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9 minutes ago, TeddySAFC said:

I didn't suggest you were, I just find it odd you had the audacity to say 'I go into bat for them alot' when you have posted thousands and thousands of messages on it when all you do it use it as a yard stick to beat Sunderland fans with, very odd.


Nah, I used to call them out all of the time on there as well.

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12 minutes ago, UV said:



Ahaha, remember either summer window or last january, they were all over his arse on twitter as he was breaking their signings on YT, and all crying that Sky Sports News didn't have a reporter camped there.



Edited by TK-421

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Never lets you down.


Sky, the Saudis and commentators part of a secret pro Mag order and are anti human rights:

'Have the Saudis paid off sky?' "something sinister going on, its as though sky are in cahoots." "the commentary love in is embarrassing. sportswashing at it's finest" "Sky always sucking you lot off. Saudi probably paying them. Embarrasing" "I’ve said it before they’ll be getting paid to big them up" "Tip of the iceberg mate" "John Murray wanking the clowns off on Radio 5 now."


McCoist who briefly played for Sunderland 40years ago and had us for his testimonial makes the list:

"Oh great, we have to hear that annoying wanker McCoist lick their arse all night." "Super ally right down in my estimation now praising the mags"


Delusion/self comforting/avoiding responsibility for their poor attempts to replicate/ignorance re wor flags:

"Have they dished out free scarves and flags again?" "Oh I wish we all were given scarves free to wave about" "Free Scarf Mags"


....and that was just the pre match.

I couldn't cope with that much hate in my life never mind pre kick-off in a local rivals match




Edited by Wolfcastle

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These lot will be gutted. If we lose the final they’ll be celebrating and then the realisation will kick in for them. They’ll recognise that this is just the start, and that they best get used to us competing for trophies and seeing Eddie’s “smug” face on their 22 inch portable tele’s.



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3 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

These lot will be gutted. If we lose the final they’ll be celebrating and then the realisation will kick in for them. They’ll recognise that this is just the start, and that they best get used to us competing for trophies and seeing Eddie’s “smug” face on their 22 inch portable tele’s.




This is so true. Us losing the final would be their best result of the season, which basically says everything you need to know about them.

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