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3 minutes ago, Neil said:

This is gonna sound weird but is there a biological explanation for the phenomenon of why left footed players tend to be really, really, left footed? Is it just a visual illusion?


You never tend to see right footed players be quite so 100% one footed.


Someone tell me I'm not going mad here please.

saw an interesting video with Shearer where he said when he was training with Southampton, he would train both feet and his coaches told him to scrap that and solely focus on his stronger and right foot. Might be the same with lefties. Know Morton Gamst Pederson was transformed by his coaches from a right footed player to a left footed one because lefties are more in demand because of their scarcity. Baffles my mind as it is so hard to do. 

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I think some of it probably comes from lefties standing out/being more noticable when playing. 


I was a pretty left-footed player and every time I'd go one-on-one someone would shout "left." No one did that when right-footed players tried to dribble by someone 

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