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Everything posted by DubblyDubblyDubbly

  1. Job easiest world the in. Wan*ers.. 22 Sylvain Marveaux MID French
  2. I'll never get over Bellend.... 100% tw*t, but gave his all for us and a real game-changer. Suarez without the teeth/diving/cheating/racism.
  3. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151159125591243&set=vb.511821242&type=2&theater sign him up
  4. Absolutely, this was a massive part of our game in the second half. Was good to see. Wigan didn't press the midfield at all really so Anita had so much time. Would want to see that work against Fulham before i get my hopes up. I agree, it was just refreshing to see us actually exploit their weaknesses by little tactics like this one. We can't always play against 10 men unfortunately.
  5. We have sh*t-hot attackers We have sh*t defenders You can't polish a turd. Bring back Keegan's philosophy.. attack attack attack
  6. "Simpson dawdling towards the ball waiting for it to arrive at his feet" We're utter dogsh*t with no confidence. Can't beat a man, can't cross, can't win a second ball.
  7. Seems losing to Southampton cost Sparky his job.. wonder if history can repeat itself.
  8. http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/429533/81274715.JPG Abramovich http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mHk7JeDVDJ0/T7pG6qP76WI/AAAAAAAAAig/yUAiO8WiZh4/s1600/Abramovich.jpg A Baboons Ar*e
  9. http://www.overgate.co.uk/sites/default/files/imagecache/listing-thumb/images/news-events-offers/Flavia.jpg Suarez http://www.liverpoolsite.com/media/reportero/110/0/7/0/2/n_20110120074702_statistics_on_luis_suarez.jpg Flavia
  10. He has the trickery to pay the electricity Works in Brissle/Zummerset 'cos they pronounce it electrickery my luvvers
  11. O'Shite nutmegged ... twice in 2 mins.... 2 goals
  12. At least Liverpool is a proper city. vs a Shitty ( note the capital.. meaning proper)
  13. It was the c***ing linesman saying "RED RED RED". The ref was in no position to overrule him.
  14. Well would you believe it.. the odious little c*** obviously dislikes the other odious little c***. "Not having that at all. [Coloccini] didn't touch him and to say there was intent is laughable. Let me tell you, he kicks a moving ball a thousand times a day and doesn't miss it once. If he wanted to connect with a standing leg then he wouldn't have missed. He pulls out at the last minute and doesn't touch him. Not having that's a red at all."
  15. Shame Colo missed.... same consequences for us unfortunately.
  16. Full video can be seen on the beeb site here. Straight from the urinals I hope
  17. Hi, I'm an idiot... He's been identified... http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/404584_10151269985913489_1895197226_n.jpg Quality photoshop.. I didn't recognise him first look
  18. It's considered banter between peeps of the same colour ... being a Geordie I've given and received plenty from shee.. sorry Welsh and pig fu..... sorry Scots.... EDITED.. missed a bit.. no offence taken by either party. The modern racism seems to specifically involve colour. It's not racism.. it's colourism
  19. Ker-Ching... Paddy Power free bet... 20 on the bindippers to lose... returned 110
  20. Your list assumes Jonas is creative. I beg to differ. He's been pants this season.Works ok with an adventurous LB, but he's not being played that way.
  21. :lol: Been drinking have we ? No Ba > no goals > no 3 points.
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