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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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People who say that will always eventually come back anyway. It's just a reaction people give (probably myself included) at the time to try and make myself feel justified in some way.


We need this to happen otherwise we're stuck with that fat cunt.

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Actually might be worth considering what might happen if the sale doesn't go through . I would expect another large fall in season ticket sales along the lines of last season , maybe even more than 10 000 ... reducing the club to chaos and perhaps the price would fall even further ?


I don't think I can face watching NUFC under Ashley and Bruce again, I'll most likely be done with English football in fact.


However, I doubt that'll be a sentiment widely shared mind, think when football does start up again, people will be desperate to get back no matter who's in charge.

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Anyone who doesnt want this deal needs their own head subtracting


I didn't say I didn't want it. I said I could understand the reasoning if it didn't happen.

" it would be pretty easy to accept if it was blocked. There's a lot not to like and it's hard to argue with anyone saying it should be blocked. "

That sort of sounds like you don't want the deal to go through ... which is a point of view you're entitled to have btw


I also said that I want it to happen from a footballing point of view. I do want it to happen. It's just pretty hard to argue with if for some reason it doesn't go through.

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Anyone who doesnt want this deal needs their own head subtracting


If I didn't despise our current owner so much, I wouldn't want this to happen tbh. I'm quite uncomfortable with it.


I'm very confortable with it as it happens. If someone wants to carry on with mike then that's their own decision but opinions shouldn't be forced on to others.


After all this is a football forum and not a human rights forum or mumsnet.


We’ve never been stuck with Mike, ever. People don’t  have to turn up, they chose to. That’s on them.


Thanks for that Lee


:lol: it's absolutely true though. He gave away tickets this season as he was bricking it. No one is forcing fans to turn up. Empty stadium week after week and hes gone. Simple as that really.


No one is buying a club right now outside of the Saudis, so he won't be gone, he'll very much still be here. Enjoy next season.

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Anyone who doesnt want this deal needs their own head subtracting


If I didn't despise our current owner so much, I wouldn't want this to happen tbh. I'm quite uncomfortable with it.


I'm very confortable with it as it happens. If someone wants to carry on with mike then that's their own decision but opinions shouldn't be forced on to others.


After all this is a football forum and not a human rights forum or mumsnet.


What does that even mean?


Self explanatory isn't it?


Who is forcing their opinion on you?


Did you bother to read the open letter?


"Forcing your opinion" = Woman who's husband was allegedly brutally murdered by our prospective new owners.


I think she's well within her rights to be pissed off about that and shout it far and wide, whether you want to hear it or not.

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It's amazing how many people and organisations are all of a sudden outraged by Saudi Arabia.


The Premier league have allowed this to happen by taking so fucking long. They're quite happy with their top 6 as it is. Nobody else Is allowed to break into it. If/when this falls through, I'm totally done with english football. What on earth is the point in it if the very top is a closed shop?

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Anyone who doesnt want this deal needs their own head subtracting


If I didn't despise our current owner so much, I wouldn't want this to happen tbh. I'm quite uncomfortable with it.


I'm very confortable with it as it happens. If someone wants to carry on with mike then that's their own decision but opinions shouldn't be forced on to others.


After all this is a football forum and not a human rights forum or mumsnet.


We’ve never been stuck with Mike, ever. People don’t  have to turn up, they chose to. That’s on them.


Thanks for that Lee


:lol: it's absolutely true though. He gave away tickets this season as he was bricking it. No one is forcing fans to turn up. Empty stadium week after week and hes gone. Simple as that really.


If you live close to the stadium and someone gives you a free ticket for you to come down and watch Bruce's boys then you might well do so!

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Guest The Little Waster

Anyone who doesnt want this deal needs their own head subtracting


If I didn't despise our current owner so much, I wouldn't want this to happen tbh. I'm quite uncomfortable with it.


I'm very confortable with it as it happens. If someone wants to carry on with mike then that's their own decision but opinions shouldn't be forced on to others.


After all this is a football forum and not a human rights forum or mumsnet.


We’ve never been stuck with Mike, ever. People don’t  have to turn up, they chose to. That’s on them.


Thanks for that Lee


:lol: it's absolutely true though. He gave away tickets this season as he was bricking it. No one is forcing fans to turn up. Empty stadium week after week and hes gone. Simple as that really.


Said this many times ... if only all fans thought like this

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Absolutely cracking read from Michael Martin again;




He probably deserves the club to fold after writing that.


Just read it, it's absolutely on the money. Don't know what you disagree with on their, but it strikes a chord with genuine fans I'll bet.


