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Takeover Thread - July 1st statement, Staveley letter to Tracey Crouch (and response) in OP

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From Mark Douglas below, for those thinking this is just a public rant, this supports everything is being done for a reason. I’m confident an appeal or legal action now follows -


‘We'd heard for a few weeks that discussions were continuing between the consortium and the club. PIF, Amanda Staveley's PCP Capital Partners and the Reuben Brothers all remain "committed" to the deal and Ashley has made it clear that he is too. There has been quiet work going on: political manoeuvring and strategies discussed.


But it always required Ashley to make his move - which he has now, in fairly incendiary fashion’.

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The dropping of this statement feels like progress in a weird way, even though it definitely isn't. I think it's probably partially because: since the morning of that most revolting of Thursdays in late July, we've heard nothing that hasn't been shrouded in conspiracy or comprised of cryptic clues. This statement is definitive and appears to represent a genuine update.


So the refreshing nature of that clouds the fact that the news itself actually represents the true and definitive version of that earlier 'withdrawal' statement. The takeover attempt has failed. That's absolutely appalling news.


Nevertheless, it's somewhat comforting to have our suspicions validated and to get that confirmation that the beavering away of fans did actually have a point to it.


So it was all a scheme to divert the public pressure away from the potential owners and onto the on the PL; whilst the takeover engines continued to whir away in the background. It hasn't worked, but hopefully it's help set a tone that may assist the next battle from here: as the legal engines rev up, and they (hopefully) embark upon another attempt, this time in whatever appropriate court. Fingers crossed they take them to the cleaners and this time next year we're sat here under new ownership.


Dunno how to feel. It's difficult to feel a renewed sense of disappointment, despite the fact that this news could very well have been the polar opposite.


See you in 12 months or so, I guess, or however long the ensuing legal battle is going to take.


A favour though, can we make sure we keep the rooting for Ashley to a minimum? The man is a cunt, and the whole reason why we're so desperate for the outcome we want.

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The PL won’t want to lose any face over this now, the only way this gets done is if the PL are forced to allow it. I’m not sure why the club needed to put any statement out.


I think the only way it's ever happening is if its forced. Not sure if the PL even have any face to lose, seem like proper greesey b******s to be honest.

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They really do need to keep hammering home the lost investment in the region as well. The fact that potentially hundreds of millions of pounds was coming the way of the north east and now it’s not is criminal.


The counter argument to that is that they're free to buy up property/invest regardless of whether they own the local football club.


Obviously we know it's all interlinked, but it's not a hindrance.

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