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49 minutes ago, STM said:

NE5 was just miserable and condescending though. He also painted Freddy Shepherd out to be a Saint, despite the fact he was running the club into the ground himself.



While he did in fact turn out to be 100% correct regarding Ashley, he almost single handedly ruined this board. Literally every thread ended up being ruined by him because he kept making it about Ashley and ambition (again, 100% correct, but not the point here). 

And he didn't just "go away" :lol:, after many, many warnings he was finally banned for good. 

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7 minutes ago, Nobody said:

While he did in fact turn out to be 100% correct regarding Ashley, he almost single handedly ruined this board. Literally every thread ended up being ruined by him because he kept making it about Ashley and ambition (again, 100% correct, but not the point here). 

And he didn't just "go away" :lol:, after many, many warnings he was finally banned for good. 


Haha, aye, now I remember a bit more! Ta.

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14 hours ago, Dr Venkman said:

It's mint like and really weird. I've not thought about NUFC much at all for years. I've snapped back to my obsessed days pretty quickly though, shocking how quick it's come back. I'm over the moon for my little boy. He's nearly 6, just getting into football, couldn't be better.


Don't think I've seen you posting for a good while Venks, did you lose interest altogether? Good to see some of the old guard coming out of the woodwork, I see even Ronaldo has popped his (massive) head in one or two threads. 

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1 hour ago, TRon said:


Don't think I've seen you posting for a good while Venks, did you lose interest altogether? Good to see some of the old guard coming out of the woodwork, I see even Ronaldo has popped his (massive) head in one or two threads. 


Aye it's been a while mate, I was holding on when Rafa was here but even then my interest diminished in the latter months when the situation was clear. I completely checked out after that, just got to the point where I have no energy or time to give to a sporting institution which isn't trying to get better. Happy to be back!

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1 minute ago, POOT 2.0 said:

If a minority of fans are going to were T-Shirts in Arabic (and that minority WILL be painted as the majority) then maybe we need to plant some that say "Love All" and "Tolerate All" etc. At least they'll be sending positive messages.

I'll barf if I see an SA flag flying in the ground, like. 

Get a bucket ready, it will happen. 

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3 minutes ago, Foluwashola said:

Hardly think a few dafties wearing tea towels is worth getting worked up about, as much as the media will delight in framing it as Newcastle fans supporting the stoning of adulterers or similar. 

It makes other fans think we are idiots though. Which is eminently avoidable. 

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1 minute ago, Billy Pilgrim said:

It makes other fans think we are idiots though. Which is eminently avoidable. 

Aye, I mean we are already labelled as fat, delusional, gravy stained, wee club in the North, plastic, entitled, Jawdees. I couldn’t handle being also called stupid!


It’ll be the shoes off if you love the toon type of shit banter, those wearing tea towels etc. Nothing malicious. Mind I hope we don’t see any of that shit.

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Just now, Foluwashola said:

Think it's fair to say we're going to be hated by all corners anyway. 

But we have a choice as to whether we actually take Saudi money and not compromise the broad range of beliefs and ideological stances across the rest of our lives, and dressing up in a thobe for banter. It just makes the whole thing smell bad when all I want is to sign everyone and win everything. 

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For me, no matter who the owners are, it should very much be a case of "once bitten, twice shy". We went mad for Ashley, and ended up looking foolish, none more so than me. 


Now I think one should always treat the owners of the club with a degree of cynicism, unless you're one of the very few clubs to have an owner with the club truly at heart (even that isn't foolproof, as we found out with Shepherd).


We know these people aren't here because their granny was a canny Walker lass. It's a business decision and we'll both hope to do well out of that. But don't revere them, at least not until they've earned it.

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59 minutes ago, Charlies said:



Chief executives and chairmen choked on their cappuccinos in board meetings as their phones pinged with emails from the league at 5.18pm informing them of the decision. Some had already seen the news on push notifications as it broke online. Why had they not heard about this in advance? was a complaint levelled at Premier League chief executive Richard Masters. Why had it not been discussed in the recent rights-holders meeting not long before? Why had many learned about it via the media, like the rest of football’s common folk?



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9 minutes ago, Conjo said:


Chief executives and chairmen choked on their cappuccinos in board meetings as their phones pinged with emails from the league at 5.18pm informing them of the decision. Some had already seen the news on push notifications as it broke online. Why had they not heard about this in advance? was a complaint levelled at Premier League chief executive Richard Masters. Why had it not been discussed in the recent rights-holders meeting not long before? Why had many learned about it via the media, like the rest of football’s common folk?



Heard about it in advance they can fuck off. 

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25 minutes ago, Foluwashola said:

Hardly think a few dafties wearing tea towels is worth getting worked up about, as much as the media will delight in framing it as Newcastle fans supporting the stoning of adulterers or similar. 


Yep. Said this earlier, you can't control every single Newcastle fan, some of the divvies will undoubtedly wear tea towels or say something stupid, but that's a price we'll have to pay, and would probably be the same at any other club that got took over by the Saudis. Football fans aren't intellectuals, far rather a few tea towels than malicious violence that we see other clubs are notorious for. 

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They are the real mugs, because the PL’s only interest is in THEIR interests, not it’s member clubs. Sure the legacy clubs have the most sway, but when it comes to preserving their own status quo, the PL don’t give a fuck about any club or the game, just the money!

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