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Financial Fair Play / Profit & Sustainability


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Another piece on the athletic about this, it’s Ollie Kay’s turn. 

Still struggling to understand why people don’t get this, the punishment is severe because it has to be. If it’s a fine good luck keeping us and city in line. 

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Personally I think the fuckers should have been relegated. They were told numerous times they had problems, their covid allowances posted to the Premier League were way above any other club and yet they were still signing players. Horrible fuckers got off lightly in my opinion and purposely stalled getting the case sorted as they knew a points deduction was incoming and would have seen them relegated. 

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On 24/11/2023 at 18:07, madras said:

In my lifetime they were one of the big 5 (Them, Liverpool, Man Utd, Spurs, Arsenal), before Abramovic and SJH came along.



However their OTT bitterness does mark them as Mackemlike.




The bitterness comes from their fall in status, they were one of the architects of the PL which was designed to strengthen their position but they were quickly overtaken by other clubs including Keegan's NUFC. They've never really got over it and haven't seriously challenged at the top of the league for over 30 years now.

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If over spending is only a 10 point deduction surely there is the temptation to spend big by clubs, blow the budget but build a strong squad, take the hit one season then build from there. 10 points is a lot to risk if you’re in a relegation battle, but not so bad if you’re confident to finish top half with a handicap for 1 year.


Really I think the punishment should be more severe so that it’s detrimental to those at the top end of the league not just the bottom.

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3 minutes ago, wiseman said:

If over spending is only a 10 point deduction surely there is the temptation to spend big by clubs, blow the budget but build a strong squad, take the hit one season then build from there. 10 points is a lot to risk if you’re in a relegation battle, but not so bad if you’re confident to finish top half with a handicap for 1 year.


Really I think the punishment should be more severe so that it’s detrimental to those at the top end of the league not just the bottom.

Personally think there should be a 2 year transfer ban too. That would have the likes of Chelsea/City thinking twice

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10 minutes ago, wiseman said:

If over spending is only a 10 point deduction surely there is the temptation to spend big by clubs, blow the budget but build a strong squad, take the hit one season then build from there. 10 points is a lot to risk if you’re in a relegation battle, but not so bad if you’re confident to finish top half with a handicap for 1 year.


Really I think the punishment should be more severe so that it’s detrimental to those at the top end of the league not just the bottom.

Not sure if this negates the UEFA FFP which is separate and more restrictive than the PL one. You could take the points hit but you may end up banned from Europe in the longer term.

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More complete bollocks, imo. If their owner can afford it, why shouldn't he be able to spend £250m? Chances are they'd just have become another Norwich, etc if they hadn't. Needs to change man.

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Honestly, I think a lot of the controversy would be diminished if it was accurately named, "spending limits to stop clubs like Everton spending their way into big debt and thus into oblivion, or rather punish them mildly with the faint hope it discourages others" should be the name, it is absolutely not about sporting fairness or equality at all, in fact the unfortunate side effect is the disproportionate income available to the entrenched super clubs magnifies their spending power. 


I know it's a little daft with clubs with owners who can no questions ask afford so the spending wouldnt endanger anyone but if those owners are serious and long term they will build up the income to allow the spending, it just takes a little while as ours will. There are seperate rules that could be put in place to make things a lot fairer. Wage caps etc but the league will never pass them. But they put fairness in the name of financial fair play so it looks like they are doing something to help when they're not. It doesn't actually mean FFP is totally bad idea tbh, happy to debate the mechanisms, they may well be daft but I think clubs spending within their means is a good policy, but it's way more about stopping clubs loading themselves with debt to just stay in league and then going bankrupt.





Edited by Tiresias

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On 20/11/2023 at 05:54, FloydianMag said:

Sounds very much like the arguments put forward by the big 6 to prevent other clubs challenging them tbh.


Right but this is why it is set up like it is, it's no coincidence the rules the league could pass are the ones that don't inhibit their spending but screw the rest of us. I totally get that. It's obnoxious because it is a half done job. We totally should be tackling clubs spending more than they can afford, but we should also be making it so clubs don't need to spend that much money to compete in the league. The latter part will always be vetoed however. Is the solution to allow the Leeds uniteds of the world to spend beyond their means? Maybe, I am open maybe to that being the case but how do you put a rule in saying clubs that can afford it can spend it, every owner 'claims' they can afford it. 


Ditching ffp would likely result in more clubs spending more money, the top 6 would spend more too cos they have plenty of financial headroom, we could outspend the lot so yes we would do well out of it, is that so different a self interest than the situation you describe? I'd much rather some actual financial fair play where clubs weren't priced out and we have to win it on merit. 

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2 hours ago, Tiresias said:


Right but this is why it is set up like it is, it's no coincidence the rules the league could pass are the ones that don't inhibit their spending but screw the rest of us. I totally get that. It's obnoxious because it is a half done job. We totally should be tackling clubs spending more than they can afford, but we should also be making it so clubs don't need to spend that much money to compete in the league. The latter part will always be vetoed however. Is the solution to allow the Leeds uniteds of the world to spend beyond their means? Maybe, I am open maybe to that being the case but how do you put a rule in saying clubs that can afford it can spend it, every owner 'claims' they can afford it. 


Ditching ffp would likely result in more clubs spending more money, the top 6 would spend more too cos they have plenty of financial headroom, we could outspend the lot so yes we would do well out of it, is that so different a self interest than the situation you describe? I'd much rather some actual financial fair play where clubs weren't priced out and we have to win it on merit. 

There isn’t any type of FFP that would benefit any club other than the old big 6, they will always have more financial muscle than the rest of the clubs therefore competing on ‘merit’ is bollocks. The only way you can compete with them is by being able to spend or even outspend them. You can, although rarely have a Leicester City who win ‘on merit’ but even they were bankrolled by their owners.


The PL clubs are not above competition law that applies to the business world, they should not be allowed to interfere in any other clubs commercial activities which has happened with firstly FFP and since we were taken over twice with FMV and an even more onerous kind of FMV that was voted down at the end of November. If clubs overspend then yes they could go bust but that’s up to their owners as in the business world. Clubs are no longer ‘community clubs’ they are multi million pound businesses that have to comply with Competition Law whether you like that or not.


We hit the jackpot in respect of wealthy owners, I’m sick of listening to the top 6’s money doing all the talking, the sooner FFP and FMV is gone the better.

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I know there isn't any way it will happen but wage cap would hurt them and help everyone else. It's just not true it's impossible to restrict the top 6, but from the league's perspective they always want to be able to sign the most expensive players so arent going to go down that route. 


FFP isn't going to go either. But we will you know one day have proper revenue coming in, and we will be able to sell a player or £100m every window to fund 3 or 4 coming in. It's fine, it's frustrating now but it'll be fine. 

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4 minutes ago, Tiresias said:

I know there isn't any way it will happen but wage cap would hurt them and help everyone else. It's just not true it's impossible to restrict the top 6, but from the league's perspective they always want to be able to sign the most expensive players so arent going to go down that route. 


FFP isn't going to go either. But we will you know one day have proper revenue coming in, and we will be able to sell a player or £100m every window to fund 3 or 4 coming in. It's fine, it's frustrating now but it'll be fine. 

The PL, FIFA and UEFA attempted to cap agents fees, agents took legal action and won. Gist of ruling is governing bodies organise competitions and not involve themselves in clubs commercial activities.





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