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Football pet hates

Guest JonnyRogers

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The idea of scoring too early. Well no it's your team/tactics deciding to be defensive/complacent.


It's human nature as well though.


Hence why it's a thing. As is the 2-0 HT. As is the due a hammering once a season. These things do tend to have a habit of reoccurring :lol:


Odd thing for anyone to have them as a pet hate.

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Have a decibelometer. If the home fans get it over a certain level for 60 minutes plus, it's literally worth a goal to the home side.

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Young Player of the Year.


Should be changed so that it's maybe still under 23s, but players who'd maybe only played say 30-50 games before that season. Sod seeing 3 of the same names in the running for both.

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Young Player of the Year.


Should be changed so that it's maybe still under 23s, but players who'd maybe only played say 30-50 games before that season. Sod seeing 3 of the same names in the running for both.


Been ten years since the same player won it twice and that was Wayne Rooney :lol:

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Aye but you often see the same names in the running for both. Like should a 23 year old Hazard be in the running like in 2014 for example when he'd already been around for ages and in his second season here? This season you could have the likes of Lukaku, Sterling & Pogba on there. Maybe change it to Best Newcomer or something where the likes of that Davies at Everton would be in the running.

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I agree that they shouldn't be in the running for both awards, but have no issue with a player like Hazard being in the running for best young player if he was not in the running for best player.

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Although I was thinking of players who would fit my new idealistic criteria and got stuck after Davies. :lol:


What stops a newcomer from being in the running for poty


I'll find out and get back to you.

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"He's not that kind of player" after a terrible tackle/ dive etc.

Totally agree with this one. The reporter should follow that up with the question "who is that sort of player?"

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