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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Lol same here!!!! , Seems I have a rivial in the disinterested stakes. The furthest up the league table I look is 11th!
  2. Totally disinterested in the title race and the 'big' four in general at the moment? Now, I listen to the radio a lot, mostly in my car and tune in usually to stations like Talkshite etc etc., I know lol Invaribly the talk most of the time centres around the big four (and Spurs), but lately, well for a good two year I find this look coming on my face at the mere mention of 'Arsenal fans being so upset becasue they are not winning owt', or Liverpool fans 'wanting the man who won the the Champions League only a few years ago sacked casue they keep drawing in the league' etc etc etc. I honestly despair at these discussions. I really do. Even MOTD, I try to avoid their games like the plague, and then pop it on for the last 5 minutes to see our now customary defeat. I realise this is total jealousy on my part but our current plight is truely woefull and you have to laugh at these fans of the big four coming on the radio and going on like its the end of the world casue they drew a game ffs. I challenge you, Is there ANYBODY out there more uninterested in the title race than me?!? I think not!
  3. OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I wanted from Owen between now and the end of the season was that he played and scored against the Mackems. Not too much to ask is it? Now hes gone off fucking injured 4 days before the game. :angry: I despair, I really do.
  4. Gonna be loads of under cover Mackems in the home areas then. Expect fights to break out if and when they score.
  5. Bye bye little Mackem, please run along now. Love the argument they put up about Shearer signing for us and not Man U. They all do it, even the ones I unfortunately have to mix with. They have no clue.
  6. The magazine is called 'True Faith' not 'Blind Faith'. Yes sir.
  7. Make no mistake, this is worse and more dangerous than the last four seasons.
  8. It doesnt surprise me. The club is at a 17 year low.
  9. pedro111

    Black Power!

    I think this thread calls for a bit of this: (bad language) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0tDsMbufGU0
  10. pedro111

    Black Power!

    This thread is going to be keeping sicko awake at night for days to come.
  11. pedro111

    Black Power!

    We are 18 days into 2009 and the thread of the year has been sewn up already!
  12. I dont reckon he's getting a bollocking because of the way he reacts, or rather didnt. Do you think he's gonna stand there and let a fan bollock him without a) telling him to fuck off or b) punching his nose up into his brain SAS style?
  13. pedro111

    Kinnear Out

    They fucked off long ago mate, well 5,000 of them anyway.
  14. Ive said it before and I stick by it. If Kinnear gets the job full time, I am done with the club. I am skint as fuck at the minute and the £1400 season ticket I forked out for Is killing me tbh. Only thing is, unlike most of you I paid for it by credit card so I dont think I can get my money back.
  15. From reading the papers recently I get the feeling that almost every national sports writer wants to see our club go the way of Leeds. No one has anything good to say about the club but particularly the fans. I read a match report from the West Ham game in the Star I think and the writer basically blamed our fans for every thing thats wrong with the club. He was pleading with West Ham fans to "let it be Newcastle fans who rue what they have let slip through their fingers, not you" Fuck off you stupit cunt.
  16. Lol at this thread, he did score from outside the box in the last but one game you know? People seem to think that he is a machine that cannot miss and only does so because he doesnt give a fuck.
  17. That last corner from Guthrie just sums our whole fucking club up, FUCKING CLUELESS!?@!?!!?!?"23345$%$%$£"¬
  18. pedro111

    Kinnear Out

    Two home defeats in one season off of Hull City! I am entitled to my hissy fit tbh!!!!
  19. pedro111

    Kinnear Out

    I wish this clueless fucker would just FUCK OFF RIGHT OUT OF MY CLUB!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Been saying it for ages the way of American sports is the way to go. Yep, it would be a nightmare at first to implement but in the long run it would be for the good of the game. Every team in the league should have the opportunity to win the league given good management and coaching on a consistant basis no matter how big or small that club may be. It shouldnt come down to the big city clubs with the most money winning everything all the time. Its a joke really.
  21. Hands up who couldnt give a flying fuck? I couldnt be less interested in the title race If I tried.
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