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Everything posted by midds

  1. Genius. Assuming we're correct, how many is that?
  2. Eh? Where? WHo's the crows? and who's the cult? Or is it the pilgrims, who's the fucking pilgrims??? Bowl....t'ON Or is it ten to fucking 3 and me melon's twisted to fuck? It's the lightning Bolt with On next to it, aye? Also, the Pilgrims are Boston aren't they? I saw the Bowl of dirty spunk and the 'ON' sign and presumed Bolton? Your explanation works too.
  3. Plymouth (pilgrims) or is it the Druids??
  4. Eh? Where? WHo's the crows? and who's the cult? Or is it the pilgrims, who's the fucking pilgrims??? Bowl....t'ON Or is it ten to fucking 3 and me melon's twisted to fuck?
  5. Couldn't make it out, but aye - spot on.
  6. Jesus Christ.... Bolton!! (how fucking tenuous??)
  7. Already got that one, yep. blueyes.gif
  8. Or it might be Wig-on? That's what I thought. blueyes.gif
  9. Hardly a fucking minster is it? The star at the top of the spire would indicate Chesterfield. Good spot old boy.
  10. Brentford! or Watford depending on whether it's 'Bee's or 'Hornets' Grimsby? Blackpool? Coventry
  11. West Ham Leicester Spurs Wigan Preston? West Brom Portsmouth Southampton
  12. Sure we've done this....(or was it on SMB??) Anyway: Brighton Norwich Stoke QPR Charlton Sunderland Hull Sheff Wed Sheff Utd Cardiff Crewe Arsenal Boro Chelsea Everton Ipswich Derby Burnley
  13. midds

    Roeder Out

    Said it before and I'll say it again - we'll need a ton of dynamite to get that fat cunt (sorry Cath) out of the club. More's the pity.
  14. midds

    Roeder Out

    Agree with that. I think we lost this tie during the 2nd half of the first leg. Fuck knows what Roeder said to them at half time last week. They had clearly re-organised and came out a different team with different tactics. They dominated the 2nd half and got another away goal. They also went out of their way to make sure they weren't caught out again in the 2nd leg. Meanwhile, Roeder stood in his technical area scratching his fucking arsehole, doing/changing fuck all. Just can't get my head around 4-1 up at half time in the first leg and STILL lose the tie. Fucking staggering. The bloke's so far out of his depth it's untrue.
  15. midds


    Take your point but it doesn't even register on my fuckedoffometer tonight. Oh, i've plenty of other things, but this is one of the ones other people aren't taking care of for me. Just sheer frustration I suppose. He shouldn't have done it and you can't condone it..........but I sort of understood why he did it. I mean how many times has he been in a 2 legged tie in which he was 3 goals up after 20 minutes - only to lose the fucker? Can you imagine Man U doing that?
  16. midds


    Take your point but it doesn't even register on my fuckedoffometer tonight.
  17. Can't blame the players for the salaries. They ask for what they think they can get from the clubs. If I thought my boss could afford to double my wage - I'd ask him for it. He'd probably say "fuck off, midds!" but it'd be worth asking the question. The player has signed a contract offered by the board. If the boards up and down the country were so upset - they wouldn't have offered the contracts in the first place. Movie stars earn $millions because they attract the crowds to the cinemas. Footballers do the same. Yes, it's obscene but that's life. If there was a salary cap on a players wage then the clubs could easily get around it by offering the basic salary with HUGE bonuses for winning games/cups/league. E.G. Basic of £20k a week with a £2m bonus for the league, £1m for either cup and £2m for Champions League. Technically the player is only on £1m a year but the bonuses kick in for a good season and no-one can touch them for breaking the salary cap. Better off bumping the dodgy Russian fucker off than making Chelsea jump trough hoops...
  18. I've just been in chat, I think he's got more than this one to worry about. Legend!!!!1111!!!
  19. Pointless, we've quoted it. Guess he'll have to live with it then.... Mentalist.
  20. Bravo. Top marks. Might want to delete that post in the morning mate...
  21. Used to be Zidane. Now it's players like Scholes, Xavi, Xabi Alonso and Carr. Top drawer...
  22. Yeah, I don't know why Pleat seems to get singled out a lot of the time. He's one of the better pundits. Competition isn't great, I know, but he does occasionally manage to say something that isn't totally bleeding obvious. "How much love?"
  23. And lose the atmosphere generated by the crowd? No thanks. Lesser of two evils tbh. I just put some tunes on instead. Same for Motson on the Beeb.
  24. Easy solution chaps:- http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~abridle/videoconf/control_mute.jpg
  25. midds

    Mackems new kit

    Agreed. Although when your last shirt was made by fucking Lonsdale, anything's an improvement I suppose??
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