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Everything posted by Chase

  1. you can't be serious, what a fucking joke we are at times
  2. Chase

    Owen Hargreaves

    What would be the point, what has he played in the last 2 years? 90 minutes, 180 minutes?
  3. I think Blackpool will stay up, I can't see Man U taking the game seriously and Spurs have to match Liverpools result to reach the Europa league, I think Blackpool will lose on Sunday 1 - 0 and Birmingham to lose 2-0 with that 1 goal providing the vital goal difference sending them down.
  4. I love the chants from the crowd "your not the champions, your not the champions, your not the champions anymore"
  5. That's horrible, I hope the outcome of the surgery all goes ok and he atleast has a normal life.
  6. I'm probably wrong, but didn't we play Donaldson in CM in a few pre-season games this year? I'm really struggling to imagine the team we'll put out for this game, the best I can think of will include Ranger, Ameobi and Lovenkrands starting in a 4-3-3 formation, but again the CM is still a weak link as we only seem to have 1 match fit CM.
  7. Two of my favourites of ours: http://www.classicfootballshirts.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/0dc2d03fe217f8c83829496872af24a0/N/e/Newcastle-93-AwayBL_1.jpg http://www.classicfootballshirts.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/0dc2d03fe217f8c83829496872af24a0/N/e/Newcastle-GK-95-D.jpg
  8. For someone to score nearly 100 goals in 2 seasons is absolutely phenomenal. In my opinion he is definitely the best player in the world right now and maybe has been the best player in the world but I'm not sure about saying he's one of the all time greats, if this conversation is still going in 4-5 years time then I would believe he is as he is still only 23 years old so he's still young.
  9. Can someone remind me why Pardew got Taylor to sign a new contract, he's attrocious.
  10. Chase


    Barry Venison Michael Chopra Titus Bramble Shay Given Mick Harford David Kelly Bob Moncur Bryan Robson Len Shackleton
  11. I'd expect Shola to get the armband as I think he has worn it earlier in the season when Nolan went off. If Shola doesn't get it then possibly Harper as I think he has also worn the armband this season, I could be wrong there though. I agree with your suggestions though, I think it should go to Barton or Colo as they are the dominant players in our team in my opinion.
  12. I can't see Cardiff coming up, they're always there or thereabouts but never manage to live up to expectations. Down: Blackpool Blackburn Wigan Up: QPR Norwich Leeds or possibly even Reading.
  13. with age comes experience, you also get more dementia moments like on Saturday though, kinda cancels it out I think.
  14. I think I read the same article, it was posted on here somewhere and he had very few nice words to say for Souness and blames him for his departure from the club as he was just about to sign a new contract when Bobby was in charge.
  15. Other than amongst Newcastle fans there seems to have been very little said about Fuller's kick at Barton. I find it annoying as whenever it is Barton that causes the trouble there is always numerous media outlets ready to have a dig but when he is the victim it's always things like a "contact sport" or "part of the game" etc which infuriates me, I'd love to see us put in an offical complaint but can't see it happening or anything changing.
  16. Chase

    Fraser Forster

    Dont know if anyone else watched the CIS Cup final yesterday but Forster had an ok game. He made a few decent saves and 1 very good save from a deflected shot but I think he may have been able to do better for both of Rangers goals. I think for the first he may have been able to get down quicker which quite probably would have been enough to flick the ball round the post and for their second he just seemed too static in the 1 on 1.
  17. Unfortunately I can't see Harper being sold or dropped, he's got too much of a sympathy vote for "all the years he waited behind Given" so for that I think he's going to stick around for a lot longer unfortunately. I'd like to see us drop him and put Krul in for the remainder of the season but once Forster comes back from Celtic things are going to get intreresting as I think he's thrown things on their head over his last two loans spells as Krul was always the most promising prospect yet I now think it's Forster.
  18. Ferguson is also from Northern Ireland so he can be excluded from the list. Bearing in mind we 'bought' Krul, Kadar and Ranger - I don't know if they can really be counted.
  19. it smacks of double standards once more where there is one rule for the top teams and another rule entirely for the remaining teams. Same goes for the players pulling out of friendlies rule, Ranger was only excused a ban because a united player did exactly the same and they even announced that.
  20. I got it around the time he died and it's still in it's foil wrapper, I dont think I could ever watch it. I read his autobiography and that was hard enough. RIP Bobby, happy birthday
  21. That one alone is pure genius
  22. Chase

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Can't wait for him coming back and would love to see him playing in a free role behind the striker in a 4 4 1 1 formation. Although I'm now starting to wonder who our first choice starting players are going to be, who will come out of the squad to allow Ireland and Ben Arfa to come in.
  23. Unless there is some magnificent implode on our part I think 1 more win, possibly 2 and we're safe.
  24. Those are the last two people on the pitch I'd want to go down injured
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