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Captain Steak Bakes (now managing Blackpool/revising history)

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13 hours ago, Groundhog63 said:


First thing I thought and fair play to him. 

Back on the tools now tho.

Post Press-briefing bacon butties.

Tuck shop full of kets from fining players for being late for training. 


Mid afternoon Costa with The Steves

Take away with the missus*

Stick of Blackpool rock for supper


* (edited) The Bruces eat out out every night. 







I thought it said finishing players off for being late to training, canny service

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13 minutes ago, nufcjb said:

I'm actually looking forward to see Blackpool's match tomorrow and also see this fraud's post-match interview. Win, lose or.draw, he's going to spout some absolute filthy shit and also interrupt the interviewer.

Well look, it's a tough job and I've only just got here. But I'd like to think a man which as much experience as me can turn it around. I know we lost today, but we just have to roll our sleeves up and go again.

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Well you kneuw there are no easy games in this league and Exeter are no exception. If ya don't put ya boots on and play, ya get punished. Look, whu've gorra batten down the hatches, roll wah sleeves up, dust wasels doon and go again. Whu've got another difficult game next weekend, at Charlton, it doesn't get any easier. I've managed over 1000 games and been in it twenty odd years or worreva. Wuh might have lost 4-0 today but I was really pleased with the way wuh went about wah work.

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Ah yes of course, the good old "huff and puff"

If you don't huff and puff enough you won't win in this game. Brucey knows that more than anyone.

At the end of the day,they'll roll their sleeves up and move on to the next. 


(Judge him after 10 games)

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22 hours ago, Anderson said:


Huffed and puffed




That is so painful to watch and hear. His voice and the utter garbage his mouth spews sends me into tailspin and to our dark old days. Every press conference, pre and post match interview, he would just drive me nuts back then.

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