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Brentford 1-0 Newcastle United - 22/12/2020


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Every single one of them, apart from Wilson, looks like they think they’re not good enough. He’s created a team of losers. Little panic clearances, giving it to darlow instead of trying something positive. He’s turned us into underdogs but with no fighting spirit.


Indeed. No desire or confidence to try anything ”risky”. Like passing forward.

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This feels worse than endgame Souness


I'm beginning to wonder if that was even that bad.


I know it was very bad, but I keep thinking "Surely it wasn't this bad."

it felt bad because of the immediate, obvious gulf between himself and SBR but he was still lightyears - and the players he had at his disposal were too - ahead of Bruce. Bruce is just the latest shithawk feasting on our remains; rafa being the only upward tick on this otherwise terminal descent.
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