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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. You f***ing what? Are we talking about the same flare throwing, bus bricking, pitch invading, coin chucking, keeper punching rabid apes? Talk about selective memory. They're quick to mention the horse puncher and the way the Bigg Market was smashed up after the FA Cup final but can they fuck remember the carnage they caused in their own city centre after we humped them 4-1. I'm just glad that every pitch incursion that occurs whenever they score in a home derby has been taped by Sky's cameras otherwise they'd have Ministry of Truthed that as well. Both sets of supporters have their wankers and neither really cover themselves in glory come derby day but at least there's a recognition from our lot when our doylums are caught doing the idiotic. They move heaven and earth to either justify or ignore anything their lot do wrong (which considering the near constant infighting being a Sunderland fan seems to entail is bizarre in itself). I remember some of the speculative shite that was spouted when Darren Bent's mother was abused, which ranged from the complaint being completely false to her hearing but not actually being subject to a light-hearted racist joke. Of course the truth was much grimmer. I suppose it comes back to the classy club thing, which is essentially part of a wider inferiority complex. They need to better us in any and every way possible and if that means bending the truth then that's fine. Why? "Well, because Sky Sports say that there are 55,000 Mags in St James' Park every week when the stadium actually only holds 52,000 and they don't even play at home every week it's usually every two weeks and sometimes they don't even sell all their tickets and even when they do they're cheap but maybe not as cheap as our free ones but we can give away free ones because the dirty jawdees once gave tickets to recovering drug addicts as part of a community initiative which is much worse than giving them away to school kids and Chinese university students and anyway the scum punch horses and horses are much bigger animals than the dogs we kicked at Central Station and anyway that wasn't our fans that was loads of Maggy bastards who conspired to make us look bad with Northumbria Police and the Magedia which is why we're always last on Look North because Dawn Thewlis, Tim Healy and Ant & Dec hate us 9-1 ftm marra". Or something like that anyway.
  2. Ticket schemes can be clever marketing and free tickets to worthy causes commendable, but they just smack of desperation, almost appearing to try and foist tickets on often unwilling recipients. give all the free tickets away you like, but don't wear the attendance like fucking badge of honour if you're doing it That's essentially the crux of the matter. I applaud any club that makes it easier and cheaper for fans to attend games, but you can't harp on about great support if you're giving away tickets.
  3. "If Cattermole hadn’t been wrongly sent off, Dossena may not have behaved as he did and we may have gone on to win the game." Wrongly!? Glad to know it's the referee's fault Dossena tried to break some poor cunts leg.
  4. Conspiracy marra http://www.sunderlandecho.com/sport/football/fan-s-view-is-there-a-conspiracy-against-sunderland-this-season-1-6289770
  5. Aye, we had some sort of written agreement that we'd sign Weah and they instead sold him to Milan for more cash. We threatened legal action and the result was a knock down deal for Daveed.
  6. FAO the haterz http://i.imgur.com/W1b6ACH.jpg Big Shola is watching you.
  7. If I was as bad at my job as Phil Dowd is at his I wouldn't fucking have one. Useless cunt.
  8. Apart from this one, where he was neither offside and his finishing was actually quite good How the f*** can this incident be used as a stick to beat Cisse with? 0 Premier League Goals in 18 matches seems to be enough a reason to be angered by him. By all means be angered by him but by this particular incident? He was onside. He made the move at exactly the correct time. The linesman was the one who got it wrong. On a related note the phrase "Cisse doesn't understand the offside rule" and variations thereof will drive to me a Falling Down style breakdown. Papiss Cisse is a professional footballer, I'm sure he is very much aware of the offside rule. The problem is, quite clearly, he's just suited to our style of football and he's devoid of any confidence.
  9. Apart from this one, where he was neither offside and his finishing was actually quite good How the fuck can this incident be used as a stick to beat Cisse with?
  10. He was onside. The linesman got it wrong.
  11. I'm pretty impressed at the ability of our fans to criticise one of our players for a shit decision by the official.
  12. I'm very much a believer that these things even themselves out. It's hard to have too much in the way of sympathy after Larsson's tackle went unpunished against Manchester City too.
  13. There's a cunt next to me who does that. I'm not a violent man, but I will kill him. FYI I love Iron Mike Williamson. Loved his dart down the wing. What a man.
  14. Coloccini is a world class defender. Anyone who says that him leaving is GOOD for NUFC is an absolute... fucking... SPASTIC! k thnx gdby lol x
  15. It's pretty difficult to give too much of a shit about this when we know San Lorenzo can't afford to pay anything like what we'd expect and he's never going to kick up enough of a fuss to make life really uncomfortable.
  16. I need a Nigeria shirt with Shola - 23 on the back as a matter of urgency.
  17. http://i3.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article1733608.ece/ALTERNATES/s98/john-gibson-1733608.jpg I thought Max Walls was deed.
  18. The Strawberry is a lovely pub when it's not a matchday. Wouldn't be in a hurry to step foot in there before or after a match mind, I like being able to breathe.
  19. I don't get these constant criticisms of those taking offense tbh. Are they supposed to apply some kind of social triage to these situations and only yell about the big ones that you tell them they can care about and ignore everything else? Does reading that sentence help highlight the ludicrous nature of your criticism? That some ills are worse than others doesn't mean anyone has to keep quiet about the small ones and only shout about the large ones. Indeed it's the accumulation of these small social ills that can give rise to larger ones and they are every bit as much worth calling out when they happen. The problem about "zero tolerance" policies towards racism, is that it also makes it impossible to objectively discuss racism and if anything, adds that bit of temptation to simply be racist for the sake of being racist. The problem isn't about keeping quiet about the "small ills", the problem is that we're calling it an ill at all when there was no malicious intent whatsoever. No it doesn't. That's an inane, baseless talking point thrown out to derail conversation. I'm at a loss for words as to why people like you and unbelievable want to redefine the discussion of racism to "anything short of literal genocide isn't racism, and if you discuss it you're actually harming the anti-racist movement." You want to talk about making discussion impossible? Look in the mirror. How in the world did you read anything I wrote that way? I'm saying that painting people who are clearly non-malicious with the same brush as those who are, is completely and utterly ludicrous. Absolutely no one is doing that. Absolutely everyone is saying that Taylor is thick, not racist.
  20. What? You know what I mean. I'm battling with a f***ing vicious cold here, I'm not at my most eloquent. I don't. Seriously, how can what Taylor did (as dumb as it is) be construed in any way, shape or form as "chastising people for the colour of their skin"? He was taking the piss. Chastising was the wrong word.
  21. What? You know what I mean. I'm battling with a fucking vicious cold here, I'm not at my most eloquent.
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