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José Enrique


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I do think 60k a week for Enrique isn't that ridiculous. He is going the have the best years in his career and how on the earth would he accept the same wages? He can easily ask for higher wages next year.


If money is really the reason for not signing the contract and outburst.

Will you earn £60k this week? This Month? This Year?


Thought not.


When did you last get a 20% pay rise? I've never ever had one that big. I got a 3% rise last October and that was the first rise i'd had for 3 years due to the economic downturn.


He needs to take a big reality check.


It's now literally decades since footballers' wages left reality.

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Guest Chubby Jason

Only NUFC players need to accept reality when it comes to wages...or just leave and play for someone else.

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Then why mention the contract and wages he's been offered?


It's all about the money.


He might have mentioned it as an example of a lie.


It does means that it's "part" of the reason of his outburst, if not all.



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Guest Antec

Then why mention the contract and wages he's been offered?


It's all about the money.


He might have mentioned it as an example of a lie.


It does means that it's "part" of the reason of his outburst, if not all.




Not the first time he's mentioned them lying either

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Going off topic a bit but I thought this was worthy of posting.






Incredible when you think of all the mediocre players that are around. IMO Jose Enrique is not one of them, for the record.

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Complaining about footballers' wages is completely missing the point. That's what they get paid, comparing it to you and your life is pointless. I don't go to the cinema or listen to music and whinge about what the artist is getting paid.


The clubs receive massive wedge from the tv companies and I'd much rather the players were getting the bulk of it than the likes of Llambias.

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Complaining about footballers' wages is completely missing the point. That's what they get paid, comparing it to you and your life is pointless. I don't go to the cinema or listen to music and whinge about what the artist is getting paid.


The clubs receive massive wedge from the tv companies and I'd much rather the players were getting the bulk of it than the likes of Llambias.


That's not the two options though. Clubs should pay players a fortune if they can afford it. The problem is that players have been getting more than clubs can afford for years.

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I do think 60k a week for Enrique isn't that ridiculous. He is going the have the best years in his career and how on the earth would he accept the same wages? He can easily ask for higher wages next year.


If money is really the reason for not signing the contract and outburst.

Will you earn £60k this week? This Month? This Year?


Thought not.


When did you last get a 20% pay rise? I've never ever had one that big. I got a 3% rise last October and that was the first rise i'd had for 3 years due to the economic downturn.


He needs to take a big reality check.


Are you one of the best people in the world at your job like, and is your job an essential part of a highly lucrative business? Is your career expected to last less than 20 years?


Do you put the welfare of your company, and it's customers ahead of your own when you think you could get a better job elsewhere? Would you turn down the offer of a payrise if offered one by another company with better prospects? Knowing another company would pay you more money or give you more worldwide acclaim (whichever your main motivation in life is), would you happily sign up if your current company who were showing no signs of trying to better themselves (enabling you personally to gain more worldwide acclaim) told you they wanted you to commit to staying with them for another 4/5 years on the same money you had been getting for the last 4?



It's not footballers who need to take a reality check, it's supporters.

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50k a week might not be a pay rise but fck me footballers need to geta  f***ing grip like.


Some people are getting no payrises or getting stupid meaningless rises of like 1.9 % and then being threatned with redundancy.


Footballers make me sick.


100% agree with this.


I agree as well basically, we're living in times when even footballers might have to start facing reality. The reason most clubs are in such financial s*** is the way they've allowed wages to get out of control.

This is true, I think the bubble has burst even for footballers now. They cant all play for the top couple of clubs left who can afford stupid money.  Most prem teams are cutting costs out of neccessity these days. Personally if I was manager I would have had the 1st team squad on a visit down a coal mine (if I could find one) or in a factory staffed by agency temps by now to show the players what real struggle is.

Some of them really do need a wake up call.

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I do think 60k a week for Enrique isn't that ridiculous. He is going the have the best years in his career and how on the earth would he accept the same wages? He can easily ask for higher wages next year.


