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Manchester Utd 4-1 Newcastle Utd


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This has been coming all season


We've never defended this badly previously like.


Stats say otherwise. We’ve conceded a ton of chances in loads of games


You and your fucking stats man :lol: My eyes say otherwise. Our discipline has been poor tonight and there's huge gaps. Positionally we have never been this poor this season and haven't made this many mistakes. With how deep we defend we're always going to conceed chances - as we did last season and the season before - but tonight is more akin to the Leicester game, we're wide open.

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This has been coming all season


We've never defended this badly previously like.


Stats say otherwise. We’ve conceded a ton of chances in loads of games


You and your fucking stats man :lol: My eyes say otherwise. Our discipline has been poor tonight and there's huge gaps. Positionally we have never been this poor this season and haven't made this many mistakes. With how deep we defend we're always going to conceed chances - as we did last season and the season before - but tonight is more akin to the Leicester game, we're wide open.



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1 hour and Bruce retreats to the Rafa 451.


Almiron shunted out of position to the right again.


Yup, ah well.


I would have liked to see that same team but with Hayden in for Matty and Shelvey for Sean.


Doubt it will happen now. Back to watching Joelinton/Carroll on an island.

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This has been coming all season


We've never defended this badly previously like.


Stats say otherwise. We’ve conceded a ton of chances in loads of games


You and your fucking stats man :lol: My eyes say otherwise. Our discipline has been poor tonight and there's huge gaps. Positionally we have never been this poor this season and haven't made this many mistakes. With how deep we defend we're always going to conceed chances - as we did last season and the season before - but tonight is more akin to the Leicester game, we're wide open.



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This has been coming all season


We've never defended this badly previously like.


Stats say otherwise. We’ve conceded a ton of chances in loads of games


You and your fucking stats man :lol: My eyes say otherwise. Our discipline has been poor tonight and there's huge gaps. Positionally we have never been this poor this season and haven't made this many mistakes. With how deep we defend we're always going to conceed chances - as we did last season and the season before - but tonight is more akin to the Leicester game, we're wide open.


You might need them tested because we’ve been conceding a ton of chances. Can only rely on Dubs having worldies for so long.

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Yedlin for Almiron.  Hahahaha


We have a game in 44 hours, you do realise?


Moaning for the sake of moaning.


He just brought on a massively limited right back to play right wing in a game where we are 4-1 down.  That is certainly not moaning for the sake of it :lol:

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Yedlin for Almiron.  Hahahaha


We have a game in 44 hours, you do realise?


Moaning for the sake of moaning.

True, that's only 44 hours of drinking time for wor brucie before he gets wheeled back out on the pitch

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