I disagree with this:



Anyway! Let’s go back to the press. It’s apparently another one of those complete coincidences, that the press are all over an open letter – apparently (cough) written by Hatice Cengiz, the fiance of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Ms Cengiz’s media profile has increased exponentially since it became likely the takeover was going through and coincidentally roughly around the same time as The Guardian was doing the big reveal about new legal documents being submitted (by whom we don’t know) and The Mirror was telling us all about ten PL clubs being against the new Newcastle United owners. All a complete coincidence I’m sure.





Let me include the bit you left out:


Ms Cengiz’s media profile has increased exponentially since it became likely the takeover was going through and coincidentally roughly around the same time as The Guardian was doing the big reveal about new legal documents being submitted (by whom we don’t know) and The Mirror was telling us all about ten PL clubs being against the new Newcastle United owners. All a complete coincidence I’m sure.


Now, it is a delicate choice of words to be deployed when responding to anyone who has lost a loved one and particularly in such brutal circumstances as Ms Cengiz’s fiancé, the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But although I’m likely on a hiding to nowt here goes. Any decent person would have to be extremely cold-hearted not to have every piece of compassion for Ms Cengiz, whose grief we can only imagine. But she is being used in a callous PR game to generate bad publicity for buyers of Newcastle United to suit an agenda which I’d guess is all about money. I make no accusation of any kind against Ms Cengiz. Those who have led her to draft this letter to Newcastle United supporters, calling upon us to oppose the takeover will know this is ridiculous and stupid.



That puts the bit you quoted in lot better context. I agree with it.

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Just a quick question.... It's called "The owners' and directors' test" but in the actual text, there's only information regarding people being appointed as directors. Why can't the Saudis own 80% of the club and just not appoint a director?


I mean right now, Charnley is our only director, is he not? Surely this new consortium just need to find one person who isn't disqualifiable? Or am I missing something glaringly obvious?


Section F, here, it's only a few pages:




In other words, can they only say "no" to a particular director, rather than "no" to the actual takeover?

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Guest awaymag

Just a quick question.... It's called "The owners' and directors' test" but in the actual text, there's only information regarding people being appointed as directors. Why can't the Saudis own 80% of the club and just not appoint a director?


I mean right now, Charnley is our only director, is he not? Surely this new consortium just need to find one person who isn't disqualifiable? Or am I missing something glaringly obvious?


Section F, here, it's only a few pages:




In other words, can they only say "no" to a particular director, rather than "no" to the actual takeover?


<b>Owners</b> and Directors test :-)

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Anyone who doesnt want this deal needs their own head subtracting


If I didn't despise our current owner so much, I wouldn't want this to happen tbh. I'm quite uncomfortable with it.


I'm very confortable with it as it happens. If someone wants to carry on with mike then that's their own decision but opinions shouldn't be forced on to others.


After all this is a football forum and not a human rights forum or mumsnet.


What does that even mean?


Self explanatory isn't it?


Who is forcing their opinion on you?


Did you bother to read the open letter?


"Forcing your opinion" = Woman who's husband was allegedly brutally murdered by our prospective new owners.


I think she's well within her rights to be p*ssed off about that and shout it far and wide, whether you want to hear it or not.


As disgusting it might be to murder an ememy countries spy I do believe in justice. That does not mean that I do not want any funding for my favourite football team from said country.

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Just a quick question.... It's called "The owners' and directors' test" but in the actual text, there's only information regarding people being appointed as directors. Why can't the Saudis own 80% of the club and just not appoint a director?


I mean right now, Charnley is our only director, is he not? Surely this new consortium just need to find one person who isn't disqualifiable? Or am I missing something glaringly obvious?


Section F, here, it's only a few pages:




In other words, can they only say "no" to a particular director, rather than "no" to the actual takeover?


<b>Owners</b> and Directors test :-)


Yeah, I get that. But which part of the actual text prevents anyone owning a club? It's all about being a director. The word "Owner" only features in the chapter heading, all of the reasons for disqualification specifically refer to directors.

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It's becoming so silly and draining now. A 2-4 week process looks like going into a sixth week because a lot of noises have been made. The Premier League does like to dramatise everything.

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It's becoming so silly and draining now. A 2-4 week process looks like going into a sixth week because a lot of noises have been made. The Premier League does like to dramatise everything.


I don't there was ever a deadline, the timings were guesses.

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It's not just said country TBF, it's said person who actually ordered the murder :lol:


Also, he was a journalist, not a spy.




:anguish: just say you reckon its okay he got killed and lets get on with it


Its got absolutely nothing to do with the putchase of nufc.


Full stop

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