If money is really the reason for not signing the contract and outburst.

Will you earn £60k this week? This Month? This Year?


Thought not.


When did you last get a 20% pay rise? I've never ever had one that big. I got a 3% rise last October and that was the first rise i'd had for 3 years due to the economic downturn.


He needs to take a big reality check.


Are you one of the best people in the world at your job like, and is your job an essential part of a highly lucrative business? Is your career expected to last less than 20 years?


Do you put the welfare of your company, and it's customers ahead of your own when you think you could get a better job elsewhere? Would you turn down the offer of a payrise if offered one by another company with better prospects? Knowing another company would pay you more money or give you more worldwide acclaim (whichever your main motivation in life is), would you happily sign up if your current company who were showing no signs of trying to better themselves (enabling you personally to gain more worldwide acclaim) told you they wanted you to commit to staying with them for another 4/5 years on the same money you had been getting for the last 4?



It's not footballers who need to take a reality check, it's supporters.



This is a general point on the I hate footballers because they're greedy posts, not specifically about Enrique.



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Guest neesy111

Regarding the clubs offer:


Does anyone think it's down to performance related bonuses with the top line of 50k a week and then bonus related incentives ???


Club needs to take action against Enrique, I would 100% support any player telling this to Ashley, Llambias, Pardew etc in private, but to do it in public is amateurish and selfish imo.

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Guest neesy111

I do think 60k a week for Enrique isn't that ridiculous. He is going the have the best years in his career and how on the earth would he accept the same wages? He can easily ask for higher wages next year.


If money is really the reason for not signing the contract and outburst.

Will you earn £60k this week? This Month? This Year?


Thought not.


When did you last get a 20% pay rise? I've never ever had one that big. I got a 3% rise last October and that was the first rise i'd had for 3 years due to the economic downturn.


He needs to take a big reality check.


Are you one of the best people in the world at your job like, and is your job an essential part of a highly lucrative business? Is your career expected to last less than 20 years?


Do you put the welfare of your company, and it's customers ahead of your own when you think you could get a better job elsewhere? Would you turn down the offer of a payrise if offered one by another company with better prospects? Knowing another company would pay you more money or give you more worldwide acclaim (whichever your main motivation in life is), would you happily sign up if your current company who were showing no signs of trying to better themselves (enabling you personally to gain more worldwide acclaim) told you they wanted you to commit to staying with them for another 4/5 years on the same money you had been getting for the last 4?



It's not footballers who need to take a reality check, it's supporters.



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It's not footballers who need to take a reality check, it's supporters.




It is though.


Believe it or not, footballers are people too, and they have the same motivations and goals as the rest of us, which typically is to earn more money and/or if you are among the best in the world at what you do to become recognised as such by winning awards (cups or trophies I believe they are called).


Expecting them to put their own interests aside and only do what's best for their current employer (which varies from committing themselves for life on whatever the club is willing to pay them to just dropping any claim to the wages they signed up to and fucking off, depending on how well a player is doing) is completely unrealistic and against human nature.

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Below article makes sense. Shame as he could have been a Newcastle legend.


Jose Enrique Wants What's Best For Him Not Newcastle United - Luke Edwards, The Telegraph


He has criticised the club’s transfer policy, accused members of the board of lying, implied the new signings are not good enough to replace those who have left and argued Newcastle United will never challenge for honours again under the present regime – just a wild stab this but I don’t think Jose Enrique wants to stay at St James’s Park do you?

To be fair to the Spaniard, his comments on Twitter over the weekend were born out of months of frustration; months of being kept away from the media because the club knew he would say something controversial; months of fearing all the good work that had been in the club’s recovery from relegation was being undone; months of pent up anger unleashed in a few 140 character posts on the world wide web!


But just as newspapers and other media organisations are having to adapt to the rise of social networking sites and their ability to make, as well as spread, the news, so too now are football clubs.


