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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. I was just looking through all of the different mls teams strips and man does someone need to start playing in black and white stripes. It would give me a team to follow!
  2. Link? Fuckin hell, its about £50 for a shirt with a name on!!!
  3. His best moment for us was that goal when we beat Feyenoord 2-3. Mike, why not buy the season review DVD's from 2001 onwards? they are cheap as chips on amazon and such places and will get you up to speed on the happenings in the 4 years or so before you started following us. Just a thought plus they are a good watch, particularly 2001/02 and 2002/03.
  4. reductions for people based on the fact that they sing is unfair to the people paying more because they dont sing. My god, do you want an atmosphere or what?????? fans paying more than those who sing based purely on the fact that they dont sing is ridiculous. Honestly mate, have a look at what you're saying , with all due respect it is you who is sounding a bit ridiculous. This is a scheme to encourage the so called 'singers' to merge together in the worst seats in the ground. Because these are the worst seats in the ground they should also be the cheapest. Last season, Villa did something similar. Moved away fans from the North Stand lower (awful seats, no legroom, s*** view), put home fans there and made 1,500 or so of the 3000 tickets there available at 200 quid adults, 50 quid kids. The result was a much, much better atmosphere in the ground as a whole, and lots of people being able to afford STs who couldn't before. Stand probably getting pulled down at end of this coming season, so don't know what will happen long term, though Aye, that old away end at Villa park is truely awful.
  5. If it is heavily over subscribed then they should think about extending the singing section along the Milburn L7.
  6. Spot on mate, exactly how I feel. Despite our recent woes we are a far more attractive club than many on here realise and I believe ANY player bar the 'truely world class' stars are attainable.
  7. Nah lads, its really Bristol Slave Traders Vs Hull Athletic.
  8. Not a good one though, is it? Howay the Hull!
  9. Only one team in Hull though. Yeah, but still its not Hull Town though is it? Last time I checked, Hull was a City.
  10. Be interesting to see how they steward it; I think you're right and that loads will (or at least want to) stand. hopefully the stewards have a relaxed view on standing up there. The club obviously aren't gonna come out and say it's a standing section as it's against the law.But i think they know that most will probably want to stand and have probably told the stewards that I reckon the club arent that clever and havent anticipated the standing that is likely to occur. Same goes for the steward's, they will probably go in with the usual heavy handed approach. if the majority stand nowt will happen, just be like an away game tbh Yeah hope so but in the long term the police could force the club to abolish the singing section.
  11. Be interesting to see how they steward it; I think you're right and that loads will (or at least want to) stand. hopefully the stewards have a relaxed view on standing up there. The club obviously aren't gonna come out and say it's a standing section as it's against the law.But i think they know that most will probably want to stand and have probably told the stewards that I reckon the club arent that clever and havent anticipated the standing that is likely to occur. Same goes for the steward's, they will probably go in with the usual heavy handed approach.
  12. Be interesting to see how they steward it; I think you're right and that loads will (or at least want to) stand. Yeah, this is the first potential problem the singing section will encounter imo. Mass standing and subsequently the authorities kicking off about it. Will be interesting and ***Could*** be the first step toward's safe standing areas imo.
  13. reductions for people based on the fact that they sing is unfair to the people paying more because they dont sing. My god, do you want an atmosphere or what?????? fans paying more than those who sing based purely on the fact that they dont sing is ridiculous. Honestly mate, have a look at what you're saying , with all due respect it is you who is sounding a bit ridiculous. This is a scheme to encourage the so called 'singers' to merge together in the worst seats in the ground. Because these are the worst seats in the ground they should also be the cheapest.
  14. reductions for people based on the fact that they sing is unfair to the people paying more because they dont sing. My god, do you want an atmosphere or what??????
  15. I also cannot believe some people in this thread complaining about price REDUCTIONS and that they have to move. While I undestand it is a pain in the arse to move if you like your view and the people you sit next to, it has to be realised that this is what the fans have been wanting for ages. It gives us a chance to make SJP live up to its reputation. It is a positive move by the club which should be applauded cause they could have done nothing and those in the 'affected' areas should just suck it up and get on with it imo.
  16. There has never been a waiting list since the extension opened in 2000. The following season 2001-2002, I sent an email asking to be added to the waiting list and a couple of weeks later I got one.
  17. The more I think about this and if it is done properly, the atmosphere is going to be unbelievable next season. Basically, the intention of the singing section is to re-create our away support at home, which in turn will encourage the rest of the ground to join in. My only concern is that people just wanting a cheap ticket and not to sing will apply for that area, thus diluting its impact. If done correctly it is going to be Epic!!!
  18. Delighted about the creation of the singing section although I am not sure it is a good idea the away fans occupying the whole of the leazes L7. Why couldnt they just leave the away fans where they are and make the whole of the leazes L7 our singing section?
  19. Had about three Geordie born and bread Man U 'fans' try and rub it in today at work. Scum of the Earth tbh and It boils my piss.
  20. I cant believe ANY fucker WANTS Man U to win this. We are ritually humiliated on an almost twice yearly basis by these cunts and some of you want them to win? Chelsea are by FAR the lesser of two evils and thats why I want them to win.
  21. Somewhere in a basement up North, Scottish Mag's patriot alarm has just started buzzing frantically. I can picture the scene perfectly!
  22. I am positive that once Northumbria Police get a whiff of this they will cancel the game anyways.
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