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Is there a bigger cockend in football, than a certain John Terry?

Big Geordie

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There are objectionable things about how he comes cross across/things he's said/what we think we know. The only thing which really jars for me is the coverage of him taking payment (a lot) for doing guided tours around Chelsea trading facilities/ground. Can't recall the details but it seemed obscene (if true). Fair play to the chap for a very good career and loyalty to a club (well rewarded and supplemented).

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Pardew will always be the biggest cockend in football anyway. Just re-watch that dance in the FA Cup final to remind yourself.

That said, John Terry is an enormous bell. (i'd still take him on a free for the season though).


You've also got Nile Ranger to consider here as well. He beats Terry hands-down

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If he was Newcastle player, I'd probably overlook his personality flaws too.


We do it for Jonjo bloody Shelvey.


Terry was a top, top player. Much better with his feet than he is credited for too. Probably slightly under-rated. Couldn't name more than 5 better than him in the PL era probably, a few of those debatable too.

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Doesn't matter if you're Lionel Messi, planning a staged substitution in the first half so you can milk applause is the action of an absolute tool.



Shearer looked unimpressed like.


It's what testimonials are for.

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If he was Newcastle player, I'd probably overlook his personality flaws too.


We do it for Jonjo bloody Shelvey.



There was a full and frank debate around couscous nonce tbh.


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Doesn't matter if you're Lionel Messi, planning a staged substitution in the first half so you can milk applause is the action of an absolute tool.




Shearer looked unimpressed like.


It's what testimonials are for.


That's without even mentioning how it belittles the game in progress and the game of football in general.

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Guest chopey

This could get tasty, I hope it's his friends or family that put the bet on probably his scruffy shoplifting parents

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Guest Howaythetoon

Terry is or was massively overrated, he was an all action type centre-back ideal for the PL but in Europe and for England he was largely average and that's because he's an average footballer. Carvalho was much better. Put Terry in our side for the last decade and he'd be considered above average. c*** of a person as well. I hope he one day manages Chelsea and f***ing relegates them, two sets of c***s.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Knew you'd jump straight in, he was a very good PL CB, top-class, but knowwhere near the level of world-class. Rio was several leagues above him as was Ledley King in terms of ability. I'd rate Woodgate higher too and again Carvalho and Vidic were superior all-round. I'd rate Terry similar to Carragher. Top-class, but never world-class! IMO of course...

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I agree with most of that, to be fair. The above average comment is a bit daft, though. I don't think he touches Rio in terms of ability, obviously, but it's worth pointing out that while Terry was leading Chelsea to every trophy imaginable and captaining England, Woodgate was in the Star & Garter in Middlesbrough trying to convince pension-aged locals to piss on themselves so him and his bottom of the barrel mates could grab a quick laugh. Winds me up whenever people bring Woodgate into conversations like this. If anything it affords credit to Terry for achieving a billion times more than a twat like Woodgate with less talent.

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