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Everything posted by James

  1. James

    Kieran Trippier

    I’m sure he would have been able to run off that knock if we weren’t winning 3-1 at 90 mins
  2. You’re not tackling Bruno no no no you’re not tackling BRUNoooo
  3. Many senior positions outside of football use gardening leave as a way of detaching people from trade secrets, clients, contacts etc it is hardly an uncommon thing. when I left my last job they thought about putting me in gardening leave for three months but decided against it as I was going to a client and not a competitor.
  4. Yep we’ve seen in the news for weeks now the importance of following your own rules. yes these are boring mundane details to many but it is important that people like geordie2302 are checking these details and trying to hold people to account. if people didn’t do this, society would collapse
  5. Hello welcome. we don’t like having too many threads on here and there are two threads already that discuss this so I’m sure one of the mods will kindly be moving it soon. please check content is not already covered before starting new threads.
  6. 8. January market only has limited players available, especially up front - what clubs are going to sell their goal scorers / creators? Nonetheless we were the highest spenders in Europe. we didn’t spend too much on mediocre players like Everton did a few years ago and look what has happened to them since. first time this season I’ve felt we have a chance of staying up but it’s going to be very close.
  7. James

    Dele Alli

    As I understand things, Everton have spent a good chunk of next year’s FFP allocation on a player who I’m not sure is up for it any more. they might get a few good games out of him, but a nosedive is coming, be it this year or next
  8. James

    Jamal Lewis

    Ritchie can play multiple positions and was credited with get his team mates riled up to get out of the bad patch last year
  9. Entering Sibierski territory now
  10. Sounds like he is turning us down for the right reasons
  11. On the medical, I read a couple of years ago that clubs can opt for shorter, less thorough medical if they want, or a player might go for a pre-medical at an independent clinic a few days in advance, so the medical would just be reading the clinic’s report and double checking anything they want to look at more closely. so there will be plenty of time.
  12. I’ve heard someone compare him to Henry, and another to Trezeguet
  13. Get the thread title changed
  14. I’m hearing the surprise player is Dan Gosling
  15. If I’m Shelvey and I’m earning £4m a year (so £2m+ after tax) I don’t give a fuck what anyone else is earning. I’m fucking loaded.
  16. James

    Diego Carlos

    I think he was taking the mick out of all those people that keep saying we aren’t doing our best
  17. Channel 4 did a piece on him a few years ago. None of the money is his they claimed - he was just a puppet - and now it seems the puppetmaster has lost interest.
  18. It’s really hard because clubs will hold us ransom right down to deadline day to maximise the price - and at the same time we have to consider FFP - spend to much on ‘just get by’ players and maybe even get relegated anyway is quite damaging to this regard.
  19. You know what, I’d rather support Norwich or Fulham than Everton. at least with either of those you are guaranteed a season or two of attacking, winning football, and then any win in the Premier League is joyful - then one bad season just leads to a reset back to square one with more attacking and winning football. whereas Everton just exist. Win, lose, draw, every game they have played since 1996 has been meaningless.
  20. Think about it. Arsenal offer PL football. Juventus offer black and white stripes. We offer both.
  21. which is why they will wait and it is why we’ve done no regular business other than Trippier who had a gentleman’s agreement with Atletico and Wood who has a relegation release clause.
  22. Regardless, with exception of possibly Lingard, lack of fixtures means we can revert to the age old transfer window preference of all clubs and agents to run things right to the wire.
  23. We aren’t allowed Donny and Lingard anyway unless we work out a permanent deal for the latter.
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