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Takeover Thread - July 1st statement, Staveley letter to Tracey Crouch (and response) in OP

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15 minutes ago, Candi_Hills said:

Fear not, Wandy. I have full faith in our fans to give well reasoned political hot takes on the middern east as they pile of the Gallowgate end.

"Whey... as lang as they get a new centre haalf in like... then they gaan morder whoiver they like for me like."

You jest, but it probably won't be too far off that. [emoji38]

What we are going to need to do...IF...the takeover happens, is when knackers embarrass us on the TV, radio or internet then not to have a meltdown about it to fan the flames. At the end of the day, just ignoring this kind of stuff will be the quickest way to make it go away. We could probably do with taking advice from City fans on how to deal with all of the negative media attention.

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1 hour ago, gdm said:

Keith is on the ropes 


He might be ONE person who’s still ‘hear’ but someone needs to take his phone away. It’s just relentless embarrassing nonsense. If you are going to put yourself forward as a self styled representative of supporters and act how he does then don’t be surprised when you get criticism. 

What he’s done started off as something I’m guessing most fans appreciated and respected but as its unfolded he now just resembles a petty, emoji spewing, bully who’s flinging his own shite at anyone who has a different opinion. Now also brought to you in Arabic. *Praying hands, zebra, zebra, zebra*

Also I bet he’d go down if Steve Wraith (Brought to you by Bad Boy Books, JAB, Crossed Paths & Gay for Kray) told him to.

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1 hour ago, Candi_Hills said:

Fear not, Wandy. I have full faith in our fans to give well reasoned political hot takes on the middern east as they pile of the Gallowgate end.

"Whey... as lang as they get a new centre haalf in like... then they gaan morder whoiver they like for me like."


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24 minutes ago, JeffJ said:

He might be ONE person who’s still ‘hear’

I hope the Arabic account is just the already mangled-English tweets fed through google translate, fuck knows what they actually say, we'll probably end up with a fatwa on the club for implying the Prophet Mohammed is an artichoke

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Guest HTT II
42 minutes ago, Lazarus said:

More importantly - is it Keith, or is it Kieth?

Think it’s spelled Kunt?

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Guest reefatoon

[emoji38] The bitchiness in this place is staggering. It's true what they say about mob mentality.

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1 minute ago, Fantail Breeze said:

I was getting excited until I read, “As reported by The Sun”.

That’ll be the same Sun who told us we had been sold two years ago.


3 minutes ago, Pixelphish said:

The Sun and the Daily Mail. Name a more iconic duo.

Yeah but even a broken clock is right 2 twice a day!! [emoji38]

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I'm not sure what would be worse, the takeover getting called off or the can getting kicked down the road even further, the purgatory is excruciating.

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9 minutes ago, veriaqa said:

The can getting kicked. At least if the takeover is off, we could go on with our live.

Yep. If the takeover/legal case falls apart and we're told we're better off with Ashley then that's me done with football as it proves corruption has won and that we'll never ever be allowed to compete at the top again.

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