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Other games (2024/25)


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18 minutes ago, leffe186 said:

Enjoying watching Celtic. They’re playing lovely football, and as a bonus you can see the Hearts players losing their rags as Celtic just knock it about. Couple of tasty old-school tackles.

The lack of jeopardy spoils it for me. While it's obviously great winning a lot of matches, it must be a bit strange knowing you're going to win at least 27 of your 38 matches each year, overmatch the vast majority of your opponents, and some of the very few points you do drop is when the title has already been secured.

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2 minutes ago, astraguy said:

why is the atmosphere at Villa Park so dire?


I went to a few Villa games years back. It might have been where I was sitting at villa park, or how the team was at the time, but it was always a bit miserable. Lots of silence and complaining - possibly like we were under Ashley tbf.


A fleeting impression from a while ago, but I always preferred going to the Birmingham City games - even though they were pretty poor as a team, I still liked the atmosphere better. Smaller crowds there, but those that went were passionate about it. I got the sense that there was more expectation at Villa and their fans, which might be a wrong impression, but it was mine.


I actually think Birmingham is a great city when you get to know it, but it's not 100% a football city. Ask almost anyone in Newcastle on a Monday and they'll know the weekend's result and usually have an opinion on it. Not the same there at all.


I'm sure the hardcore fans are just as passionate as any other, but I don't think the city's identity is driven as much by the rhythm of football as it is here. Maybe because it's a two team city, but maybe because it's a much bigger place as well.

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