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Steve Brute


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What a fucking nightmare eh? Walking into a club that had a solid defensive ethos, a collection of well drilled professionals who knew their roles inside out and back to front. They knew a system and it worked by and large. Rigid, solid, disciplined and organised.


Now this thick fat cunt is moaning about inheriting this absolute gift. He's deflecting his own incompetence using the strengths of his predecessor, how fucking dare he. Taking potshots at CL winning Benitez for leaving him a defensive dream when he's not won a fucking thing, absolutely fuck all, not a single thing. The cheeky, inept useless wanker. He's taken this unit and completely fucked it, we're now a total mess, an utter shambles and it's 100% down to him.


He's basically jumped on the retarded opinions of the likes of Keys 'negative Rafa' and 'trying to kill the game' when the likes of Redknapp offers his ill-informed, worthless opinions. He's piggybacked on that and he's blaming the current deficiencies on the bloke who took his last training sessions about 5 months ago. This is Bruce's heap of shit to clean up. Pointing the finger at Benitez is fucking scandalous, no way should he be allowed to get away with this. He inherited a comfortable 4 bedroomed detached house with a nice garden and garage and within 5 months it's now a rumbling fucking crack den, infested with rats with no fucking windows. His incompetence has been so rapid is caught every fucker out.




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Mad that’s he’s saying basically the players don’t listen to him or respect him enough to change their ways despite him being in charge for months. At the same time basically admitting they think his ‘tactics’ are shit. Hilarious, imagine any other manager coming out with this fucking diatribe. Have some self respect you utter fucking mess.

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What a fucking nightmare eh? Walking into a club that had a solid defensive ethos, a collection of well drilled professionals who knew their roles inside out and back to front. They knew a system and it worked by and large. Rigid, solid, disciplined and organised.


Now this thick fat cunt is moaning about inheriting this absolute gift. He's deflecting his own incompetence using the strengths of his predecessor, how fucking dare he. Taking potshots at CL winning Benitez for leaving him a defensive dream when he's not won a fucking thing, absolutely fuck all, not a single thing. The cheeky, inept useless wanker. He's taken this unit and completely fucked it, we're now a total mess, an utter shambles and it's 100% down to him.


He's basically jumped on the retarded opinions of the likes of Keys 'negative Rafa' and 'trying to kill the game' when the likes of Redknapp offers his ill-informed, worthless opinions. He's piggybacked on that and he's blaming the current deficiencies on the bloke who took his last training sessions about 5 months ago. This is Bruce's heap of shit to clean up. Pointing the finger at Benitez is fucking scandalous, no way should he be allowed to get away with this. He inherited a comfortable 4 bedroomed detached house with a nice garden and garage and within 5 months it's now a rumbling fucking crack den, infested with rats with no fucking windows. His incompetence has been so rapid is caught every fucker out.


Sums it up P E R F E C T L Y !!!

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literally "I don't have the yarbles to impose the shambolic disasterpiece I would call 'my system' on the players and they keep reverting back to Rafa's so we'll just go with that I guess" ahahaha when will it end

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Guest chopey

What a fucking nightmare eh? Walking into a club that had a solid defensive ethos, a collection of well drilled professionals who knew their roles inside out and back to front. They knew a system and it worked by and large. Rigid, solid, disciplined and organised.


Now this thick fat cunt is moaning about inheriting this absolute gift. He's deflecting his own incompetence using the strengths of his predecessor, how fucking dare he. Taking potshots at CL winning Benitez for leaving him a defensive dream when he's not won a fucking thing, absolutely fuck all, not a single thing. The cheeky, inept useless wanker. He's taken this unit and completely fucked it, we're now a total mess, an utter shambles and it's 100% down to him.


He's basically jumped on the retarded opinions of the likes of Keys 'negative Rafa' and 'trying to kill the game' when the likes of Redknapp offers his ill-informed, worthless opinions. He's piggybacked on that and he's blaming the current deficiencies on the bloke who took his last training sessions about 5 months ago. This is Bruce's heap of shit to clean up. Pointing the finger at Benitez is fucking scandalous, no way should he be allowed to get away with this. He inherited a comfortable 4 bedroomed detached house with a nice garden and garage and within 5 months it's now a rumbling fucking crack den, infested with rats with no fucking windows. His incompetence has been so rapid is caught every fucker out.


