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Arsenal to snap up Roeder


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Arsene Wenger is considering hiring former Newcastle United manager Glenn Roeder as Arsenal's new sporting director.


The manager has been short of support in playing matters since the departure in April of vicechairman David Dein,who was active in deals to sign players.Secretary Ken Friar has helped with the administration of contracts but the manager also wants a football man to work with.


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It was thought he might turn to a fellow Frenchman, with the names of former Arsenal scout Damien Comolli and ex-Gunners players Remi Garde and Gilles Grimandi being advanced, along with Wenger's friend Gerard Houllier, the former Liverpool manager.


Wenger's relationship with Comolli has cooled since the ex-St Etienne technical director took the same job at Tottenham, while Garde is happy as a coach at Lyon and Grimandi is used by Arsenal as a scout in France, a job for which the manager believes him well suited.


Houllier, though at Arsenal yesterday to watch the Emirates Cup tournament, is enjoying a rest period after quitting Lyon.


Instead, Wenger wants to bring in an Englishman and Roeder fits the bill,with the knowledge of players gleaned during his time as boss at West Ham then Newcastle, from where he was sacked at the end of last season.


Wenger was impressed with the way Roeder endured his dismissal,along with his brain surgery of a few years ago,with stoicism and dignity. Wenger, himself, has been offered a new three-year contract, worth around £3million a year — and with an exit clause on his part at the end of each season — but it remains unsigned despite him saying a fortnight ago that it would be done 'soon'.


He insists that he wants to stay, and that he believes in the ability of his young squad to challenge for the Premiership title, but it is believed he wants to wait to see how they perform in early season before committing himself for a longer term.


That is another reason why he has held fire on appointing a sporting or technical director. He feels it would be unfair to bring in a new man with so much uncertainty, as American Stan Kroenke waits in the background to make a takeover bid.


That, too, is thought to be a big reason — along with Wenger's desire to advance young players — for his comparative inactivity in the transfer market, though the board say money is available.


Only the Brazilian-Croat Eduardo Da Silva,Frenchman Bacary Sagna and Polish goalkeeper Lukasz Fabianski have arrived as senior players for a combined £18m. Wenger, however, will recruit more.


"We are still looking to bring one more player in, maybe two, depending on who is available," he said in the programme, stressing that after the departures of Thierry Henry and Freddie Ljungberg "nobody else will be leaving, apart from on loan".Wenger added: "We have a good, strong squad, maybe a bit short in numbers, but we will take our time in bringing new players in."


Right-back Sagna was the only new face in a mix-and-match side — Kolo Toure and William Gallas taking 45 minutes each as captain — that beat Paris Saint- Germain 2-1. Matthieu Flamini's goal right on half-time,when he tucked away Nicklas Bendtner's chest-down from Gael Clichy's cross, set them on the way to a fortuitous win.


Growing into the game, Bendtner, 19, showed why Wenger has such high hopes of the Dane this season after his year on loan at Birmingham City, when he stabbed home the second.


Peguy Luyindula pulled a goal back for the Parisians and Bendtner missed a chance to seal it, his tame penalty saved by Mickael Landreau after Zoumana Camara bought down Alexander Hleb.


Arsenal today take on Italian champions Internazionale of Milan, beaten 2-0 by Valencia, with Jaime Gavilan and David Villa scoring the goals

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This SURELY will not happen!


ROeder "Hello, Barcelona, is that you?

              I've got a proposal, I'll give you a gummy bear and, WAIT i have something else, a pencil for Samuel Eto'o"

Barcelona "Can we have two pencils and you've got a deal"

Roeder "HELL NO"



but realistically, please no, Dein for me! he must/should come back, the board need to back down and take him back, maybe as part of Arsene's agreement of a new contract?

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Good choice IMO. If Wenger needs a pliable yes-man to kiss his Arsenal, Roeder would fit the bill.

Thats probably about the most roeder could do.....and he'd probably be good at it,good luck to him if he gets it
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Guest Ridzuan

Unbelievable.Roeder would have jump in any chance of working alongside Wenger.Im not sure whether this will be a good move from Arsene though.

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Guest JamesyJazz

I'm pleased that G.R is getting back into football.He's a decent,honest guy and if Fat B******Sheparse had not used him as a pawn in his witholding the cash stakes game I'm sure G.R would still be where he was previously,in charge of the youth development at NUFC.

Good luck to him.

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