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World Cup 2030 - UK and Ireland to launch joint bid to host


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FAI 'delighted' after UK government backing for prospective joint bid to host the 2030 FIFA World Cup


Ireland is set to be part of a potential joint bid to host the 2030 FIFA World Cup in conjunction with the English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish football associations after the move received support from the UK Government.


The 2030 tournament would mark the centenary of the first World Cup and world football's governing body FIFA will open the formal bidding process in 2022.


A feasibility study is under way and will continue before the formal bidding process begins.


In an interview with The Sun, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: "We are very, very keen to bring football home in 2030. I do think it's the right place.


"It's the home of football, it's the right time. It will be an absolutely wonderful thing for the country."


The English Football Association said on Twitter that it welcomed "the Government's pledge of £2.8million towards a potential bid" for the 2030 World Cup.



In a joint statement, the FAI along with the four other associations, said: "The football associations and government partners of the UK and Ireland are delighted that the UK government has committed to support a prospective five association bid for the 2030 FIFA World Cup.


"We will continue to undertake feasibility work to assess the viability of a bid before FIFA formally open the process in 2022. Staging a FIFA World Cup would provide an incredible opportunity to deliver tangible benefits for our nations. If a decision is made to bid for the event, we look forward to presenting our hosting proposals to FIFA and the wider global football community."


On Friday, new FAI chief executive Jonathan Hill had raised the prospect of a joint bid, describing it as "absolutely credible".


"I think the decision to have a joint approach is the right decision. Because we know that the English FA has already had two attempts to host the World Cup since it last did in 1966," he said.


"So I think it needed to change the narrative slightly, and I think, incorporating the other home nations and, in particular, incorporating the FAI into the proposed approach, I think is very sensible.


"I think that will fall well within both UEFA, and within UEFA federations and I think also within FIFA."


The next World Cup in 2022 will be held in Qatar, while the 2026 tournament is due to be co-hosted by the United States, Mexico and Canada.


Dublin will be one of the host cities for the delayed UEFA European Championships this summer





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Usually stadiums are altered, expanded, rebuilt in such situations.  Can imagine the mackems extending their stadium pointlessly further just to get to host some of the would be games because no doubt if Ashley is still here, SJP will barely have a new facade and naff all else in 30years.

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2030 will mark the 100th anniversary of the World Cup. Be amazed if FIFA don’t have in mind/push for some wild plan encompassing as many countries as possible.


Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile are doing a joint bid for their centenary celebrations.


I reckon they’ll get it for 2030 and 2034 will come to Europe - either our bid or Spain/Portugal.

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2030 will mark the 100th anniversary of the World Cup. Be amazed if FIFA don’t have in mind/push for some wild plan encompassing as many countries as possible.


Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile are doing a joint bid for their centenary celebrations.


I reckon they’ll get it for 2030 and 2034 will come to Europe - either our bid or Spain/Portugal.


I agree with this. Spain/Portugal it will be. We will not get the world cup again ever as the gutter british press exposed FIFA's failings and bribes and they won't forgive or forget that.

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Already have more than enough stadiums that are big enough in England alone, would be interesting to see what plans are for venues. Tournaments always have a good spread of venues around respective countries, whereas we’ve a mass of stadiums in few places - London (Wembley, WHL, Olympic, Emerits, even Twickenham), four venues in North West with Manchester stadiums, Anfield and new Everton.


For you to bother including Wales, N Ireland and Ireland you’d think there would be at least 2 venues in each country. Can only think of Croke Park and Millennium stadium that are that big. Windsor Park has been developed but pretty small capacity, and where else in N Ireland or Ireland? Wales, Swansea and Cardiff stadiums again fairly small in comparison to English grounds.

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Cardiff City stadium would probably be big enough to be a small World Cup venue (e.g. look at Kalininingrad and Yektarinburg last time) but not really worth it since you've already got a stadium in Cardiff.


There's surely a few GAA stadiums in Ireland that would be big enough to be a second venue.


Either way you could still have stadiums from countries with the caveat of no automatic qualification for said country.

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Cardiff City stadium would probably be big enough to be a small World Cup venue (e.g. look at Kalininingrad and Yektarinburg last time) but not really worth it since you've already got a stadium in Cardiff.


There's surely a few GAA stadiums in Ireland that would be big enough to be a second venue.


Either way you could still have stadiums from countries with the caveat of no automatic qualification for said country.


Not with seated capacity. But not sure on the rules now in regards to standing at games for European competition.

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The GAA might not even allow the stadium to be used, bunch of contrary cunts! ?


Aviva would be ok for a lesser group match, nice stadium but limited capacity.


Remember when St James’ would nearly always be on the list if a tournament was being played?!? Not a chance now since Spurs upgraded..

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Nah. Pre Qatar it was in Fifa rules that only one city was allowed more than one venue which should still be the way to go. Gerrymandering interference by the U.K. gov would be a far bigger concern than another London stadium.

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Croke Park, Aviva and Windsor Park would be the three over here but I'm guessing it might just be Windsor and the Aviva. One in Scotland, Wales, NI and ROI with the rest of it around the Premier League grounds. If they pick a venue outside of Belfast and Dublin here it'll almost certainly be a revamped Pairc Uí Chaoimh in Cork. The new Casement Park is going to be all seated as well with 35k seats at least so that could work too.

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Smart move to include Ireland, because post-Brexit we don't head the international popularity table.


Last time we got two votes, so there's a bit of a mountain to climb. The line 'We ought to get it because we invented the game' isn't going to work. Harking back to our glorious past tends to rub people up the wrong way. London won the Olympics because it was able to portray itself as a modern, international city.


I assume 2030 is Europe's 'turn'. If there's any other European candidate, I can see UEFA backing them, even if it's San Marino.


Anyone who saw the way the French referee handled the England-Wales Rugby game will know what I mean.

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