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It's great to see managers like Howe & Emery get the recognition they deserve. A few years ago you'd still be seeing the likes of Merson and Jordan defending Steve Bruce & Dean whatshisface whilst making up some bullshit excuse as to why the disgusting foreigner and inexperienced fella from Bournemouth had been given tap-ins or a leg up that the PFM's didn't have. Love it.

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8 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

It feels like there's a lot of decent coaches in the league at the moment.


I think it's becoming more and more critical that your club has proper talent in the dugout these days because the competition is so fierce. We are very much in a post-PFM world now; even those from the noughties who had something special about them - eg Rafa, Mourinho - aren't cut out for the league now, let alone the dinosaurs. It was absolutely laughable that Steve Bruce was still in a job only a couple of years ago; and the less said about that absolutely desperate turn by Leeds last season the better. Truly embarrassing. 


It's another reason why I've got so much respect for the likes of Moyes and Roy; the latter of whom, especially, I think must just be a bit of a fucking genius - for him still to be getting a tune out of a squad 50+ years his junior, when all of his peers have become totally outdated... it's some achievement, like. One of my favourite people in football.

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Got a lot of time for Roy. I certainly don't think it's a coincidence that the oldest English manager to keep up modern football is one that readily jumped at opportunities in a ton of different countries and cultures. Clearly happy to go outside his comfort zone which indicates he's happy to learn and adjust. 

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1 hour ago, wormy said:

Got a lot of time for Roy. I certainly don't think it's a coincidence that the oldest English manager to keep up modern football is one that readily jumped at opportunities in a ton of different countries and cultures. Clearly happy to go outside his comfort zone which indicates he's happy to learn and adjust. 


Brede Hangeland whom played under Roy for many years in two different clubs was in Norwegian studio yesterday and talked about how Roy sets up his team just as he remembered. Last time he played for Roy was 13 years ago.


I admire his ability to manage at his age, but he is the most boring, defensive manager in the league by a solid margin.

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Roy and Moyes were definitely the cream of that group labelled (unfairly or not) as PFMs, they've had more successes than failures in their careers. Without being able to quantify it they seem to me as fairly "old school" types but definitely receptive to the modern innovations of the game and willing to balance the two to good effect.


Thankfully the ones who made a point of rubbishing innovations such as data, tactics, analysis etc seem to have almost entirely died out at the top level now. I remember Bruce when Sunderland manager circa 2010-11 once boasted in a press conference that he didn't know how to send an email, as if that was a positive thing that he didn't waste his time with such progressive nonsense. Souness with his "tactics are for schoolteachers" remarks was another one who darkened our door.

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5 hours ago, Conjo said:


Brede Hangeland whom played under Roy for many years in two different clubs was in Norwegian studio yesterday and talked about how Roy sets up his team just as he remembered. Last time he played for Roy was 13 years ago.


I admire his ability to manage at his age, but he is the most boring, defensive manager in the league by a solid margin.

You might want to look at how many goals Palace scored before they appointed him.

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51 minutes ago, Ronaldo said:

You might want to look at how many goals Palace scored before they appointed him.


And? Their previous manager isn't in the league anymore, and they are still joint bottom third for goals scored, ahead of Burnley and Luton with a significantly better squad.

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While they don't play the most boring football in the league, I do think Palace as a club are the most boring in the League, they never look to push on, and only aim to continually finish 11th nothing more, nothing less, the fact they rehired Roy after Viera's first blip in form is testament to that. They also never even think about targeting a cup competition for a bit of excitement. They just seem pointless.

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The Guardian are doing their top 100 players and it’s already a steaming pile of shite. I don’t know why they bother. Apparently Nunez is significantly “better” than Isak, imagine being a football journalist and holding that opinion.

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I’ve bigger up Parish on here before. But I saw him on the Shearer podcast and he confirmed all the criticisms people have of him. 

He was sneak dissing the fans saying they want European football.  But one of their rivals have shown it’s possible with shrewd and forward thinking business.   Where Parish defaults to tried and tested.  

He also came across as being content with being on the PL gravy train. No real ambition to do anything but survive. 

WHU and Palace are two of the least progressive clubs in the league. WHU ownership don’t trust themselves to do better than Moyes.  That’s one of the main reasons he wasn’t sacked last season. Parish sometimes tries to go progressive but at the first hint of trouble - he reverts to type.  




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Can't agree with any of Wengers points here, particularly while observing our current injury crisis.


From a business perspective, another competition expansion does nothing but dilute the brand, squeeze your top assets, and reduce the quality of the product.


From a human perspective you're running players into the ground, with much more chance for injury and fatigue. 


If the powers that be want more football to sell, elevate the women's game and get the lower national leagues on TV more. People would watch it.


In conclusion, WENGER OUT.



Edited by Guybrush

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