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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Offensiveness is a subjective thing and therefore it is ridiculous to try and quantify how offensive something can legitimately be. I didn't find it offensive (I thought the picture with the blacked out face was borderline IMO) but others might and I can certainly understand why. Would I wag my finger and tell them they're daft to be offended? Not in this instance. The worst thing about this entire incident is that it has allowed insufferable cunts to bang on about "PC gone mad", because pointing out that publicly chastising people for the colour of their skin is a bit fucking dim is the height of political correctness. For that alone I hope he gets a big bloody fine and/or a ban.
  2. Great. A 6-8 match ban incoming. http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/computer-close-hulk.gif Fantastic news tbh.
  3. I've fascinated by Taylor's to be fair. It looks like he's bathed in a vat of Sunny Delight.
  4. It is and i think it's nothing to worry about imo but in this climate, the PC brigade go mental. That shit has been allowed to run riot in the last few years. Over sensitive self appointed policemen. Shame but that's the reality of the today. Fuck off man bimpy I seriously doubt there was any malice on Taylor's part but I wouldn't say "oh, it's nothing to worry about". Okay, it was probably a private joke but on a public forum, without any context it is simply Steven Taylor taking the piss out of black people. And some of our fans were fucking patting him on the back with their inane "omg Stevie #lad epic #banter" type responses, which does nowt for our reputation either. He really needs to engage his brain (if he has one). Erm that's what i said like. I think it's nothing to worry about. But you simply cant do that these days because of over reactions to things like that. Your right it has to be in context. I played for a football team that was over 50% Zimbabwean, we turned up for a game on a very hot day and our kit clashed with the oppos. One of our team said we could play skins. I said we cant as we would be in different kits.......just a joke but you could imagine someone nowadays saying it was racist.......unfortunately while it's obviously right to stop racism, it has gone too far the other way. I disagree. People still get racially abused, people still get beaten up and even killed because of their skin colour. You said it's nowt to worry about because people are too PC, I'm saying the complete opposite. It is something to worry about and being an absolute dolt is nee excuse. I'm looking at this in two ways. Point 1. Is Saylor racist and means it in a racist way..........no imo. Point 2. He meant it as a joke and it's backfired because he was too thick to see why, and he's apologised as i've just seen. Now what i detest is the self appointed spokesman who is outraged on behalf of people who aren't actually outraged as they understand point 2. When i said it's nothing to worry about, that is exactly what i meant, it'll be all over in a day or two, hence nothing to worry about it. Problem is you've made that spokesperson up. No one is offended on the behalf of anyone else, they're either offended or they're not.
  5. Two black blokes, a bloke that he's coloured in leaving only the lips and eyes(!) and Vurnon.
  6. It is and i think it's nothing to worry about imo but in this climate, the PC brigade go mental. That shit has been allowed to run riot in the last few years. Over sensitive self appointed policemen. Shame but that's the reality of the today. Fuck off man bimpy I seriously doubt there was any malice on Taylor's part but I wouldn't say "oh, it's nothing to worry about". Okay, it was probably a private joke but on a public forum, without any context it is simply Steven Taylor taking the piss out of black people. And some of our fans were fucking patting him on the back with their inane "omg Stevie #lad epic #banter" type responses, which does nowt for our reputation either. He really needs to engage his brain (if he has one). Erm that's what i said like. I think it's nothing to worry about. But you simply cant do that these days because of over reactions to things like that. Your right it has to be in context. I played for a football team that was over 50% Zimbabwean, we turned up for a game on a very hot day and our kit clashed with the oppos. One of our team said we could play skins. I said we cant as we would be in different kits.......just a joke but you could imagine someone nowadays saying it was racist.......unfortunately while it's obviously right to stop racism, it has gone too far the other way. I disagree. People still get racially abused, people still get beaten up and even killed because of their skin colour. You said it's nowt to worry about because people are too PC, I'm saying the complete opposite. It is something to worry about and being an absolute dolt is nee excuse.
  7. It is and i think it's nothing to worry about imo but in this climate, the PC brigade go mental. That shit has been allowed to run riot in the last few years. Over sensitive self appointed policemen. Shame but that's the reality of the today. Fuck off man bimpy I seriously doubt there was any malice on Taylor's part but I wouldn't say "oh, it's nothing to worry about". Okay, it was probably a private joke but on a public forum, without any context it is simply Steven Taylor taking the piss out of black people. And some of our fans were fucking patting him on the back with their inane "omg Stevie #lad epic #banter" type responses, which does nowt for our reputation either. He really needs to engage his brain (if he has one).
  8. Three 'funny' racist pictures of black people...and Vurnon Anita.
  9. What a fucking tail end https://twitter.com/27StevenTaylor/status/401320823405150208
  10. I remember a most blatant penalty for us that day. And Williamson taking Fellani's elbow to the head. Can we link to gifs of the incident on here or not?
  11. Andre Marriner is an absolute cumsplat of a referee. Every time I see him he gets something wrong. He was also responsible for one of the worst refereeing performances I've ever seen at Goodison Park when HBA made his full debut. We won 1-0, but we wouldn't have if that prick had his way.
  12. Ah reet. I chatted at length to the bloke who took all those photographs and got his card. He got some cracking shots, mainly of that loon (who was there with his future son-in-law).
  13. I remember the police being very insistent in the build up about their being no open bottles in the square during the match. Fortunately they didn't say a fucking thing about cans. Finally found out the answer to how many tins of Jupiler I can carry about my person (answer - not as much as I would like but more than I thought my pockets would hold). I knew a Belgian lass from uni who lived outside of Bruges. Met up with her on the day of the match. I don't think she's forgiven me.
  14. There are loads but in the past two weeks I've ended up flat on the floor next to my seat when we scored at Sunderland and on Saturday I did my back trying to lift the lad next to me when Remy made it 2-0. I get quite touchy feely when I'm celebrating. The young lass that sits next to me gave her season ticket to her Dad for the Fulham match and I more or less sexually assaulted him when HBA scored. I don't think he'll be back...
  15. That's essentially what makes this such a huge error of judgement. Local newspapers may be on their arse but the Chronicle is still the go-to rag for NUFC news for most supporters. When the shit hits the fan they usually leak a transfer story to Mark Douglas, or put Lee Ryder in a room with Steven Taylor for an afternoon. Now NCJ are free to rake as much muck as they like.
  16. Thing is that's the type of ball he'd have hit first time 12 months ago. Poor sod's devoid of confidence.
  17. I can't be the only one who noticed that since he said he was going to start running into the box a bit more he's completely stopped doing it?
  18. Debuchy didn't look fatigued mind, and he's played every game this season. Yer talking baaalls Alan.
  19. Yep. Eloquent, funny and hits the nail on the head every single time.
  20. So Ashley would be upset to read praise about one of the club's employees? I assume it is someone who has since left.
  21. The carry on at St Peters on the way back is ridiculous. Every year it happens and every year people get crushed. Daft.
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