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Captain Steak Bakes (now managing Blackpool/revising history)

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6 hours ago, TK-421 said:



Forgive me for not knowing the 'training' tactics from the 80's that this knob is applying but what the fuck is he counting? Countdown to Thanksgiving dinner?



Edited by nufcjb

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24 minutes ago, nufcjb said:

Forgive me for not knowing the 'training' tactics from the 80's that this knob is applying but what the fuck is he counting? Countdown to Thanksgiving dinner?





Imagine being a professional athlete and spending all year keeping yourself in shape and that fat mess is yelling at you to run faster. 

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1 hour ago, nufcjb said:

Forgive me for not knowing the 'training' tactics from the 80's that this knob is applying but what the fuck is he counting? Countdown to Thanksgiving dinner?




He’s literally counting the time it’s taking them to run a couple of laps round the pitch 

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19 hours ago, LV said:

He’s literally counting the time it’s taking them to run a couple of laps round the pitch 


Fucks sake. Can't remember my PE teacher doing or saying anything as dumb as that. What is even the point? Pity those WBA lads. Coming back to pre-season training and you get a bloated coach preparing you for the tough season ahead like that.

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23 hours ago, Lazarus said:

Has he actually put on more weight?


I think he's lost a bit tbf. Looks more like a pregnant middle aged biddy as opposed to a beached whale of NUFC days.

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