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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. The problem is that Ashley sees it the exact opposite way. His priority is to have a patsy, the football is secondary. That will apply to his replacement too. I know, that shouldn't absolve Pardew from criticism though. Why? There is no point as long as we have Ashley. You lot willfully won't accept this. You know it, but you're all in complete denial. I don't get it. So if he gets stuff wrong there's no point in criticising him because Ashley? What fucking bizarre logic.
  2. The problem is that Ashley sees it the exact opposite way. His priority is to have a patsy, the football is secondary. That will apply to his replacement too. I know, that shouldn't absolve Pardew from criticism though.
  3. Second most cultured library of soccer in the world imo. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/04/27/article-2136234-12C8B569000005DC-403_964x548.jpg Are those miniatures next to his football boots?
  4. I think most people would be happy with a manager who wasn't shit. The fact he's a patsy is secondary really, however the way some people try to paint him as this poor downtrodden sod who would've already been on the first road out of here if he wasn't a selfless masochist gets on people's tits.
  5. What was shady about how he got the job? He was lined up ahead of Hughton going. It happens all the time. I think how he handles the shit sandwich the club feeds him is remarkable if I'm honest and while Ashley is here it's good to have someone willing to put the club & stability before his own pride. Protects his players and the club more than ANYONE else in the whole organisation bothers to. It must boil his piss every day when he goes in and some bell end has had another turd in his bait box and he has to go out with a smile on his face and do whatever damage limitation he can, fully aware that anyone who pays any attention can see the lies on top of lies exposing the lack of professionalism across the board. It's bad enough that he has to excuse his own crushing failures as a manger without having to cover the arses of those above him too. The contract was signed well in advance of Hughton's sacking wasn't it? It spent a rather large amount of time locked in a drawer simply because they couldn't get rid of CH so soon after the 5-1. That's pretty shady. Pardew's doesn't strike me as a selfless bloke. Whatever he puts up with he does so for himself, not because the club comes first. I'm sure he's fucked off at the walking PR catastrophe that runs the club but he's got a job for the next decade if he keeps his head down. That's all that matters.
  6. Pardew's hardly the innocent party in all of this. He got the job in very shady circumstances and he knows he's onto a good thing. He'll do what he needs to to make sure he's gainfully employed for the next 7 years. This is the best job he'll ever had. If he won't walk when Joe Kinnear is dumped on him then there's no chance he'd rock the boat over small matters of principle. Spineless.
  7. Brian Aitken ‏@brianjnled 5m Pardew wrong @lee_ryder. Ban letter says "we do not require a reply to this letter, our position on this issue is not up for negotiation." Getting your facts wrong in a press conference and making Uncle Mike look silly? That's a paddlin' http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/hFgR0m-9FmM/hqdefault.jpg
  8. This is the quote I've seen - "Newcastle United fans take to the streets to protest about club's 'lack of ambition' Angry Newcastle United fans took to the streets this morning to protest about the club's lack of ambition Hundreds of Newcastle United fans took to the streets this morning to protest about the club's lack of ambition ahead of the Newcastle United v Liverpool match . The march organised by Time 4 Change supporters' group was designed to reflect Newcastle United supporters' anger at the club regime." Now considering the papers had built this up as a test of fans' opinion, and only 400 turned up, I don't think it's fair reporting. Others may differ. Nobody expects the papers to report that the whole thing was a bit of a non-event. That's not a great story. The press will always egg things up and the club should either just take it philosophically or make their protest without resorting to an outright ban. But this pompous stuff from Douglas leaves me cold. When you get down to it and focus on the issue at the core of the dispute, they have not behaved well themselves. I don't have any idea what your problem is. I've went through that line by line and there is nothing that anyone could genuinely take issue with. It's a fair report, it's a balanced report and in the context of how much content NCJ Media produce about NUFC it's hardly OTT.
  9. I would attend also, I think the biggest issue is getting the majority of our support out in protest or even a good 5-10k of them, doesn't need anywhere near the 50k mark but needs to be substantial to make any difference. 10k would make them think, that's over £250k per game, although with most having season tickets you would be looking to attack league cup games (No more this season after tomorrow) or targeting next season. A massive non-renewal of season tickets in feb would make them s*** themselves. I would be more than happy to turn up for a game and not go in. That would probably be best thing. People have to get over the "but don't want to hurt the team" thing because otherwise nothing will happen. Yep. Anyway, having a manager who can't teach this team how to score from a fucking corner is much more damaging than a protest.
  10. I'd support and attend any protest simply because they get under Ashley's skin. Getting him to fuck off would be nice, but it's not likely to happen any time soon. Plus there's not really much he can do out of spite that wont have an impact on him too. He's already renamed the ground, plastered it in Sports Direct signage, reappointed Joe Kinnear and failed to invest in the team when it really matters. What other stunts can he pull?
  11. To be fair today's front cover kind of dispels the myth they've been toadies for the club, particularly over the past 6 to 12 months.
  12. Something spiteful like changing the club colours to blue and red perhaps? I'm sure he'd love to, although all that cash Sports Direct make through shirt sales would quickly dry up.
  13. Likewise. Least I can do to support them if they're going to start banging the anti-Ashley drum.
  14. Thomas Tuchel and his side-parting. Or Temuri.
  15. The petty squabbling that takes place among our fans really gets on my tit ends, especially since there's broad consensus when it comes to Ashley. Far too many egos and too many vested interests.
  16. same issue remains now as it did then the lack of a buyer. Like I said earlier, I'd be quite happy just to upset the fucker.
  17. When you pair this with the banning and Pardew's words on GoS a few weeks ago he comes across as a bloke with incredibly thin skin.
  18. The fact they've published the letter etc. suggests they're up for the fight.
  19. It had a reaction but if we think it'll make this cunt go, it simply wont. He can have all the tantrums in the world, the one we need just isn't going to happen unless someone has £200-250m lying around. I'd settle for just making the fat fucker seethe to be honest. I'd march every bloody weekend if I knew it annoyed the prick.
  20. Saylor touch and go. Get the feeling we won't rush Colo, but if Saylor doesn't make it then he'll get dropped in.
  21. I'm surprised people thought it was real I know the lad who wrote it. Massive WUM.
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