One season ticket please



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If this is how rattled Bruce gets after the most minimal level of criticism, I can't wait to see what happens when it gets to Pardew levels of hatred and vitriol.


Article after article about Bruce "hitting back" and "coming out fighting" at this very early stage, I feel like we've seen only the tip of this fatty congealed iceberg. Give it another month of getting absolutely pezzled to nil every week and we'll probably see his fat head burst live on TV after the reporter gives him the slightest bit of pressure. "Steve, a difficult afternoon - where did it go wrong?"

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What a fucking nightmare eh? Walking into a club that had a solid defensive ethos, a collection of well drilled professionals who knew their roles inside out and back to front. They knew a system and it worked by and large. Rigid, solid, disciplined and organised.


Now this thick fat cunt is moaning about inheriting this absolute gift. He's deflecting his own incompetence using the strengths of his predecessor, how fucking dare he. Taking potshots at CL winning Benitez for leaving him a defensive dream when he's not won a fucking thing, absolutely fuck all, not a single thing. The cheeky, inept useless wanker. He's taken this unit and completely fucked it, we're now a total mess, an utter shambles and it's 100% down to him.


He's basically jumped on the retarded opinions of the likes of Keys 'negative Rafa' and 'trying to kill the game' when the likes of Redknapp offers his ill-informed, worthless opinions. He's piggybacked on that and he's blaming the current deficiencies on the bloke who took his last training sessions about 5 months ago. This is Bruce's heap of shit to clean up. Pointing the finger at Benitez is fucking scandalous, no way should he be allowed to get away with this. He inherited a comfortable 4 bedroomed detached house with a nice garden and garage and within 5 months it's now a rumbling fucking crack den, infested with rats with no fucking windows. His incompetence has been so rapid is caught every fucker out.



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Quote from his interview in the Chronicle:


You can't think you will get two or three years to turn it round and do things the way you want to.


"You have to be instant.


"That's the way it is, so we have to accept it.


"You have to work with what you've got, try to find a few results and move forward."


So what's all the garbage he spouts about? Work with what you've got, you idiot. Stop blaming Rafa.


Repeat: Stop blaming Rafa.

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His problem is that previously he's been the big name (at least on playing rep) brought in to do better than the last bloke, and often because the club he's joined has sacked their manager for being shit, that's not a hard task as the team had been underperforming. The only way is up etc, it's easy for any manager to look good when the last one was dogshit and was fired.


The problem now is that he's joined a team that were overperforming, and the previous manager was a bigger and more famous man with a solid reputation and the respect of the fans, and now he's baffled as to why telling the players to go out and have fun isn't really cutting the mustard and so he's lashing out at everyone because he's confused and, quite frankly, a bit stupid.


He's not qualified for the job. He has no answers to anything that's being asked of him and he never will because his only way of working is fundamentally incompatible with what we need.


Hopefully he stays though, and takes us down. Fuck it all to hell and back.

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Has this ever happened before? A manager claiming he can’t play the way he wants because of the way the previous manager played? :lol:


It’s incredible that nobody is calling him on this.


What a shite sport.

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Has this ever happened before? A manager claiming he can’t play the way he wants because of the way the previous manager played? :lol:


It’s incredible that nobody is calling him on this.


What a shite sport.


Whole sport is a sham in terms of journalism/media coverage. We knew this when we told the world how shite Pardew was and they wouldn't have it. Now Bruce.


Theres loads more of this ilk out there. We'll probably see a few more of them here under Ashley's ownership too.

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How does he actually want us to play then? I’ve barely seen us play this season so it would be interesting to hear how Bruce wants them set up.


He doesn't know himself. He's now presumably just going to say "do what you did under Rafa" and then he can blame Rafa when it doesn't work.  :lol:

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