Enrique, probably bored on Newcastle’s pre-season tour of America and wondering why none of the Champions League clubs his agent had said wanted to sign him have made a bid, decided it was time to get his views across.


He might not have even thought about it for very long. It may have just been a spur of the moment decision in a hotel room on the other side of the Atlantic, he may have stupidly thought nobody would be able to read them if he wrote in Spanish, but for me Enrique’s comments on Twitter were calculated and deliberate.


He is in danger of being stuck at a club he no longer wants to play for and in attacking owner Mike Ashley and Managing Director Derek Llambias, he hopes he can speed up his exit.


He has attracted attention to himself and his, erm, “plight”. He has made it clear to his employers that he does not like them or their business plan and he has played the role of the jilted footballer perfectly.


Enrique wants what the fans wants, or so he wants everyone to believe. He wants a bold, ambitious Newcastle United, thrilling the world with its attacking football. He wants Ashley to spend millions on the best new player available, not merely land the best free agents. He wants the board to tell the truth.


His comments undoubtedly strike a chord with thousands on Tyneside. There is frustration at the lack of ambition from the owner, there is still resentment senior club officials once admitted they lied as a public relations exercise when Kevin Keegan was manager, there is still a strong anti-Ashley mentality at a club which has made under-achievement a trademark.


Yet, Enrique has also over egged the pudding some what. Newcastle fans are blindly loyal, but they are not blindly stupid.


They know Enrique has been offered a new contract and they know he turned it down. They know Enrique once said he wanted to spend the rest of his career at Newcastle, comments made when the club weren’t even in the Premier League, let alone challenging for a top six place, and they now know he never meant it.


They know he is an ambitious footballer who first started making noises about leaving this summer long before Andy Carroll was sold to Liverpool for £35m in January, but when the prospect of a new contract was first raised 12 months ago.

They know he is a very talented left-back who has improved dramatically from the slight, out-of-his-depth youngster who arrived from Spain and couldn’t get a game in his first season on Tyneside.


But, ultimately, they know most footballers want what is best for them, not the football club they once pledged loyalty to.


They have seen this happen before at St James’s Park and they have seen it happen to others like them, just look at Aston Villa and Stewart Downing.


They know Ashley isn’t perfect, they know he has made mistakes and they know they are hamstrung by his lack of spending , but they also know they will have a football club to support long after both he and Enrique have become nothing more than memories.


Enrique has been disrespectful to the club, he has been disrespectful to new signings Yohan Cabaye, Demba Ba and Sylvain Marveaux and as popular as he is, that was a mistake.


Whether he had said it on Twitter or an interview with a newspaper, the impact was the same. He has attracted unwanted attention to a club which does soap operas better than most.


He has given the rest of the country a stick to beat Newcastle with, he has made others laugh at a mess he has created.


Newcastle fans will criticise their club until they are blue in the face, they will moan and they will vilify, but they will not let others do it for them. Not even one of their own players and not even when he might have a point if it is a self-serving one.


What a shit article. Fuck off Edwards you twat.

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Will someone explain what the Golfmag posts were? Relitavely new to the forum. Thanks.


Don't read if easily depressed


Part of Pardew's remuneration is based on how much the club's operating expenses (wge costs for him) are reduced. I think that this fact will influence much of this summer's decisions - ones that seem logical to us and ones that don't.


A very specific part of Pardew's written remit is to reduce costs and the debt, to make it easier for MA to sell the club. Look at everything he says in this context..


In all of this guys, don't forget (I almost had) that our info was that Pardew was given the very specific responsibility of reducing the wage bill as a condition of his employment, as MA feels that a lower cost base will now make the club easier to sell.


Quote from: TrueToon on December 08, 2010, 11:19:20 AM

David Craig reckons there is more than one man in the running and that nothing has been signed yet, Although he isn't saying Pardew won't eventually be appointed but it looks like we might have to wait til Friday time to find out either way...


