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It is and it isnt the fault of the 'new owners'. Its more to do with the decentralized, hands off system they've implemented. They've brought in Ashworth to deal with the football, Eales as CEO, Silverstone as commercial etc. While PIF have final say, they've clearly given a fair bit of autonomy to those they've brought in to run the club on the basis that they succeed in their remit, or they're off. 


Clearly they've brought in Silverstone with the task of growing the clubs revenue through commercial means. Now this cunt isnt going to give the first fuck about atmosphere, he isnt going to give a fuck about your grandad who cant sit in level 7 and he certainly isnt going to give a fuck about no cost of living crisis. The only thing he's arsed about is his job - increasing revenue. So, given that we're assuming he's done a good job for the owners of Arsenal, he's went back to what he's done before and plonked Arsenals ticketing system on to us. Shite for us, hopefully shite for the club but thats not what he'll think. 


Company people making business decisions. 

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I hope some pretty serious questions are being asked behind the scenes about the decision to go digital, the roll out and how it will affect fans.


Some of the hoops to jump through and restrictions are an absolute joke. I’m told if you want a paper ticket you have to collect it from the ticket office 2 days before the match? If that’s right then vulnerable ST holders are seemingly being chased out of the club.


I can see chaos at the Villa game.

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2 hours ago, Hovagod said:

I have asked this again and again about the Trust and True Faith? I was wholly disengaged at the time, but am I right in thinking they encouraged others to get rid of their season tickets while keeping hold of their own? And promised consultation with the club and new owners about loyalty points that they were quite obviously in no way placed to guarantee? Almost have to admire the moxie really.

The trust never ever encouraged a boycott, they got so much flak for this because people kept saying that they should.

Of course now history is being re-written and people are claiming the trust encouraged a boycott whilst it’s members never bothered.


I don’t know about True Faith though as I don’t keep up to date with their guff.


The Magpie group did however encourage a boycott due to the demand placed on them by fans to do so.

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1 hour ago, gdm said:

No it’s a fucking shambles.

Memberships went on sale late. 

people were buying memberships without any real information out there that tells you what you get for it and I don’t mean 15% off food at Shearers


Memberships are not only more expensive they are now unlimited and there for the actual value in the membership is a lot less. There could be any number of people in the ballots


and now not only can you not choose where to sit you can’t set a price limit and in these times that can be a really worry for people and then apparently it turns out if u get the highest price ticket you can’t even back out of it. So be prepared to pay the max or don’t enter the ballot


Also absolutely no thought of kids, the elderly or the infirm.


it’s a complete shit show and let’s say it like it is if this was done under Ashley the outrage would be 10 fold. The club/pif have a lot of goodwill but people are rightfully angry


Fucking word.

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I'm actually shocked at my own reaction to this and how much it has completely pissed me off. Not only at the club's actions but also the appallingly smug reaction to it from some of our fanbase. I might cool down over the coming days but right now it's killed any enthusiasm I had for the coming seaaon. If I dont feel on the same page as the club and our own support then I'm wondering what's the point of it all.

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Just now, Wandy said:

I'm actually shocked at my own reaction to this and how much it has completely pissed me off. Not only at the club's actions but also the appallingly smug reaction to it from some of our fanbase. I might cool down over the coming days but right now it's killed any enthusiasm I had for the coming seaaon. If I dont feel on the same page as the club and our own support then I'm wondering what's the point of it all.

I share some of these feelings but I’ve not seen the smugness, is it all on social media? Because on here the ticketing decisions have been absolutely torn to shreds 

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Just now, gbandit said:

I share some of these feelings but I’ve not seen the smugness, is it all on social media? Because on here the ticketing decisions have been absolutely torn to shreds 


Yeah, facebook and twitter has been full of absolute cockends, saying if you aren't prepared to pay the £74 for a ticket then don't bother entering the ballot. Absolute cunts the lot of them.

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2 minutes ago, jack j said:

Most of what I've seen on twitter has been people up in arms about it as well (nor saying its not happening) but plenty feel the same way that its shite craic


From what I've seen its about 70/30 with the 30 supporting the decision. That's an alarming amount of support for something so awful IMO. The entire fanbase should be up in arms about it.

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4 hours ago, stozo said:

I feel like all the kicking off about ticket process is a bit people wanting to have their cake and eat it. People want us to compete for trophies. FFP is the major barrier to that. Which means we need to increase revenue. Which in turn means everything (especiallly tickets) will go up in price. Everything has a cost, and this is the price of success. 

how much extra revenue is going to made through ticketing?

its not a great amount in the grand scheme of things.

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3 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

ToonDawg absolutely nails it in this exchange with Burnsie. 


The biggest gripe with club pre takeover was that they didn’t listen, they’ve made a cock up here undoubtedly, let’s hope they put it right which I’m confident they will.



£74 for a poxy friendly in the poorest area of GB, where you get put into a raffle to see what you get to pay.  It’s not ‘fickle’ at all.  ‘Toondawg’ is talking absolute shite.


So full of shite that he/she makes Burnsie look like the voice of common sense. 

