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4 minutes ago, TRon said:


When Keegan was manager the club was privately owned, SJH was prepared to back him, money no object, and Keegan's player recruitment was mostly fantastic. Even if we didn't win trophies, most of the players bought went up in value or we recouped our money if they didn't work out. 


Once we went public and we started looking at dividends and share value, suddenly every penny was scrutinised, and Keegan left. What was noticeable after that, when Dalglish took over, we were still buying big players, but there was one or two key players in every area, supplemented by some bargain basement types. So suddenly we started seeing Des Hamiltons, and over the hill stars like Ian Rush and John Barnes turning up. Compare that with Keegan's buying where he was spending top dollar on every position. 


While Shepherd still liked to pull out the marquee signings such as Michael Owen, or Robert, we often used all our money on them, then had to make do and mend with secondary players in other positions. It wasn't really the same model at all, we were well on our way to mid-table mediocrity by then. 

Good synopsis, KK’s buying and selling record was immense, even random unknown signings we would get our money back or most of it. 

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3 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:


Agree fully.

Even fringe players like Guppy and Huckerby came into their own, just couldn't force their way into our team.

Looking back its frigthening to see our relative spend.

KK's first summer we spent the same as the mackems - we blitzed the league they nearly went down to the fhird and a third of Derby's who did nothing. 17 clubs spent the same or more.

93 11 clubs spent the same or more (including two in the league below us) - only two finished ahead

94 9 clubs - including West Ham, Everton, Man City, Chelsea and Sheffield Wed who were looking at relegation.


Under the PLC though Dalglish still spent a fortune in a small space of time, yes he sold players, but we always had under Keegan too. Speed, Hamman, Tomasson, Solano, Anderrsson, Pistone, Guivarch, Griffin, Hamilton, Dabizas, Charvet, Serrant, Brady was rougly £33million in a year and a half



It’s a myth that KK was a chequebook manager or we were bankrolled by some sugar daddy. Far from it. Our success mind meant others had to spend even more which the likes of Spurs and Villa were doing, although Spurs had historically in the late 80s and early 90s been heavy spenders. Villa spent nearly 5m on Draper, we got Ginola, Lee, Beardsley and Cole for the same money. 



Edited by HTT II

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32 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:


Second only to Manchester United. Surprised me to learn recently we sold £8million worth of asics shirts from their release in May 93 until mid-December that same year, which I believe was a record and read a story where Spurs were laughed at claiming they could match the shirt sales we had with the first adidas kit.

Have argued the same case elsewhere that when you look at what was spent - then what was made from player sales added to things like the tickets, bonds, shirt sales, merchandice it was a modest spend and nothing like Blackburn then or a Man City now.  Because it went so well people forget we sold our top three goalscorers in the space of two years, Kelly/Peacock being replaced by Cole and Beardsley and Cole being replaced by Ferdinand and GIllespie. ffs we sold Ruel Fox for double what we paid for Ginola. KK deserves even more credit than he already gets for me in hindsight.


Any reference for that ASICS £8m comment? Would love to see it and work on an article around that

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1 minute ago, TheGuv said:

Any reference for that ASICS £8m comment? Would love to see it and work on an article around that


Its on either the season video that year or the Back to the Top first part of the season video - Freddie Fletcher interview.

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Our grandad kit outsold Liverpool’s Adidas one massively at the same time they were introduced and I remember at the time, they were rebranding and used their new ‘Adidas’ name only logo as preferred for our strip due to the global outreach and profile of NUFC at the time.

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12 minutes ago, HTT II said:

Good synopsis, KK’s buying and selling record was immense, even random unknown signings we would get our money back or most of it. 


Barry Venison always sticks in my mind, we bought him for about 250k quite early on during KK's reign, then sold him for three times as much a few years later despite him being about 30 iirc. When you are successful, even the players you don't want seem to go up in value. 

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Freddie Fletcher "the sales of shirts have just been phenomonal. We broke the £8million record Christmas week and that was for the two strips that were launched on the first of May, which is just phenomonal"



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6 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

Freddie Fletcher "the sales of shirts have just been phenomonal. We broke the £8million record Christmas week and that was first the two strips that were launched on the first of May, which is just phenomonal"




He played them and Adidas brilliantly, Asics were desperate to renew their short-term deal after mega sales, but Adidas was waiting in the wings and Fletcher said if you want in you have to more than better their figures. Adidas went on to do several other deals with the club outside of just the kits. They paid for some of Shearer for example.



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7 minutes ago, TRon said:


Barry Venison always sticks in my mind, we bought him for about 250k quite early on during KK's reign, then sold him for three times as much a few years later despite him being about 30 iirc. When you are successful, even the players you don't want seem to go up in value. 


Think Kitson is the only one we didn't make money on that Keegan bought and sold. (Sellars, Guppy evens)

Even most that were sold afterwards Ginola, Ferdinand, Batty, Gillespie, Tino were either evens or a profit.



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2 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

We ran a car at Le Mans.

We had a sporting empire, that didn’t last long…



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3 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:


Think Kitson is the only one we didn't make money on that Keegan bought and sold. (Sellars, Guppy evens)

Even most that were sold afterwards Ginola, Ferdinand, Batty, Gillespie, Tino were either evens or a profit.




We made a 50k profit on Kitson… he was vastly underrated IMO, and I wanted him to do so well for us badly. We were looking at any top young talent home or abroad at the time!

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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

We had a sporting empire, that didn’t last long…





SJH over-reaching. Didn't sit too well at the time though I still trusted them. Think that regime was just so driven they had to always be doing something.

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5 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

We ran a car at Le Mans.

I’m sure it was paraded on Dean Street a few times, just remember huge crowds for a car for some reason back in those days…

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3 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:


SJH over-reaching. Didn't sit too well at the time though I still trusted them. Think that regime was just so driven they had to always be doing something.

Aye, it didn’t quite work out and it was a very ambitious project, but it didn’t harm the club as our name become synonymous with motorsport, rugby, basketball etc.



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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

We made a 50k profit on Kitson… he was vastly underrated IMO, and I wanted him to do so well for us badly. We were looking at any top young talent home or abroad at the time!


He got a raw deal and a lot of pressure being seen as the Cole replacement when he wasn't that kind of forward and then having Beardsley, Ferdinand, Shearer and Tino to fight for a place against. He had a cleverness about him that you thought could plug in well to our style.

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Launch a streaming service for Saudi, monthly fee like Netflix or whatever. Have a team creating content for them so it looks legit.


Saudi has a population of nearly 35m, say we have 2 million “subscribers” for around 20 quid a month, rolling annual contract. That’s 480m income a year.


Whatever would be on our shirt would be irrelevant. Would also have no need to rename the stadium.

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43 minutes ago, HTT II said:

I’m sure it was paraded on Dean Street a few times, just remember huge crowds for a car for some reason back in those days…

The Lister Storm





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17 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:


Wasn't Hall after the Eagles and Falcons as well at some point? Have all 3 Newcastle Clubs together?

He ended the Durham Wasps ice hockey team, who were very successful until he bought them, they didn’t last long.

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21 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:


Wasn't Hall after the Eagles and Falcons as well at some point? Have all 3 Newcastle Clubs together?

He started the ‘Falcons’ brand. 

Probably helped start the downfall of grassroots rugby tbh. 

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