minute for our last trophy (cannot remember which way around) but the as the idea gathered pace he wrote about it in True Faith and changed the time, presumably because he either wanted it to seem to be his idea or simply because he thought that minute was better. (Which neither really mattered. The uptake was what mattered the subsequent confusion led to reduced uptake.)

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Bloody hell. I think I can remember it all kicking off regarding the minute but I've tried to blank out that second half of 2013-14, was an absolutely awful time to be a Newcastle fan.


The bloke is still a weapon of the highest order. Also remember when he went to the police about GallowgateShots floating the idea of getting a Tiote flag made after he died to Wor Flags/Gallowgate Flags for no reason whatsoever as well. Plus the whole loser's mentality patter he came out with today or yesterday. Egos like his hamstrung any collective protest ideas along with the other bell ends unfortunately amongst our online fanbase, eg Wraith.

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3 minutes ago, STM said:

@Herondid wor flags get to keep them flags by the way? Who did they belong to?


and more importantly.... we going to see them at SJP? :smitten:

Nope, not that I'm aware of. We're reviewing ways to make such displays more re-usable and sustainable from both an environmental and financial point of view though. If we manage to crack that then foil (or similar) flags displays can become slightly more regular.




I think there may be 2 or 3 games where the flags are maybe dialled back in the coming weeks in all honesty as we reorganise and regroup a little. We've been fairly all out this season across multiple projects and we have sights set on one or two others which may take a fair bit of organisation before the season is out.


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1 minute ago, Heron said:

Nope, not that I'm aware of. We're reviewing ways to make such displays more re-usable and sustainable from both an environmental and financial point of view though. If we manage to crack that then foil (or similar) flags displays can become slightly more regular.




I think there may be 2 or 3 games where the flags are maybe dialled back in the coming weeks in all honesty as we reorganise and regroup a little. We've been fairly all out this season across multiple projects and we have sights set on one or two others which may take a fair bit of organisation before the season is out.


That Howay The Lads flag would look great draped from the level 7 corner,.

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1 hour ago, Heron said:

At the match on Sunday I had a lass during the match turn to me from 2 rows down and shout up "You used to sit in the corner and cancelled your season ticket" in front of everyone. I said "...and, what's your point?" She said "I didn't I stuck by the team."


I then replied "Yeah l, well I stood up for my club, my beliefs and tried to protect it." Then numerous folk intervened and said for me to ignore her. I've never known nowt like it. I finally said "Glad you're more bothered about my beliefs than the cup final I'm trying to support my team in."

Her “loyalty” got her a cup final ticket.


Your loyalty (and all those who protested) got us a takeover.


I’m a firm believer Ashley would still be here had the 10,000+ not jacked it in.

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