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12 hours ago, Donut said:



Nice forum lads.


Odd  people to think that using a wheelchair means you're declaring you cannot walk at all.


My mum, who doesn't give 2 shits about football mind, has a wheelchair for when she's out and about because her mobility is pretty fucked. She can still walk round the house, even drive her car, do her gardening etc but just anything more than 50m and she'll be collapsed in a heap so she has the wheelchair, disabled badge etc for longer stints or when she's out and about. It's absolutely fine to be a legitimate wheelchair user without completely surrendering your right to walk.


Fucking oddballs.

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4 minutes ago, tomlynnherrington said:

Mackems don’t tend to think before coming out with their anti-NUFC nonsense.I was once having a bit banter with a mackem work ‘mate’.I hoyed in that we’d won more major trophies.The silly bastard said the FA Cup wasn’t a major trophy.

And always cherry pick the two or three low attendances over and over again, yet never mention the true history of average attendances, where we all know the facts. Also, saw a picture of ‘The battle of Bath Lane’ thing on Farcebook, in the comments, apparently the mackems gave us a good kicking there, and also at the back of the Gallowgate and Leazes End, now I was at that match, and can’t remember anything of the kind at the back of the Gallowgate, and never heard anything about the back of the Leazes End, can’t comment on Bath Lane as I wasn’t there, but the accounts I’ve heard differ massively to what the milfs are saying. Mackematics and Jackanory I suspect again though. 

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1 hour ago, Cattletrucked said:

And always cherry pick the two or three low attendances over and over again, yet never mention the true history of average attendances, where we all know the facts. Also, saw a picture of ‘The battle of Bath Lane’ thing on Farcebook, in the comments, apparently the mackems gave us a good kicking there, and also at the back of the Gallowgate and Leazes End, now I was at that match, and can’t remember anything of the kind at the back of the Gallowgate, and never heard anything about the back of the Leazes End, can’t comment on Bath Lane as I wasn’t there, but the accounts I’ve heard differ massively to what the milfs are saying. Mackematics and Jackanory I suspect again though. 

Mackems reinventing history not like them. Next thing we know they’ll be saying they won the North Shields ferry battle aswell. 

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I wonder what mental gymnastics the cave dwellers will be doing over the minutes silence tonight, bearing in mind how many times the Queen welcomed Saudi Arabia heads of state over. Doubt that fucker who tweets his shit at every opportunity has mentioned any of that though, thick twat!  Let’s see if they bewwwwwww, being the caring human rights activists we all know and love. 

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6 hours ago, Cattletrucked said:

And always cherry pick the two or three low attendances over and over again, yet never mention the true history of average attendances, where we all know the facts. Also, saw a picture of ‘The battle of Bath Lane’ thing on Farcebook, in the comments, apparently the mackems gave us a good kicking there, and also at the back of the Gallowgate and Leazes End, now I was at that match, and can’t remember anything of the kind at the back of the Gallowgate, and never heard anything about the back of the Leazes End, can’t comment on Bath Lane as I wasn’t there, but the accounts I’ve heard differ massively to what the milfs are saying. Mackematics and Jackanory I suspect again though. 

The famous photo of Bath Lane was after the match.For anyone who has their doubts …

1 I was there.

2 Most people are facing down Bath Lane.

3 The mackems are retreating in panic back up Bath Lane.


It kicked off when Toon infiltraters chanted UNITED,up from the Waterloo is where the mackems took a beating.Not that I’m condoning footie violence,just highlighting the truth ?



Edited by tomlynnherrington

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20 minutes ago, tomlynnherrington said:

The famous photo of Bath Lane was after the match.For anyone who has their doubts …

1 I was there.

2 Most people are facing down Bath Lane.

3 The mackems are retreating in panic back up Bath Lane.


It kicked off when Toon infiltraters chanted UNITED,up from the Waterloo.





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13 minutes ago, tomlynnherrington said:

The mackems stayed quiet during the minutes silence.Finally they’ve realised that shouting during a minutes silence isn’t the done think.It’s taken a while mind.


This was for a white person.

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