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On 16/08/2021 at 08:52, Ben said:

So the 12.00 protest with the West Ham fans outside the players entrance didn't happen? 



On 16/08/2021 at 11:22, Scoot said:


If course it didn't. There would have only been 20 of them anyway whilst everyone else walked passed silently, shaking their heads and tutting. We've got a fucking pathetic fanbase these days. They'll get everything they deserve this season the sad twats.


Had anyone from here planned to go?

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3 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

You mean you don't want to be the loyalest supporter the world had ever seen? Shocking.

No, as there is nothing to support, certainly not a football team that wants to better itself every year.  Christ, cleaning the gallowgate roof would be seen as progress for this turd of a club.

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13 minutes ago, nufcjb said:

Has Keith fucked off from here? Hope he never returns, the cunt. But I bet he does though when the CAT date comes nearer.

Do you mean me you stupid cunt ? If so I’m still here.



Edited by Whitley mag

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Do people actually watch this crap? These Zoom meetings where a bunch of clueless nowts throw mud at a different set of clueless nowts on another Zoom meeting? What an absolute shitshow. I seriously pity anyone who thinks these people have any credibility at this point; it's been proven beyond all doubt that the likes of Keith Patterson know as much as your average bloke down the social club. You'd have to be a bit of a sorry sod at this point to have any interest whatsoever in what these idiots are saying. 

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I mean it was fairly obvious from the beginning that Keith was a bullshit merchant. He was hoping the takeover would go through in time to make it look like he was credible. Desperate for some sort of recognition/hero status.


Maybe he did send the club some information, I don’t doubt that part of his story. They probably already had it themselves (through their proper legal teams) or completely disregarded whatever he sent in.


The rest of it is total fantasy.


It’s absolutely clear that the PL will continue to kick the can down the road and at the moment, it looks like that road is the size of the A1 rather than Strawberry Place.


Hopefully it’ll find a way of happening at some point. Can’t be fucked with this pathetic excuse of a club anymore.

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The fucking thing is called Newcastle Consortium Supporters ffs :lol: It's such a desperate, grandad on twitter carry on, the whole lot of it. When you get to a certain age you should have to pass a test to be allowed to use the internet. It'll include, amongst many other things, a test to see if you use childish emojis where they shouldnt be used and when you're far too much of an adult to be doing it. My aunty would be banned for a start.

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I've been one of the positive ones regarding this takeover but this bullshit of donating for another CAT case or whatever it is can fuck right off. What on earth is he on about? 




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Guest HTT II
8 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

The fucking thing is called Newcastle Consortium Supporters ffs :lol: It's such a desperate, grandad on twitter carry on, the whole lot of it. When you get to a certain age you should have to pass a test to be allowed to use the internet. It'll include, amongst many other things, a test to see if you use childish emojis where they shouldnt be used and when you're far too much of an adult to be doing it. My aunty would be banned for a start.

The bloke needs his hard-drive checked like, pure noncensical stuff he espouses… 

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