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5 hours ago, stozo said:

I feel like all the kicking off about ticket process is a bit people wanting to have their cake and eat it. People want us to compete for trophies. FFP is the major barrier to that. Which means we need to increase revenue. Which in turn means everything (especiallly tickets) will go up in price. Everything has a cost, and this is the price of success. 

People aren’t complaining about the price though. They’re complaining about the imposition of a process that is going to prevent many fans applying for tickets because they don’t know how much money is going to be taken from their bank account.


You could charge the same prices but retain last year’s system and no one would be complaining.

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2 hours ago, Doctor Zaius said:

It is and it isnt the fault of the 'new owners'. Its more to do with the decentralized, hands off system they've implemented. They've brought in Ashworth to deal with the football, Eales as CEO, Silverstone as commercial etc. While PIF have final say, they've clearly given a fair bit of autonomy to those they've brought in to run the club on the basis that they succeed in their remit, or they're off. 


Clearly they've brought in Silverstone with the task of growing the clubs revenue through commercial means. Now this cunt isnt going to give the first fuck about atmosphere, he isnt going to give a fuck about your grandad who cant sit in level 7 and he certainly isnt going to give a fuck about no cost of living crisis. The only thing he's arsed about is his job - increasing revenue. So, given that we're assuming he's done a good job for the owners of Arsenal, he's went back to what he's done before and plonked Arsenals ticketing system on to us. Shite for us, hopefully shite for the club but thats not what he'll think. 


Company people making business decisions. 

He’s a clueless cunt if that’s the case - Arsenal is Norf Landan, they can afford £1,000 STs etc.  If he doesn’t understand his market he’s hardly a business guru


edit: He’s also not pulling up any fences at the moment commercially - and ticket sales don’t constitute commercial revenues in football finance; they’re ‘match day revenue’.  



Edited by TheBrownBottle

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What is a club in any case? It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time after his father dished out £57 for memberships for the pair of them, joined a ballot and got a pair of tickets randomly assigned to them in hopefully what is a child friendly part of the ground for the cost of upwards of £75 which they had no choice on.



Edited by HaydnNUFC

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2 hours ago, Tsunami said:

I hope some pretty serious questions are being asked behind the scenes about the decision to go digital, the roll out and how it will affect fans.


Some of the hoops to jump through and restrictions are an absolute joke. I’m told if you want a paper ticket you have to collect it from the ticket office 2 days before the match? If that’s right then vulnerable ST holders are seemingly being chased out of the club.


I can see chaos at the Villa game.

This is an argument against nearly every organisation that goes digital. I work for a housing association with a far high percentage of vulnerable tenants than vulnerable matchgoers, and we’re constantly pushing everyone to go digital. Clubs up and down the country are doing it.


The ticket ballot is a shambles though. Given how late in the day it’s been announced, I suspect it’s as much to do with the limitations in the box office than anything. I’d hope so anyway as if it’s a conscious long term decision, it’s a poor one. 

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I’ve noticed there’s an ilk of fan and I might be generalising but it’s the home and away fan. They seem pissed about away ticket changes and are taking joy in the general fans anger over this.


There’s a real disconnect in the fanbase, especially on social media.

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Echoing everyone else but the ballot is a fucking shambles. Fair enough have a ballot but you should be able to select the area of the stadium you want to sit in and the price you’d be willing to pay. 

I sat close to the pitch in leazes last season for a game as there was no others available and it was hell due to the lack of legroom and i’m not a very tall person. If that seat was selected again in a ballot, i’d be absolutely furious and not want to go to the game. 

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4 hours ago, TheGuv said:

Don’t shoot the messenger. Only passing on something I was told.


I think some people are still slightly naive to what the Club’s overall objectives are moving forward. 


4 hours ago, TheGuv said:

It won’t happen as I’m sure we’ll be fine under Howe [emoji38]


It’s just something to be aware of how the minds of PIF and others work.

Any chance of something less cryptic? :) 

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5 minutes ago, Likelylad said:

I’ve noticed there’s an ilk of fan and I might be generalising but it’s the home and away fan. They seem pissed about away ticket changes and are taking joy in the general fans anger over this.


There’s a real disconnect in the fanbase, especially on social media.

There’s always been that disconnect - a sizeable portion of the regular travellers who hold everyone else in contempt, but shit a brick it something hits them.


When I was a H&A regular, I’d hear plenty of voices bore on about that shite on away coaches all the time.  The moment you care about being a ‘better fan’ than someone else is the moment you should find a different fucking hobby. 

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10 minutes ago, Likelylad said:

I’ve noticed there’s an ilk of fan and I might be generalising but it’s the home and away fan. They seem pissed about away ticket changes and are taking joy in the general fans anger over this.


There’s a real disconnect in the fanbase, especially on social media.

Aye it works both ways like

I've been in that boat myself where I'm "protective" over my loyalty points and get on the defensive when I see posts saying scrap them or put them on a rolling basis or put half into a ballot etc


I think some of the "away fans" as you put it get angered by people saying their points shouldn't mean fuck all


Doesn't mean that they should be taking joy in this today like. Cos its a shambles



Edited by jack j

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1 minute ago, Miggys First Goal said:

As others have said, this whole fiasco has left a sour taste in the mouth on the eve of what should be an exciting season. 

I’m not even thinking about the season now, actually not excited about the Villa game at all. 

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