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Still not worthy of a thread


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Typical that this happens when we've got some of the shittest teams the PL has ever seen.


Even with the 10 point deduction they're only 5 points from safety, and they're playing pretty well this season so no chance this sends them down, they'll be out the relegation zone by Christmas.

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11 minutes ago, Disco said:

Everton docked ten points.


Annoying it’s the one season they’ll probably be able to take the hit.

Still get off with a fine instead on appeal no doubt....as you say they wont even need that to stay up


Should be a 2 year transfer ban too really



Edited by Fezzle

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1 minute ago, Interpolic said:

The state of that club even after they've been proven to have spent far too much money :lol:


Sorry @Neil


:lol: So sorry you force him to read it with an @. What a saint.


Wholeheartedly agree, tho. 


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Just now, TK-421 said:

Yeah, looking at the table, it puts then 19th, on 4 pts. But they are only 5 or 6 pts from safety, so they'll probably recover and stay up again.


2 points off Luton and safety, annoyingly

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1 minute ago, timeEd32 said:

Wow, going to be a lot of ‘what about City’ commentary now.

Listening to Football Weekly yesterday evening and their chat about Abramovic being caught paying off the books was about 90% City.

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