That is a deliberate ploy from the club to make us think there wasn't a pre-determined plan. Fact.


I really don't warrant this notority. It is a complete fluke that I have direct and first hand knowledge of this. Just to try and show you that I am not making all this up for self-serving reasons, you might remember some other stuff i posted on here a few years ago. Firstly, because I got to be close friends with the late Trevor Bennett who was the nicest man I have ever met and actually bankrolled Sir John Hall's acquision of the NUFC shares. The stuff I witnessed in the Boardroom and the Trevor Bennett Suite during that period and all involving Shepherd still make me very depressed. The second load of stuff was when I met Tony Jiminez a few times. That was right at the time of the Jonas, Colo and Xisco purchases, including that awful night at the Forest of Arden hotel after the Coventry cup game. And now this. All these relationships have come about through business but are all flukes, they could happen to anyone. I am just spouting all this because I know what it's like to be fed information and not know whether it's true or not. We all deserve better than that given our support of this bloody club and by giving you a bit of background, hopefully you will realise that I am trying to feed through accurate info that I have been given, without blowing everyone's cover.

When I first found this out, it was when Chris and the team were riding a wave, back in October I think. Pardew's name had bever been mentioned anywhere to my knowledge and I flat didn't believe what I was being told. I, like all of us, am still clinging to the hope that Ashley has had his head turned by Jol's sudden availability. But I do know for a fact that the plan in question has been in place for a long time.


Quote from: TheGuv on December 06, 2010, 09:09:36 PM

Quote from: Golfmag on December 06, 2010, 09:08:12 PM

Quote from: Taylor27 on December 06, 2010, 09:02:19 PM

How about Pardew just being a false name in case there was a leak?

Maybe. Certainly hope so. But doubt it because I was told from the same source that CH would go this afternoon and that wasn't a false trail.


Why didn't you post it when you knew then?

I did.


Was just thinking about this post and I don't think that these supposed 'terms' of Pardew's contract make any sense whatsoever.  Ultimately Pardew has no say over who comes and goes from the club - he can't stop someone being sold and he can't insist somebody is bought.  So quite why Pardew would be remunerated according to a reduction in the wage bill is beyond me.  Logically it doesn't follow.

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Was just thinking about this post and I don't think that these supposed 'terms' of Pardew's contract make any sense whatsoever.  Ultimately Pardew has no say over who comes and goes from the club - he can't stop someone being sold and he can't insist somebody is bought.  So quite why Pardew would be remunerated according to a reduction in the wage bill is beyond me.  Logically it doesn't follow.

Agreed, Golfmag just made a lucky guess and it's a fluke that everything he predicted long before Pardew arrived has come true.


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Was just thinking about this post and I don't think that these supposed 'terms' of Pardew's contract make any sense whatsoever.  Ultimately Pardew has no say over who comes and goes from the club - he can't stop someone being sold and he can't insist somebody is bought.  So quite why Pardew would be remunerated according to a reduction in the wage bill is beyond me.  Logically it doesn't follow.

Agreed, Golfmag just made a lucky guess and it's a fluke that everything he predicted long before Pardew arrived has come true.



Biting.  Doesn't really answer my point though.  Witty though your response was.

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I also don't think that Pardew's job has anything to do with reducing the wage bill. Why would it? Ashley and Llambias can do that themselves.


He might be told how much we can afford on wages, and that the bill has to come down before more signings can be made, but I'd be incredibly surprised if his own bonuses had anything to do with that.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

I'm a bit confused.  Will Enrique's fine go towards fees and wages or pavement and bore holes?



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Guest neesy111

I'm a bit confused.  Will Enrique's fine go towards fees and wages or pavement and bore holes?


Casino budget.

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As mentioned on the previous page, this stuff about Pardew's contract is taken to mean different things to different people according to their agenda. Surely it's the remit of every manager to keep costs down?

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