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Allan Saint-Maximin (now playing for Fenerbahce, on loan from Al-Ahli)


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Guest reefatoon

Much prefer us going down the right character route that Howe is implementing than rely on the odd great game from a maverick. Our togetherness and morale has been absolutely amazing and it only takes one daft comment like that for things to change. Honestly wouldn’t be that fussed to see him go in the summer.

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The man either runs down a blind alley and leaves it impossible to do anything or passes to anyone but a Newcastle player the past 2 months.


Yet he's coming out with bullshit like that?

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Hard to know the context. To be possibly far too generous, he could just be saying it's easy to create that many assists if you're at Liverpool or Man City. Either way, it's a daft thing to say and will backfire.


I'm sure there was a comment from Wilson a while back (not entirely admiringly the way I read it) along the lines that he was difficult to play alongside, because he didn't put the crosses in when you'd expect and so was hard to predict.


Next season could well be make or break for him here, assuming he stays.

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Moronic thing to say in public, if indeed it's not a wild misinterpretation of what he actually said. Benefit of the doubt at the moment, I'm sure he'll (his social media team) will put a statement out soon. 


On the other side, it's refreshing to know that if he does move on, we'll be more than capable of replacing and improving on him.

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He was amongst the best players under Bruce, but since Howe came in he has kinda disappeared. I think he has stagnated, even slightly backtracked, a bit.

I'd prefer togetherness as opposed to having players thinking their talents warrants somekind of special treatment.

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Just had a read of the So Foot Magazine website, there's only an extract of the article in question (the full one will be out tomorrow when said magazine goes on sale) but the quotes, when translated into English, haven't been misinterpreted.

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Just maybe he was looking so good for us because we had no other option but him. Now we look a proper team, he is looking much worse.


Yeah, it's fun to see him take on players....but would still rather have a better team player with better end product.

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Very stupid thing to say when you're out of form and have struggled to string 2 good performances together for months.


Perhaps a defence mechanism, as I imagine the question was a loaded one as he's referencing Mane, but it doesn't make the answer any better.

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ASM isn't as good as he thinks he is, but he is better than his current performances suggest.  I don't doubt that with better players he'd be better - but that's applicable to everyone.  Those comments are pure knobheaddery, mind.


Have to say, unlike the previous 14 years, I wouldn't be too upset about any player leaving at any time - namely because I'd know it was the manager's call, and not just an accounting decision.  Ambitious clubs still sell players, even good ones, if they aren't the right fit or a better option is available.  Under Ashley, selling ASM would have just been about the bottom line.

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Sorry guys but Max is turning into a prize knob, what he said wont go down well with the team. 

And The step over thing against palace, was just cringe worthy, look at me I'm a Gallic super star. I don't think so max

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Guest HTT II

The sad thing is if I wasn’t so invested in NUFC, I’d fucking love ASM because he’s a pure baller, a street footballer who plays in the purest sense. He reminds me of kids’ football where all they want to do is be on the ball and beat players and do their shit. The sadder thing is he CAN be a great player, but at this level you can’t play for yourself. 

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Asm  trying to cross a ball is worse than me doing it with my left. Almost none of his so called crosses find a teammate. So often I’m like “what the heck was that” :lol: I’m sure he’ll come good again and better. But I just doubt he'll ever be good enough to be where we are heading. Be that a lack of quality or mentality, probably both. I want to like him but some of the stuff makes it more difficult. Like this if true. Focus on yourself and your football, only then will he be able to get anywhere, or have the chance to. After seeing players like Trippier and Bruno playing for us the difference in quality to most others is even greater. As in playing with with us now, the contrast in quality is even more obvious.


If someone offered us say 35m then I’d sell



Edited by Ikon

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That is a terrible thing to say in a situation where we still have important games coming up and team morale is crucial. Howe will now have a tricky decision as to whether to play him.


There have been so many warning signs about the player's general attitude over the last few months. He's off at the end of this season.

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13 hours ago, Paully said:


Shearer is our greatest goalscorer. He'd have hated playing with Maxi. Even when he does do the hard work and could create, he tries to overcook it and the striker has no idea how, when or if to time a run. There's zero consistency to his game. Plus Mane busts his balls every game. That kinda comment will be why Howe will sack him off. Talks like he's fucking Messi. He's done nothing to even consider himself close to Mane yet.



Edited by Oregon_Geordie

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Guest HTT II
13 hours ago, Paully said:


If that is genuine, that’s bad, although probably right in terms of our lacking quality in attack, but he contributes to that or rather doesn’t…



Edited by HTT II

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Like your stunning ex breaking up with you and replacing you with the Troy version of Brad Pitt. Bruno is the new guy.



Edited by Ikon

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